Source: Surging News

Author: Fang Yuan

"Resolutely did not get out of the car due to the dispute over the online car, and the two passengers were detained for 7 days."It should be said that the lesson of this incident is profound, and the police's handling also transmits a clear orientation: no to say "who has no reason and who is reasonable".

This is not complicated.Two passengers in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, a 25 -year -old woman, and a 54 -year -old man. They have opinions on the service of online car drivers, put forward their own demands, and ask for corresponding treatment.This mood can be understood, but there are demands that should be reflected and complained through reasonable channels. Because things are consumer disputes, the police from the beginning of the police and solve the persuasion by mediation, which is reasonable and legal.

Unfortunately, the two passengers did not listen to the police's persuasion, but they did not get out of the car. The driver had to drive the car back to the community where he lived.The next day, the driver found that the two were still in the car and called the police again.During the period, the two still did not listen to the police's persuasion and refused to get out of the car until they were summoned by the police to the police station.

Police are detained in accordance with the law of public security management penalties, and the two passengers are administrative detention for 7 days.Occupy the vehicle for a long time due to disputes, the use of the vehicle, causing the owner's economic losses. If it is social harmful, it is not a problem with punishment for public security.At the same time, the relevant provisions of the Civil Code can also prove the legitimacy of administrative punishment.

Sure enough, the hot search of this incident will always become cold, but the lesson should not be forgotten immediately.The two who rely on the car are the relationship between father and daughter.Why did none of the two calmly at that time, especially when the police persuaded or after the police left, they left the online car to seek other ways to resolve the dispute?It is conceivable that as long as one person "takes one step", he will not insist on relying on the car for more than 20 hours, and will not be detained by administration.

"Do not listen to the police persuasion", it should be touched to the parties and bystanders.In reality, some people are easy to have a tendon when they are in trouble, and they can't listen to persuasion.In some disputes, the "consistency" of the collective emotions of the parties has led to the uncontrollable development of contradictions, and it is not uncommon to bring serious consequences.It can be seen that it is necessary to obey the police's persuasion, and it also requires the control of the party's emotional impulse to be controlled.

Police persuade civil disputes, which can be deterrent to further intensification of disputes.However, in some disputes, the parties are "reasonable", ignoring the existence of the administrative forces that can directly restrain their behavior, and do not listen to the police's persuasion, causing many cases that hope to persuade the success.What's more, many disputes are often caused by the unreasonable troubles of one party. If it is not stopped, it may promote the bad atmosphere of "who has trouble".

"Listening to the police persuasion" is the legal obligation of citizens.Of course, this is also a test of the police's law enforcement capabilities.The purpose of persuasion is to resolve contradictions, not "harmonious mud", not without principles.The application of persuasion is that the dispute has not yet reached the stage of compulsory, which can effectively prevent the continued upgrade of disputes in a timely manner, which is of great significance for coordinating the relationship between social and economic interests.In other words, the police more proactively persuaded the resolution to resolve disputes. It is not only due to the own attributes of the public security organs, but also the urgent demand for public security organs for public security organs.

persuasion is also a means or measure of law enforcement.If the parties stubbornly do not obey the police's persuasion, continue to do my best, and even deliberately intensify contradictions, they will change the qualitative change, and eventually they may be punished by law.