In February this year, the Congress passed the amendment of the bill, and it was scheduled to launch the provisions of the cost of levy in supermarkets in June.In fact, the Chinese people see the wisdom of the plastic bag.A online survey in April 2021 found that only 38%of the respondents were willing to pay for one -time plastic bags, and the rest of the other more than 60%(62%) hoped to continue to take plastic bags for free in the supermarket.But now that this policy has been determined, I think I might as well talk about the world's response to the ideology.

The natural environment is closely related to the survival of human beings. From the environmental protection movement in 1970, it can be said that environmental protection is the common mission of every earth people.Therefore, the improvement of environmental awareness is understandable to gradually become ideological.Although more than 50 years have passed, according to the reason, the development of science and technology is changing, and there should be a better way to deal with plastic treatment.In fact, scientists have developed Pyrolysis Oil, and Singapore's waste incineration furnace has also possessed related processing capabilities.During the debate of Congress in March 2020, Dr. Xu Lianxian, the Minister of Public Administration of the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Communications, once stated that Singapore's waste incineration plant has environmental protection capabilities, and can incinerate plastic bags instead of directly landfill, and then develop new oils to develop new oilInnovation industry (Newoil, cracking diesel).

However, a number of Congress members demanded that the government considers the cost of levy plastic bags, and believes that the charging fee will make the use rate of plastic bags significantly decreased, and environmental protection benefits will be achieved.Therefore, as soon as the Plastic bag charging bill was launched, it was basically the water.Who dare to adventure to put forward different views and oppose environmental protection?As for whether our waste incineration plant is still capable of incineration to deal with plastic bags, I think it is time to consider it.

The survey data is real, but how to apply data is an art.Therefore, I hope to make more comprehensive analysis with the Chinese people with actual data and discussions:

1. According to the 2019 information, "Chinese people use a total of 820 million in 2018, or 146 plastic bags per person per year."Compared with the average of about 360 plastic bags ( per person in the United States, is it more environmentally friendly?

2. I tried to check the information but could not know that if plastic bag charges were implemented, the key performance indicator of the Environment Bureau was to reduce the usage rate?

Three, according to another international survey, the cost of plastic bags will cause the sales volume of garbage bags to increase by 110%.Will we increase the abuse of overall plastic bags in this regard?

Fourth, each plastic bag weighs about 5 grams, and the Chinese people actually consume about 0.73 kg of plastic bags.The plastic waste produced by plastic bags is about 4,100 metric tons.Compared with nearly 1 million metric tons of plastic garbage (0.41%of the total of plastic bags) generated in 2022, the government implements plastic bag fees, will it it itch for boots?

Five, although there is no clear data, I think that the plastic bags are used as a trash bag at home twice, accounting for the majority.The question is, is the use of plastic bags twice, is it renewal and environmental protection?How many times do plastic bags need to be used to be environmentally friendly?What's more, for low -income people, free plastic bags can actually play better environmental protection, because they will cherish and use it to discard the residual soup and garbage.

6. Chinese people who have experienced online shopping experience will inevitably have the experience of disassembling layers of stacked plastic packaging membranes.To exaggerate, Singapore, as an important logistics hub in the world, is a link that the plastic garbage derived from foreign economic and trade development is more concerned about the government and environmentalists?

Seven, I remember that in the past, the Environment Bureau launched a water -saving movement and encouraged hawkers to use disposable tableware.Once upon a time, we now switch to ideology and enter the gray area of both water saving and use.Interestingly, a plastic bag weighs 5 grams, which weighs about 5 to 6 grams each.On the one hand, we use charges to combat plastic bags, and on the other hand, we are allowed to encourage plastic tableware in food meals, such as packaging with about 30 grams of plastic boxes.Once a meal produces at least 50 grams of plastic garbage, how can we more effectively suppress plastic garbage?

8. During the crown disease epidemic, the use of plastic tableware is intensified.Although hawkers increase their fees, for most Chinese people, it is convenient for cost.Therefore, I agree with the feedback from the Chinese people who oppose the charging of plastic bags. The charges will only suffer low -income groups, because the high income people will not change their lifestyle for a few cents.

Nine. What is interesting is that when Singaporeans travel to Taiwan and see the strange scenes of local people chasing garbage trucks, they feel enjoyable and think that this is the spirit of environmental protection.However, once you ask us, if we also introduce this policy, the hypocritical will have a scalp to say support, and the more frank one will agree that this is a waste of social resources.Imagine how much a lot of people chasing the garbage truck every day.If you can't catch up, the smelly smell of garbage will have to stay at home for a few days.

When we revisit the above topics, do we feel that the environmental environmental consciousness has been impressed, has it affected everyone's life?

Although the legislative charges meet the "habit" of the Chinese people, it is a good medicine to solve all difficulty diseases, but I think that the charges of plastic bags affect people's livelihood. It is a righteous measure for ideology for ideology.Yes, for environmental protection, we should have sacrificed, but we should not cure the standards and do not cure the root causes, and act according to ideology.We should not comprehensively prohibit the use of plastics (but this will affect the country's economy and trade), or we will focus on the development of science and technology to solve the problem of plastic waste.

Li Guangyao, the founding Prime Minister, said: "We are pragmatic. Don't we insist on any ideology. Is it effective? Let's try it, if it is really effective, okay, let's continue. If it can't afford it.Function, throw it away, try another. We are not obsessed with any ideology. "

The author is a tourism consultant