Recently, Guo Taiming, the founder of Taiwan Hon Hai Group, has clearly supported the Nuclear 4 restart in order to fight for the Kuomintang presidential candidate.This is not synchronized with Hou Youyi, the mayor of New Taipei, the mayor of the Kuomintang, "without nuclear power without nuclear power".Looking back at the long history of nuclear power disputes in Taiwan, energy policy has always been an important topic that cannot be around in the election. It affects far exceeding the scope of public policy. It reflects many social sides such as Taiwan's economy, people's livelihood and politics.

In November 2020, the Taiwan Executive Yuan officially formulated the policy goal of "showing green, increasing gas, coal reduction, and non -nuclear" through the white paper of the white paper of energy transformation, in order to gradually implement the energy transformation.However, the ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.After the release of the white paper, the contradiction between supply and demand in Taiwan's energy market is increasing.

From the perspective of demand, in the past 20 years, Taiwan's energy consumption has continued to increase, from 65.89 million oil -raising in 2001 to 89.36 million liters in 2021, an average annual increase of 1.54%.From the perspective of the industry, the industrial sector accounted for 62.3%in 2021, which is closely related to Taiwan's industrial structure.

The chip industry is a high -energy consumption industry. Only one company in TSMC. The power consumption in 2021 will be as high as 19.19 billion kWh. It is estimated that by 2025, TSMC's power consumption will further reach the eight -fourths of the total power consumption in

From the perspective of the supply side, in the total power generation in 2021, traditional thermal power generation is still the main force.Among the specific points, coal -fired power generation and gas power generation account for 44.3%and 37.2%of the total power generation, respectively, and nuclear energy accounts for only 9.6%.However, coal -fired power generation has high carbon emissions and high pollution, and does not conform to the direction of environmental protection. Although gas power generation is less polluted, natural gas storage capacity is limited, and international prices have risen in recent years.In the future, the development direction is still slow. It has only increased by 1.2%in five years. There are natural conditions and technical restrictions that are difficult to break through.Therefore, allowing nuclear power generation to supplement the energy gap in Taiwan's current stage has become a realistic need.

Political and repeated nuclear power policies

The contradiction between supply and demand of Taiwan's energy is objective. There are many differences in the resolution paths from all walks of life. Among them, the most controversial is the nuclear power policy. The most typical is the repeated nuclear issue.

The low -carbon and cleaning of nuclear power does not affect air quality, and it is in line with the international trend of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and slowing climate warming. At the same time, it is high -power power generation efficiency and strong stability.However, nuclear power also has problems such as security concerns and nuclear waste treatment.The advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power have aroused long -term disputes in all sectors of society, and have become a tool for political games between political parties.

In 2000, the Chen Shui -bian government initially announced the suspension of the construction of the nuclear fourth, but triggered the opposition between the ruling party and the opposition party of the Congress and the anxiety of Taiwanese society.Due to pressure, the termination policy of the nuclear four suspension of the nuclear fourth suspension of less than four months was implemented.In 2001, the Nuclear 4 resumed work, and the DPP had twice added nuclear budget twice during the administration.After the Fukushima Nuclear Power accident in Japan in 2011, concerns about nuclear energy security have once again become the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan.The ruling Kuomintang's internal views on nuclear energy have also been shaken. Under the tremendous pressure of opposition camps and public opinion, they were forced to restart the "non -nuclear home".In 2016, the elected Tsai Ing -wen government announced that it would gradually abolish the nuclear.However, once all nuclear power is shut down, Taiwan's electricity will leave a dozen percent of the supply gap and cannot make up for it in a short time.

In 2018, the "Nuclear Raising Green" referendum initiated by Huang Shixiu, a party -free member, reflected that most Taiwanese people agreed to temporarily use stable and clean nuclear power generation to make up for the power supply gap.However, the referendum team is immediately prepared to restart the four nuclear factories and stops the new nuclear fuel rods of the nuclear factory without being executed.

The last time was the "Restart of the Nuclear 4" referendum in 2021, and the proposal was rejected.According to the referendum results, Nuclear IV will be abandoned, which will cause an investment loss of up to 285 billion Taiwan dollars (about S $ 12.3 billion).After the power outage of the whole Taiwan on March 3, 2022, with the rising price of global energy, the shortage of power supply in Taiwan became extremely urgent.In July, the rejected electricity price rate for four consecutive years finally opened the electric price increase.But this is still difficult to alleviate the huge operating losses of Taipower.

The trend of international rational nuclear support

Looking around the world today, the energy policies of various countries have also changed and repeated.In general, in the past 12 years in the Fukushima nuclear power accident, countries have gradually become open, objective and rational.

In February this year, through the "basic policy of achieving green transformation as the goal", the Japanese cabinet clearly explicitly use renewable energy and nuclear energy to maximize.Under a certain premise, the nuclear power plant has been allowed to serve for more than 60 years, and it has started to develop and build a new generation of nuclear reactors.It was also February, French President Macron proposed the "Nuclear Energy Revival Plan", including under the conditions permitted by technology, it will no longer retire the existing nuclear power plant for the time being.From the beginning, six to eight nuclear power plants based on the second -generation European pressure water reactor.

In April of this year, Germany closed the last three nuclear reactors as planned, but there was quite a lot of opposition from Germany. It is believed that Germany should first ensure sufficient energy supply at this stage.Police investigations conducted by the poll agencies InSA showed that opposition to nuclear power is not German public opinion. Of these, 52%of the respondents opposed the closure of nuclear power plants, and only 37%of the respondents agreed to close the nuclear power plant.

From the choice of developed countries such as Japan, France, Germany, etc., it can be seen that nuclear energy policies are not a simple development and prohibited binary choice, but also the issue of security or environmental protection.Objective and rational considerations.

Policy from Political Return

The repeated nuclear energy issues in Taiwan are not only influenced by the world's trends, such as the rise of European Green Party and environmentalistism, but also the shadow left and right of nuclear power accidents such as Fukushima in Japan, but the biggest factor is that Taiwan itself is the society of Taiwan itself.Political characteristics.For example, "2025 non -nuclear home garden" has idealism and is separated from social reality, and specific policies lack sufficient feasibility; Taiwan's energy policy is excessively political and has become a tool for manipulating elections.Policy formulation has caused a great impact.

The long -term policy operation has made Taiwan's power supply and demand contradictions that have not been fundamentally resolved.The power supply and transfer capacity of power supply has been low for a long time, weakened anti -risk capabilities, and power supply stability has always been questioned.On May 13, 2021 and May 17, the power outage was twice in a row. The power outage of the National Taiwan on March 3, 2022, all had a significant impact on the economy and people's livelihood.For Taiwan, the nuclear energy problem is not determined for a long time, and it is by no means a good strategy.In terms of energy issues, the party factions should refer to the overall trend of the energy policy of the international community, set aside the party's dispute to avoid treating energy policy as a single election tool, and ignore the fundamental long -term interests of society such as economy and people's livelihood.