The Voice of America Chinese Network posted a video of an interview, a "Chinese sister" who looks in more than 50 years old, fucking fluent Chinese on the US -Mexico border with other sneak rigids.Article 42 The bill before entering the United States was abolished.The video was circulated on the Internet, attracting very different comments.

Lao Hu said, when I turned on that video, the first emotion was sympathizing with the "big sister".After all, she rushed to cross the river in danger. If she was lost, her life would be gone.And she looks like stealing the United States alone, only a small bag of baggage, how should she live after going?At first glance, she seemed to see some situations that were worse than going out to the world to earn the back of the Chinese, especially those Chinese who were very poor in China in recent years.I don't know if this "big sister" will be picked out something else, but this is the first impression of my first impression.

▲ American Voice of America interview "Chinese sister Chinese sister."Screenshot of the video.

I also want to say that this "big sister" can no longer represent the image of overseas Chinese today. Before the epidemic, nearly 100 million people went abroad from mainland China each year. Most of them were legally abroad and entered all countries.Chinese tourists who went to the United States also had 2.9 million people in 2018, and the proportion of smuggling abroad has become very small.In the past, there were several counties in Fujian's famous "sneaky hometown". Now the problem of smuggling has been greatly alleviated in those places.

Where does this "big sister" come from, what life, and why she sneaks in the United States in such a decisive way to sneak in the United States in such a decisive way.Recently, a large number of smuggling passengers embraced from South America to the US -Mexico border and entered the United States. Some of them were Chinese in the middle.I think this is more about the illegal immigration tide of South America to the United States. No matter what national citizenship, they are from various countries in South America, reflecting the flow of illegal immigrants between South America and the United States. In addition, the Voice of the United States has recently been keen to report the Chinese in these immigrants, and strive to extend in the direction of political directions. The purpose is not simple. We Chinese must have a heart to report these reports of the VOA.

Immigration is generally flowing from regions with low economic developed levels to high areas. The more difficult the livelihood of developed countries, the stronger the motivation for some people to smuggle towards developed countries. Objectively speaking, after large -scale poverty alleviation in China and the continuous improvement of cities' treatment of migrant workers, the orgasm of the Chinese people's sneaks to developed countries must have passed.

Like this "big sister", with the courage and hard work in the video, if she is in China, she will definitely not be "unable to eat".I don't know if she went to South America when she was very young. If she re -made choices, she might have won a better life for herself in the land of China or through a legal channel. In fact, it has changed more than tens of millions of fate in China, but the American media will not report those stories.

China is very poor after all, and there are still some people with unsatisfactory life. Many people go abroad according to their imagination. We have a personalized choice."Lost China's face".Their existence is the corner of China's real reality.But it can't be said that they are the epitome of modern China, because they do not mean the mainstream of the Chinese people pursuing their dreams today. If anyone uses this "big sister" to ridicule China, which is in a strategic game with the United States, especially in the deserted cavity. The United States is still more developed than China. Of course, the attractiveness of immigrants is more than China. We have this video of this "big sister". We are clear about this.

However, we are more clear that China is progressing rapidly. Nowadays, most Chinese people do not need to adventure as the "big sister" as the "big sister" and go to the United States to earn unclear lives in the United States. The land of China is very angry with the people here. We are changing our destiny ourselves, step by step to make our country and our own lives better, and let the Chinese dream replace the legendary "American dream".Yes, today's high -speed rail in China is more than the United States. The car sold in one year is 10 million more than the United States. Our country has achieved a comprehensive well -off and is striding towards modernization.

Therefore, Lao Hu finally wanted to wish the "big sister" of this Du Dujie River go to the United States for good luck.At the same time, I want to tell netizens that let us continue to build our country better, so that the "big sisters" and "big brothers" who are not going smoothly in South America in the future are more willing to choose to return to the motherland, instead of choosing to risk life in life.Takuang River, go to the United States to "black".