Eid on the end of the Labor Day holiday, Malaysia politics has reported that the unity government is facing a crisis of falling.In addition to rumors that members of the Barisan Nasional deliberately presented to make re -elections, Fais, the highest director of the Mission Party in the wild, also hinted that the National Alliance has been supported by 126 members of parliament.Of course, after the election of Malaysia, the rumors of the new government unstable from time to time after the election last year, so this news seems to be a small episode among many rumors.However, since the election of the Liuzhou is close to the eyes, and the rumors seem more specific, there is a great imagination space, and public opinion has begun to murmine.

In order to not have a branch, the unity of the government members of the government appeared in rumors one after another. The Prime Minister Anhua even challenged the Field Party Alliance and launched unbelievable motion in Congress.At the same time, the National Royal Palace shows to the outside world through anonymous news that any request that changes the status quo will not be accepted.The follow -up actions of the unity government and the National Palace have greatly prevented rumors from spreading infinitely, and Act Feisha, the chairman of the Earth Regiment Party Department, also publicly denied that the national alliance tried to overthrow the government, but the doubts of the world did not completely remove the doubts.Therefore, in the past few days, he still warned him on the opposition party on different occasions, do not try to change the status quo.

Of course, rumors about the fall of the government will be groundless or the cause of the cause, or the answer may be very obvious for me.Because the choice of difficulties at this time is not in accordance with political principles, there are three specific reasons.

One of them, the six state elections are close to the eyes, the Iranian party is in good situation on the East Coast, and the Malaysian constituencies in the Northern Malaysia seem to be very popular.If the federal government territory is changed at this moment, it is unknown whether the National League will get more benefits, but the changes in the political territory will inevitably lead the state of political situations to the state of political situations, and the deployment of the six states of the National League will be exposed to more variables.

Second, because the party is involved in a number of corruption cases, the party party has caused the party property to be frozen, which makes the National League facing the dilemma of financial constraints.Economic benefits, coupled with the high cost of changing the job of the counter -jobs, the National League really wants to initiate a member of the members. There are only two methods: either persuaded the entire party to withdraw from the United Government or persuade members to resign.But this is not good for related political parties and members.For example, UMNO has an official position and power in the united government; as for the members, they have to face the test after resignation.None of these variables can make them feel excited.

Therefore, under the control of financial constraints and party leaders in turns to control and reflecting jobs, it is difficult to change the sky like the past to attract the number of people. It is very difficult and naive.

Third, the establishment of the government's establishment is the holy tailor of the head of state Abdullah.It is impossible to establish a stable coalition government in a short time in a short time.In other words, Anwar is a candidate for the blessing of the Malay rulers, and the unity of the government is also promoted by the Malaysian rulers.

Therefore, it is okay to criticize the unity of the government, and say that it is not tightened to overthrow it;But if you really want to repeat the incident, it is not only challenging the authority of the Malay ruler, but also the crime of being countered by the political enemy.The Malay community is very sensitive to this matter, and Malay voters will also be disgusted, so if the national alliance does before the six states elections, it will be more difficult to seize the Semilan regime and penetrate the Selangor and Penang State Council.high.Jilandan and Dengjialou may not have an impact, but if the goal of governing Ge is strong, variables may occur.

In view of this, the National League planned to change the sky at this time, equivalent to digging the grave.The experience of participating in political errors such as the National Alliance and the Chairman of the Turkish Mission Muyudin and the Chairman of the Iraqi Party Hadi Awang could not make such a low -level political error.In addition, in addition to the 74 seats of the National Alliance's own, the 126 seats in the mouth of Fais must also integrate members from the Barisan Nasional and Sarawak to achieve it.But there are no reasons for these two alliances.The Turkish Party has changed his mouth recently.

After combining these situations, you can easily find it. This is just a shot of the National Alliance. There are three purpose, that is, to create issues and shake the heart of the government for unity. The last one is more important.Focus.

Wang Saifu, the pre -party propaganda director of the corrupted earth group, has passed on the 9th. On the 26th and 29th, it was the turn of Muyudin and the vice chairman of the Siyan Mo District Department of the Turkish Troupe.Cross.However, they know that it is not enough to pick up the doubt alone, so Hadi Awang has recently signed the "Malay Declaration" initiated by former Prime Minister Mahathir.In addition to being the National Alliance hoping to unify the front -level Malays' front through the contact with the Iranian party and Mahathir, it also helps them to transfer public opinion to racial issues that are more valuable.

The author is a commentator of the Malaysian current affairs, the Journalism and Political Scholar of Raman University