Source: Taiwan United Daily

Beijing intends to cultivate with the West and still hold an assessment attitude towards the United States. This time, the US -China Foreign Foreign Foreign -level talks are a test.

After the Russian and Ukraine War began, Western countries' speed stations, and Mainland Chinese President Xi Jinping issued a joint statement with Russian President Putin before the war with Russian President Putin, which kept the distance from Western countries.

On the occasion of French President Macron and the Chairman of the European Union Council Van Dan Dellene visited Beijing, the Chinese ambassador to the European Union Fu Cong made a clarification of "unlimited Sino -Russian relations" through an exclusive interview with the New York Times.Xi Jinping and Ukrainian President Zelei Hotline.

In the show, China intends to issue signals with the Western cultivation, and it is unfavorable to disintegrate the atmosphere before forming a consolidation of the anti -China Front in Western countries.

In the past few months, the United States has also frequently thrown friendly information on mainland China. The efforts of the diplomatic system are the most obvious. State Secretary of State Brillin has given China a positive evaluation of the 12 -point content of "Political Resolution of Ukraine".Throwing the statement of the United States to prepare for a conversation and unwilling to freeze bilateral relations, and the US has never expressed the expectations of arranging to worship and calling.

The United States can be described as within the scope of ability to give Beijing face, which is exactly the part that mainland China has always valued; the implementation of the 8 -hour talks can only be saidThe national security consultant dialogue before the month started preliminary temptations.

Mainland China may want to improve US relations, but inside is still seeing.

The statements issued after almost the past Sino -US fought in recent years have been very strong for Taiwan's words, and the length is very large. However: "Wang Yi has a serious position on the Taiwan issue comprehensively."

The background description of senior US officials is to reiterate the policy of the United States, which opposes any side to change the status quo, "whether it is China (mainland) or Taiwan"; it canMany times, this is still the most difficult issue for the United States and China to get consensus.

In the post -reference of mainland China, he chose not to make an article on a topic of Taiwan to pass the obscure friendly signal to the United States.

This is just bilateral trials. U.S. -China relations are difficult to improve under the comprehensive competition of science and technology, economy and military; if this communication is effective, then American officials such as Brinken will have the opportunity to visit mainland China and the United States.Chinese military officials can hold a dialogue. Biden and Xi Jinping have the opportunity to get the heat line or even meet, all of which are observation points.

Looking forward to the next few years, mainland China has its own internal affairs challenges, and the United States will also hold a presidential election. Any wind and grass will affect the most vulnerable US -China relations. It will also affect the two sides of the strait and regional situation. It needs close attention.