The World Health Organization recently announced that after the crown disease no longer constitutes the global public health emergency, it has not heard that any country has set off firecrackers to celebrate.Western countries have not regarded crown disease as a serious threat, and they regard it as general influenza.The announcement of WHO is just a confirmation of reality. It must stand at a higher global perspective to show the problem to show a careful and cautious position.

Pharmaceutical Company Moderna and Asia Pacific Immunization Coalition (from the end of March to April 12 this year, about 1,100 local public conducted online English questionnaires found that more than one -third of which was more than one -third ofChinese people do not intend to injected crown vaccines in the future; nearly 90%of people believe that the health threats brought by crown disease are not serious, and about 54%of people even said that they are worried that the vaccine vaccine may have side effects.

The Singaporeans have looked at the crown disease in their usual hearts. The saying of "after the epidemic" has become a bit out of date. At present, it is a new era full of opportunities and full variables.

Despite this, the government has been responsible and continues to remind that crown diseases will continue to spread, and the public must continue to pay attention to personal hygiene.

Paying attention to personal hygiene is "necessary" at any time.At present, all the bad habits that return to normal Singapore, some bad habits that usually violate individuals and public hygiene, have it been back?This is a question we should pay attention to.If the Singaporeans fail to show higher quality and higher levels of public morality in terms of personal and maintenance of environmental sanitation, a crisis that Singapore has never experienced will be wasted by vain.

The government released the white paper in Singapore in March this year, summarizing the anti -epidemic experience and the measures to be taken by the future crisis.The proposal to separate the "forward -looking planning" and the team that responds to the current crisis is a strategy of responding to major infection; experts responsible for "forward -looking planning" focus on "forward -looking", the purpose is to achieve the effect of "onlookers clear".

The new crisis strategy must also go through the usual in -depth exercise, and it cannot wait until the crisis is coming to do the test.

The size of Singapore's talents is small. Whether it can be mobilized and distributed in time when facing the crisis is whether the government has the information of different public and private fields.

In addition, the public and private sector must also have standard operating procedures to respond to various crises. It is not only the concept of land security, but also in the field of economic development.

The world structure is unpredictable. Conflicts and disputes involving the contradictions between the interests of the great powers in any corner may affect Singapore.The Afghanistan war and the Syrian war seem to be far away for us, but when the Russian and Ukraine War and the Taiwan Strait crisis have made us feel that any external war crisis appears, Singapore cannot protect the philosophy.

Recently, the 2023 Chandler's Good Government Index published by the International Non -profit Organization of Givernance, Singapore, published by the International Non -profit Organization of Givernance.Among the four indicators, the four indicators topped the list, and also achieved the second achievement in assisting the people's improvement.The report pointed out that Singapore's response to the crown disease epidemic is worthy of appreciation. In addition to ensuring high vaccine vaccination rates, the economy can be accelerated, it is better to recover from the epidemic and even surpass the pre -epidemic level than other countries.

The positive role of government leadership during the epidemic has been highly evaluated internationally.

In the epidemic review of many local experts, I specially noticed the opinions of Professor Temanda Asia, President of the Asia -Pacific Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Society.He praised Singapore's performance in this epidemic. Although the number of deaths increased due to the deterioration of the epidemic, it was not significantly improved, and the interference with the medical system was relatively small.

He believes that Singapore has done very well in data tracking. The report of the Ministry of Health of Singapore on the crown disease epidemic has determined many important areas of resistance to epidemic, including allowing general doctors to participate, and focusing on disadvantaged groups, such as guest workers, such as guest workersAnd low -income people, etc.

Temaseland is a professor at the Department of Medicine at the National University of the National University of Medicine and a senior consultant doctor of the Department of Infectious Department of the National University Hospital.His other identity is the chairman of Singapore Democratic Party.At the end of last year, he stood at the political position of the party's abolition of the A -level ward. It was recommended to set up a single -class, high -quality and affordable medical service in public hospitals, causing the Ministry of Health and the A -level ward of the Ministry of Health to be a foreign hospital.Provide huge medical allowances to debate by millions of yuan in losses.

Temaseo can put on the status of the opposition leader this time, clearly positively evaluate the government's anti -epidemic results, and show his own professionalism.Relatively speaking, the largest opposition party party in Congress provides only the support of "reservations" to the "white paper".

In the impression of the average person, the government hit a lot of money in the fight against epidemic.Huang Xuncai, Vice Premier and Minister of Finance, said in the Congress on March 21 to summarize the "White Paper" debate in Congress that Singapore's crown disease -related expenditure in the 2020 and 2021 fiscal year is equivalent to 15%of the GDP in fiscal 2020.He said that this scale is not excessive among many countries and has achieved relatively good results.

The International Monetary Fund has provided estimated data from some countries, such as anti -epidemic expenses in the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, and Japan, which is estimated to account for 28%to 45%; in contrast, Singapore is not excessive, and it cannot be said to be low.

For more developing countries, anti -epidemic expenses are not high because the economic capacity is insufficient, and poor countries rely on vaccine support in other countries.

The three -year epidemic, Singapore's most fortunate is that during the crisis, foreign investors are still confident in Singapore. Instead of investing in the new science and technology field, they have found a shelter here and household funds are rolling.Among them, there is no in -depth analysis of the epidemic review, and it seems that this is taken for granted.

Singapore requires a greater crisis of crisis treatment strategies, not limited to the public health crisis. When the war approaches Singapore, the position of the small country becomes more sensitive.Before the survival crisis has not really arrived, the economic and financial sector will be the first. The wealthy people and investment in Singapore will have a 180 -degree turn in Singapore.There are any wind blowing here, and investors and rich people will escape from funds and savings. The national crisis prospects assume that this should not be excluded.

(the author is a special commentator in Lianhe Zaobao)