Reading the May 10th Edition He Yue's article, the British royal family will be defeated in Charles III?In the deep feelings of the financial Times Chinese, the judges were willing to evaluate the British royal family, especially at the end of the article that the successor of Prince William was an optimistic outlook.

The beginning of the article "((Britain) has coexisted with the royal family for many years, which is amazing", which means that the democracy and the royal family have the same factors and the fate of the constitutional monarchy system is destined.After the year, this misunderstanding is particularly deep), so I am going to talk about the ins and outs of the British royal family.

Of course, from the perspective of the current trend of "hate our country and hates our history" in the younger generation, the royal family is the nation's society and the cecum to be cut.The Charles III, who has just been crowned by the crown of the crown, was once ridiculed as "waiting for 70 years of work for 70 years"; ignored the royal family's contribution to Britain (including the economy) and only the appearance of "they do not pay taxes".Very arrogant.

The constitutional monarchy cannot be achieved overnight

How does the article referring to the articles that the British royal family is a characteristic of "sacrificing self -interest".In fact, the history of the British royal family is full of blood and tears. The principal and tenderness of the late historian Huang Renyu and the twentieth century (the Chinese Lianjing Chinese Scripture, the early 1991 edition) talked about Britain.The opening was the Winter London on January 30, 1649. After the civil war, King Charles I was sent to the guillotine after the civil war.

Because the king did not acknowledge the authority of the court's death, the person who executed the death penalty was afraid that he would resist the final resistance. He added a card nail and a rope to the tap, and he was tied to him if necessary.However, all this is too concerned. Charlie performed quite well before the execution, and built long hair with a weaving sleeping hat to make the torture process. He also asked him to do it before he finished his prayer.In accordance with the schedule of the king, the entire program was finally completed at 2:00 in the afternoon.

Huang Renyu's original words: "This king who was abandoned by fate also said to forgive his enemies. He hoped that British citizens would enjoy their freedom and told the students to hold a national religious meeting. These plots, even this plot, even these plots, even these circumstances, even if it is, even the plot, even the plot, even the plot, even the plot, even the plot, evenAfter more than 300 years, read it, which is unavoidable. "

After a period of dictatorship of the period of Cranwell, Charles II restored in 1660 (in the discussion of modern Chinese history, "Zhang Xun's restoration" is a shameful joke).However, Huang Renyu pointed out that Charlie II's recovery was not the throne of Elizabeth (I), but the throne of the constitutional monarchy. The New Deal was restricted by the church and also presided over "judicial reform."

After the Glory Revolution, William III was allowed to announce the ascending to the throne as the British king. The premise is that they must accept the Bill of Rights proposed by the British Congress, also known as national rights and freedom and king inheritance.The Rights Act proposed in 1688 and signed on December 16, 1689.The constitutional monarchy system of the United Kingdom does not happen overnight.

On the eve of Charles III crowns on May 6 this year, the former Brexit Minister Farach explained the significance of this "historic ceremony" in the Fox news interview.He said that since 1688, the responsibility of the British royal family is to ensure that the politicians have not made any damage to the country and the constitution.The dialogue between the Prime Minister and the monarch is often confidential.But for the just -after Queen Elizabeth II, any legislation would not be a law if no signature was signed by her.

Farach pointed out that the Queen is "Are you sure? Do you think so well?" Inquiries about such inquiries, subtly exercise her power and give full play to her influence, gentle.He said that over 300 years, Britain has governed the country in this way.Compared with other European countries, the Britain has a very stable government and a stable royal family. "We have not resorted to revolution and have not become communism or fascism. In general, I think the British system seems to be outdated.But it is effective. "

The royal mission is to serve the country

In fact, in history, the British royal family has the role of declaration of national sovereignty.2010 British historical plot The King's SpeechThe coming microphone made a national broadcast in front of the nationwide and delivered inspiring speeches.

The positive role of the royal family on Britain is the Republic Federation established after the disintegration of the British Empire.

The history of "advanced" countries in Europe has a dark side and dark sides of the history of colonials around the world.However, compared to other European powers, Britain has done the most decent to lift colonial rule and can guide new independent countries to retain its rules and regulations and embark on a relatively gentle road of rule of law.The "Commonwealth" country is often a country with a relatively economically rail. Unless it is on the road of extreme, it is another matter.

Huang Lisong, the former principal of Nanyang University in Singapore, recalled the chanting song of the wind and rain. After the reorganization of the NTU, in addition to the establishment of the NTU Language Center, it was to improve the international status of the South University and in the Southeast Asian region and the Commonwealth university family.Self -abroad.Since then, the graduates of the University of Nanda have "not recognized" in the local area, and they are mostly the Commonwealth countries who study abroad.In 1972, Queen Elizabeth II visited Singapore. Time relationship could only visit a university.She chose Nanda.President Huang set up a luncheon in the administrative building of Noto University and entertained the VIP from a distance.

On the video of Prince William (now Prince Wales) a few days ago, there was a message of a crown of the father -in -law.Persist in serving the country: Training has become a helicopter pilot, participating in search and rescue tasks across the country.

In the early 1990s, during the period of the author, an environmental protection program often watched on TV was Prince Wales (Charles) at that time to potholes all over the country to explain the danger of the earth.Does he make sense to say something, but what is Charles sorry for Britain and the British people?

The author is the retired reporter