Source: "Tide News" WeChat public account

Author: Zhu Zheping

Three years of the cold winter of the epidemic, China's online car rental industry finally ushered in "Xiaoyang Spring".

The data released by the Ministry of Transport shows that in the first quarter of 2023, the number of online car rental orders in the country has been rising, and the first three months of the first March rose by 14.1%, 13.30%, and 9.70%.The order volume was 716 million, a year -on -year increase of 32.8%.

However, while the industry recovers, risks are also emerging:

On May 5th, the Sanya City Transportation Bureau issued a notice, deciding to suspend the acceptance of the online car management license and transportation certificate issuance business.

In addition, in the past month, Jinan, Wenzhou, Dongguan, Suining and other places have also issued online car full -time warnings to remind practitioners to "enter the venue" with caution.

On April 6, the Jinan Urban and Rural Transportation Bureau issued a risk warning. The city's online car market capacity has been basically saturated, and the average daily number of bicycles is less than 10 orders.

In mid -April, Wenzhou's transportation department released information. In 2022, more than 9,000 newly added licensed drivers in the city did not actually post.

On April 19, Dongguan Transportation Network reminded that the number of drivers in the city's online car ride -hailing was declining and the work intensity increased. Nearly 80 % of vehicles received less than 10 orders per day.

In early May, the Suining City Transportation Bureau issued an early warning to remind people who intend to engage in online car rental.

What signals have been released by frequent early warning and control of government departments?Can I still make money by driving a car?Facing the control and industry rolls, where will the online car industry go in the second half of the car?

I have to run the same money three years ago, to run for two hours

From 7 am to 10 pm, 28 orders, flowing 620 yuan (RMB, Same, S $ 119), this is a 42 -year -old Hangzhou online car driver He Li's harvest.

He Li is a native of Hangzhou. It has been eight years for the driver like him for 14-15 hours a day like him.He also has a "stunts", that is, familiar with the streets and alleys of Hangzhou City, and can avoid congestion as much as possible during the peak period, so he earns much more than the average person.Nevertheless, to earn the same money as three years ago, he must go out for two hours a day now.

"Open a platform, there are 50 online car rental companies on it, it is too rolled." He Li deeply felt that the competition is now fierce, and there are no shortage of compliance vehicles and drivers.According to his estimation, compared with three years ago, the income was 10 yuan per hour, and 140 yuan was less than 14 hours by car.

In the movie and my hometown, Uncle Ge You's wish is to become a driver of an online car, because he feels that "driving a lot of money to make a lot of money."He Li said that in a large city like Hangzhou before 2018, the hard -working driver entered through a dream.

However, as more and more people pour into this industry, the cakes are began to become less.He Li told the tide journalist that he added an online car driver group. More than 400 people have local ones, and there are also other provinces from Hubei, Jiangxi, Anhui and other provinces.For more than 12,000 yuan, it is estimated to be only 30%.After deducting 25%-30%of the platforms and third-party information service fees, the monthly net income is more than 10,000.

"I used to persuade my friends to come to get an online car, and now I think they don't want to grab my business." He Li frankly said.

Tired of opening and earning less, some drivers chose to escape.In July last year, Ms. Shen, who drove the car in Jinhua, had "not eaten the body and didn't earn much money", and quit the troops joining the online car in less than a year.

"In addition to holidays, there are only a list of peaks in the morning and evening. If you run 10 hours a day, there are more than 10 orders. He gets more than 200. After a month, you do n’t have much to deduct the car loan."It is, sitting in the car all day long, the back of the waist falls.Ms. Shen lamented that a while ago, a Didi female driver cried and complained about the status quo of the work. She was very sad and fortunate that she had left.

Some people persist, some people leave, and some people keep in.

According to the data released by the Ministry of Transport, as of March 31, 2023, a total of 307 online car entry platform companies in the country obtained the business license of the online car rental platform, an increase of 40 year -on -year;5.229 million, 2.25 million vehicle transportation permits, an increase of 11.56 million copies and 616,000 copies year -on -year.

This means that in the past year, more than one million licensed online car drivers are still pouring into the track.

From January to March this year, there were 139,000 newly issued car driver permits and 132,000 vehicle transportation certificates.

Why are so many people going to get an online car?Xu Xing, who has been engaged in operational work in a head -up online car platform, told Tide Journalists that one is that the threshold of this industry is low, and basically it is only necessary to drive. Second, most of the online car drivers do not have much skills.In physical labor, the driver of the Internet car is a good job of treatment.

In addition, the group of online car drivers is mainly middle -aged.According to the online ride -hailing survey report released by the Ningbo Highway Transport Center in February this year, the average age of the online car driver is 43 years old.This also means that they face age and literacy constraints in their careers.

The number of online car rolls has surged, and multi -land capacity is saturated

On May 5th, Sanya's "two certificates" suspended on the online car rental attracted attention.

A staff member of the local Transportation Administration said that taking this control measures, mainly because the number of Sanya online car rental platforms and online ride -hailing has increased, capacity has become saturated, and at the same time, it has led to outstanding illegal operations.

In fact, as early as two years ago, the Sanya Municipal Transportation Bureau issued an early warning notice from the online car passenger transport market, but the results were very small.As of October 2020, the amount of online car rental in Sanya was 5,100 vehicles.By June 2022, the number of vehicles had reached 10,709, and it turned over within two years.

According to the staff, this data has increased significantly in the past year, and it has reached about 16,000 units.This is why Sanya's "sacrifice".

Not only Sanya, the saturation of online car rental has become the "new trouble" of many cities.

Tide news reporters sort out common problems in various places.For example, Jinan, since 2019, the number of online rolls and employees have increased sharply. At present, online car rental has exceeded 18,000 units. Compared with the data of 8,643 car tour taxis, the local "alert value" has been reached.

In the second half of 2022, there were a total of 1,492 trains in Dongguan, a decrease of 113 from the first half of the year, and a total of 4,083 vehicles in online rolls, an increase of 9,476 units over the first half of the year. At the same time, the number of online car drivers increased by nearly 10,000.

The industry rolls make it more and more difficult for drivers to receive orders.For example, in the first quarter of this year, the average daily order volume of bicycles in Dongguan was only 9.07, a decrease of 19.45%from the end of 2022; the average daily number of bicycles in Jinan was less than 10 orders.

While the order is declining, the driver's work intensity is increasing.For example, Dongguan's average daily income of cycling in Dongguan in the first quarter was only 260.83 yuan, a decrease of 3.2%from the end of 2022, but the average daily length of the bicycle increased by 1.45%to 8.39 hours.

There are not a few who leave the field.Wenzhou's transportation department estimated that 11,000 newly added licenses in 2022, but more than 9,000 people did not actually have a job, showing a state of testing more drivers and less real -work drivers.

"Most new drivers are not well understood by the industry, and take the qualification certificate test. LaterThe relevant person in charge of the department had previously analyzed in an interview with the media.

In summary, the early warning information from the government level is necessary for companies and individuals who are working in the early warning cities and intending to be engaged in online car management in early warning cities.

Many people in the industry said that as the capacity is saturated, it will exacerbate the industry's rolls, and the income of drivers declines, which will eventually affect the quality of service, and there will be chaos such as illegal operations, overloaded driving, and forcibly carpooling.The platform will also fall into "subsidies" and "low -priced" mud, causing vicious competition.

In addition, the surge in online car rental is also a big challenge to urban traffic management.

"At present, the number of cars and carriers in many cities in China has affected the normal traffic structure." Wu Weiqiang, an expert who has long been engaged in traffic issues and a professor at the School of Public Management of Zhejiang University of Technology.Excessive urban online ride -hailing, coupled with the use of low freight rate competition, will directly snatch the market for bus travel.As a result, it is to reduce the proportion of subway plus buses in the whole travel structure, which eventually leads to urban traffic congestion.

Taking Hangzhou as an example, at present, there are more than 90,000 registered networks in Hangzhou, and 1.5 million passengers per day have exceeded the average daily passenger volume of the bus.Metro plus buses travel less than 20%of the whole travel structure.In response to this situation, Wu Weiqiang believes that "the government should involve the supervision as early as possible."

The second half of the car is "the second half": Where is it?

So how much do you need a city to get in a city is the right?

Chao Journalists inquired that the guidance opinions of the General Office of the State Council in 2016 on deepening reforms and promoting the healthy development of the taxi industry pointed out: "It is necessary to follow the characteristics of large and small cities, the diversified travel needs of the public, and the development positioning of taxis.Factors such as population, economic development, urban traffic congestion, and taxation rate of taxi, and reasonable grasp of the scale of taxi capacity and sharing ratio in the urban comprehensive transportation system, establish a dynamic monitoring and adjustment mechanism, and gradually realize market regulation."

A monitoring model has established a monitoring model.For example, at the end of 2022, Shenzhen began to explore the establishment of a dynamic adjustment mechanism for the large-scale capacity of online car contract. Once the average number of orders on the daily online car, the amount of order change is less than -10%, the average daily order volume of the bicycle is less than 11, the mileage use rate of the cruise car is lowIn 60%, two of the three conditions will trigger the warning for government decision -making reference.

The "wind and clouds" of the online car rental market can respond to the dynamics of the online car industry in a timely manner, and whether it can leave room for industry development and test the wisdom of urban governance.

In recent years, there have been more and more sound controls on the total amount of online ride -hailing, but most cities are more inclined to find balance points through market regulation methods.Or through market warning, reminding that "there is risks in the online car market, and you need to be cautious to enter."

The government's practice directly to stop issuing a certificate is relatively "radical".

In fact, this is not the first of Sanya.As early as April 2018, Nanjing issued a notice and suspended the acceptance of new capacity permits for taxi (including online car rental). It is the first city in the country to control the number of ride -hailing cars.In July 2020, Wuhan also issued a notice to suspend the acceptance of the online car entry platform and vehicle operation permit.

Gu Dasong, Executive Director of the Research Center of Southeast University's Traffic and Development Research Center, analyzed in an interview with the media. Similar to the control measures of Sanya and other places, it actually reflected the local level and ability of the local regulatory level and capabilities."You can first cool down the oversized online car market through policy means. During this period, relevant policies are revised, and then through market adjustment to further improve the local online car market."

Wu Weiqiang, a professor at the School of Public Management of Zhejiang University of Technology, told Tide Journalists that the government must "open the sky and control the bottom line" during policy regulation.

Admission and exit mechanisms, evaluation systems, rewards and punishments, regulatory mechanisms, etc.

"The government does mainly regulate the operation of the platform, improve service level and service quality. Other things are given to the market."

There are also people in the industry that solve the interior roll industry. In addition to strengthening industry management and control, the government's tangible hand should also carry out more skills training for low -skilled people to allow them to have more opportunities for flexible employment.

In 2012, the "Subsidy War" opened the sequence of the "Subsidy War". By 2016, the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, jointly released the interim Measures for the management service management of taxi business services to recognize the online taxi ""Legal identity", online car rental has gone through ten years of "soaring" development.To be sure, the soil of "barbaric growth" of online ride -hailing has become less and less, and compliance development and refined supervision have become the general trend.

For the online car rental industry, entering the second half, focusing on improving the industry's service, user experience, and model innovation and change, maybe we can usher in the real "spring".After all, creating high -quality travel services for the public is the ultimate destination of online car rental.