Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network

Author: Zhao Chunshan

The Kuomintang recruited Hou Youyi, the mayor of New Taipei, and Ke Wenzhe, Chairman of the People's Party, announced the election. In addition to the DPP Chairman of the DPP, Lai Qingde, which competed on behalf of the top three protagonists of Taiwan in 2024.mesa.

Some people think that this election is "the battle between war and peace", and some people describe it as "the choice of democracy and authoritarianism";place".Unless the accidental conflict between the two sides of the strait is on fire; otherwise, the public can cast the most important votes that may determine the future of Taiwan in the "Taiwan Strait without war."

First of all, although the mainland policy is a public policy that affects Taiwan's survival and development, I do not expect that this issue will be sparked in the election campaign.Hou Youyi opposed the position of "one country, two systems" and "Taiwan independence". It seems that Ma Ying -jeou's "replica" of "uniform, unique, and not martial arts"; the difference is that Hou avoids the consensus of 1992, making his opponents difficult to target.The New York Times attributed Hou Youyi as a "gentle school", thinking that he tried to take the middle route on the issue of cross -strait relations.

Lai Qingde's "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker" caused controversy, and even overseas media had "suspicion" reports.Lai Qingde has a self -knowledge, and uses Cai Yingwen's "mutual affiliation theory" as a amulet to cover up his "Taiwan independence" true face.Although the "basic doctrine" of the Green Camp is not satisfied, it is acceptable.

Ke Wenzhe's mainland policy is to emphasize the "five mutual" of "mutual understanding, understanding, mutual respect, mutual cooperation, and understanding of each other" to communicate with the other side.I think the "family on both sides of the strait", the most marginal effect, allows him to treat the other side only with courtesy and "reaching out and not laughing."

Secondly, cross -strait relations still maintain a state of "unable to read". Whether it can be re -negotiated after the selection depends on the commemorative "Gu Wang talks" held in Shanghai in Shanghai.The anniversary academic seminar said, "Both sides have the desire and sincerity of solving problems."Therefore, the current focus of the mainland government's work on Taiwan is the speech of Wang Huning, chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of the CPPCC National Committee this year.Wang Huning emphasized that the mainland government should "conduct in -depth research" and "gradually resume and expand cross -strait exchanges."

Finally, due to the "beautiful" horse of the DPP government, the United States has played the role of "player and referee" in cross -strait relations.At this time, the United States was unwilling to show her cards with Beijing, hoping to control divergence through continuous dialogue.

After the "balloon incident", China and the United States have launched a series of diplomatic dialogue.Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Mainland Government and the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, and the national security adviser Sha Liewen's 8 -hour talk in Vienna, the "Taiwan issue" must be one of the key points.It seems that the two parties still keep their bottom lines and have no signs of concessions; but in order to avoid the continued deterioration of Sino -US relations, the two sides agreed to maintain this communication channel.

This shows that the cross -strait policies of the mainland and the United States before election in Taiwan are biased towards "maintaining the status quo".As for whether this dynamic status is just the tranquility before the storm, it depends on the results of the Taiwan election next year and the development trend of Sino -US relations.

(the author is an honorary professor of the China Institute of China Tamkang University)