Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Zheng Zhen

Wang Yi, director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office of the Mainland Government, held an 8 -hour meeting in Vienna, Austria from May 10th to 11th.The meeting was the first meeting of senior Sino -US officials after the Chinese government was changed after the balloon incident.

After the situation is settled, the exchange is still needed

China ’s official media Xinhua News Agency said that the two sides agreed to continue to use this strategic communication channel.The White House statement pointed out that the meeting between Shalvin and Wang Yi is part of the United States and China "a part of maintaining the continuous efforts of the continuous efforts of the competition and controlling competition", and "the two sides agreed to maintain this important strategic communication channel to promote these goals."

Both sides mentioned the "good use" strategic communication channel, indicating that the situation of continuous diplomatic cold war between China and the United States will improve, and communication will begin to restore.

The United States was very clear about the balloon incident in February this year. At that time, the US Secretary of State Brosky's visit was postponed instead of cancellation, and there was a certain room for subsequent contact.The White House statement mentioned that "the meeting of the US -China and senior officials was based on President Bayeng on the basis of holding a summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Bali, Indonesia last November."Behind this sentence is that the United States hopes to restore the frequency and rhythm of communication to the balloon incident, and the contact momentum opened after November last year.

After the 20th National Congress of the Mainland Government, Sino -US leaders met in Bali last November, representing the sincerity of China to strengthen communication.This year is the beginning of the new Chinese government. After the end of the epidemic, China is starting to save sufficient horsepower to save the economic growth rate falling into the valley. In the process of recovering the economy in all directions, it hopes to maintain stable Sino -US relations.The balloon incident has detonated the contradictions and resentment between China and the United States, but to a greater extent, it is an occasional public opinion battle. After the situation is calm, the exchange should be communicated.

The contact driver brought by the generalization

Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office docking with US President's National Security Assistant, and Chinese Foreign Minister docking with US Secretary of State, this is a communication practice formed in the past.The meeting between Wang Yi and Shalvin was a comprehensive re -connection between the two countries.After the former director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, Yang Jiechi retired, Shalvan was familiar with communicating with Wang Yi.

In the past period, Brintken hopes to visit China, and US Defense Minister Austin hopes to expose China ’s new defense director Li Shangfu and other news.Behind these trends, there are also contact driving colors brought about by the transition.

Qin Gang did not have a personal meeting with him during his time as the US Ambassador, and has lost his first opportunity to understand China, a newly rising diplomatic star.Blint needs to be familiar with Qin Gang, the new State Councilor and Foreign Minister of China.The United States had sanctioned Li Shangfu in 2018. Now the sanctions have not been canceled. The communication difficulties caused by US sanctions are the first, and the cancellation of sanctions can not be done in one sentence.The United States is more anxious to solve the problem of how to communicate than China.

After Wang Yi met with Shalin, the probability of communication in all aspects of China and the United States will be on the agenda.

The United States welcomes China to persuade and talk about the key to breaking the situation

The Russian -Ukuro conflict directly promoted Wang Yi and Shalin.Recently, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Russia, received French President's visit to China, and talked to President Ukraine -a series of incidents, and the situation of China's intervention in mediation has surfaced.

The sudden change of criticism and accusations in the United States welcomed China to play an important influence of the Ukrainian crisis, and provided a starting point for discussing cooperation for Sino -US relations that caught in a deadlock.

However, under the premise of the continued deepening of the structural contradiction between China and the United States, Sino -US relations are destined to fall into the unstable state of storms and rain and sunlight.

This time Wang Yi's meeting with Shalin was Vienna, Austria. This kind of meeting that was not in China and the United States was not the first time.After the Bayeng government came to power, Yang Jiechi, then the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, met with the US President's Security Affairs Assistant Sha Liwen. In addition to the first time in March 2021, it was held in Ankrech, the United States, in October and March 2022 in March 2022.In June 2022, the three meetings were in the third country.This time, Wang Yi's meeting with Shalin also arranged in the third country. It has the intention to avoid the local political atmosphere of the two countries, and the meaning of Sino -US adherence to equal dialogue.

Therefore, the recovery of communication between China and the United States does not represent a good relationship. Refusing to contact with quarrels in person, it is only the degree of relationships with different relationships.