Source: Taiwan Industrial and Commercial Times Society

"Political issues, solve the method of political methods", the US federal government's government bond limit controversy will eventually recognize that the political and financial consequences of breach of contract will be reached because of the all -in -laws and the consequences of the breach of contract."The boat to the bridge is naturally straight."The nightmare of US Treasury bonds represents the differences between the Democratic and Republican Party's major policies. However, at the moment when both parties enter the presidential primary election stage, the policy dispute itself is a moment.

First of all, the two parties will be "weaponized" for the upper limit of debt this time, not the first time, nor the last time.Since no political party can withstand the consequences of national debt defaults, the House of Representatives will use the "Limit-Restaurant-Growth" bill (Limit, Save, Growth Act) to increase the upper limit of debt (now 31.4 trillion dollars) by the "limit-撙 festival-growth" bill (now 31.4 trillion dollars) 1.5Zhaomei (Singapore of 2.01 MMS), in addition to the deadline for extending the upper limit of debt bonds until March 31 next year, the DPRK political parties still have major different opinions on two conditions.

One of them, the Republican Party claims to reduce an expenditure of US $ 4.8 trillion in the next 10 years, and the average annual federal government budget is reduced by $ 480 billion.For this point, if President Biden Biden insists on the budget of the Ministry of National Defense and the Department of Veterans, the reduction of the reduction of the disasters of the disaster that cannot be operated normally will be endangered.Second, the projects and ethnic groups that are prioritized, including: to stop 20,000 US dollars of students' loans of college colleges and universities last year; ending last year for renewable energy -related tax discounts;Actively look for work and move towards self -reliance.Regarding this, because President Biden had announced the re -election on April 25, once the concession was made, he agreed to reduce it, and it was similar to the major policy that he had proposed two years before and returned to the original point of nothing.Under the pressure of Treasury bonds on June 1, the administrative power of the White House (can deduct the Congress Act), which has the advantages of party negotiations.

Secondly, the Democratic Party of the "Government" and the Republican Party of the "Little Government" have political consciousness differences.The U.S. government bonds in this century. The proportion of government bonds in GDP is second only to Japan, mainly in the second term of Democratic Party Obama (2008-2016).From 2013 to 2016, the US GDP grew steadily from nearly 16.8 trillion dollars to $ 18.7 trillion, but Treasury bonds increased from $ 17.5 trillion to 19 trillion dollars.President Trump encountered a crown disease epidemic. In 2020, GDP expanded to $ 21 trillion, and national debt expanded to $ 22.5 trillion.special case.The problem is that since the president of Biden took office, the national debt in 2021 and 2022 increased at a high speed to 28 trillion and $ 31 trillion, which was the upper limit of the $ 31.4 trillion dollars.Zhaomei.

Finally, the result of the "weaponization" of the upper limit of debt may lead to temporary closure of relevant federal government agencies, which is bound to be a major policy of two parties.According to the data analysis of the Washington Post, 65 % of the Republican Republican members who have been adjusted or extended in the past 10 Republican Government have been voted in the past 10 times, and 74 % of the Senators of the same party are in favor.The members of the members were 24 %, and the senators of the same party were only 20 %.The two political parties are even more important for the major vagina for debt. In the age of the Democratic Presidential President, 86 % of the Democratic members and 98 % of the senators voted in favor of the upper limit of bonds; while the Republican Presidential Politics, the Democratic Parliament CouncilorThere are only 51 % of the members who vote for the increase in the upper limit of debt, and 58 % of the senators.

It is approved or opposed to whether to increase the upper limit of the government bonds. What is highlighted is whether the government party struggle, or after the rotation of the party, can the Political Policy continue.Looking back at the winter of 1995 to 1996, Democratic Party President Clinton had been closed twice during his tenure, while supplemented by four weeks of budget review.At that time, the Republican Congress greatly reduced the expenditure of medical subsidies and medical insurance for the elderly, and there were also income taxes in parallel, but it was later rejected by Clinton.During the term of President Obama of the Democratic Party in 2011, on the premise of preferred interest to repay interest, the rights and interests of social security and veterans were an important issue for political compromise between the two parties.

In October 2013, more than half of the Republican House of Representatives also closed the federal government agency to stop the continued implementation of "Obama Health Insurance", and finally returned without success.In January 2018, the federal government closed for three days, which was launched by President Trump to suspend President Obama in 2012 to protect the "Dream Chase Plan" for illegal immigrants (the reaches of the reaches under the age of 16)EssenceSo far this century, the longest closure of the federal government is Trump's 35 days in order to build the US -Mexico border fence in 2018 to practice the political opinion.

"Insufficient entry, high debt platforms, Yin eat food". At the moment when the epidemic is over and boosted the economy, after Biden determines the re -election of the election, the United States Democratic and Republican parties have taken one step back on the issue of the "upper limit of debt".The right track of legislation and the right of party competition, the largest number of political consensus is undoubtedly the common interests of the two parties, and it should also be predictable development.