Source: United Daily

Author: Yan Zhensheng

Sudan can be said to be a typical example of humanities, geography, language, religion, and lifestyle during the colonial period. It is divided into a typical example of human -bound sequelae. The contradictions, conflicts, and war have never stopped after the founding of independence.A month ago, the two military forces of Sudan -Sudan government forces (SAF) and the Fast Solidaries (RSF) in order to incorporate the conflict of the literati government for the army.Civilian death and nearly 5,000 injured.The United Nations and other international organizations have repeatedly caused short -term ceasefires, but obviously, the two parties have not sincerely reached a peace agreement.

Sudan's earliest civil war conflict has occurred one year before independence. The southern black ethnic groups, which believe in Christianity and farming, are worried that the new government will require more autonomy for the new government will be a northern Muslim Arab Arab that requires more.This uneven division of political power and the discrimination encountered in racial and religious beliefs has contributed to the outbreak of the civil war.The second Sudan civil war broke out in 1983, causing one or two million civilians to die, which is the highest conflict in civil war in recent decades.In 2005, the two sides signed a comprehensive peace agreement in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, and South Sudan obtained six years of autonomy and could then choose to be independent through citizens voting. Islamic law no longer applies to South Sudan.In 2011, South Sudan became the latest independent country in Africa.

It is separated from the control of the North Sudan Arabs, and the independence of South Sudan has not brought peace and development.The contradictions between the two major African ethnic groups and Nurk people, which are also Christian faith, immediately emerged.When the two signed the peace agreement to share the regime, it has killed 400,000 people and 4 million people have fallen. Among them, 2.5 million people have entered a neighboring country, including Sudan.In a civil war in Sudan this time, many of them were forced to return to South Sudan, forming a humanitarian crisis.

On the other hand, before South Sudan was independent, a tragedy of racial extinction tragedy occurred in the Dharma area on the west of the Sudan at the beginning of this century.Most of the residents in the Dharma area are African -American who are farmers and conflicts with local nomadic Arabs to compete for water sources.Although both believe in Islam, the armed Arabian Cavalry Corps (Janjaweed) was acquiesced by the government, but attacked African descent, which is also Muslim, causing at least 300 % of Buddhist residents to die.The tragedy ended in the peacekeeping troops, but the conflict continued.Daga Molo, the RSF leader who launched the government forces this time, was the leader of Janjaweed.

The long -term strong man in Sudan has been very controversial since the military coup came to power in 1989, especially Dhar's racial extinction tragedy has caused him to be wanted by the International Criminal Court.At the end of 2018, the Sudan people went to the streets to fight. Four months later, the military fell to the people to fight against the people, forcing Balle to step down, and at the same time established the transition government of the co -governance of soldiers and literati.One and a half years later, SAF leader Bo Han was driven out of the government in the military coup and exodes great power.However, when he wanted to consolidate RSF, he was resisted by Dakage.

Sudan ’s conflict, contradictions, and war proves in our cognition in recent decades, there are many unrealistic political imaginations in our cognition., Freedom and democracy, do not know the differences and differences between race, religion, tribe, region, language, culture, etc., and even personal political ambitions will always be a factor that causes social turmoil., I haven't experienced a complete literati government, let alone democratization or party rotation.