Source: Nikkei Chinese Network

Author: Ogaraki Roya, Hosarawa Hosaro

By May 10, South Korean President Yin Xiyue came to power for a year.Former Wen Zaiyin government promoted the harmonious and friendly policy of North Korea and strengthened relations with China. Yin Xiyue boldly changed this route and promoted cooperation with the United States and Japan.From a data point of view, South Korea is also obviously inclined in the economic field.

On May 10th, Yin Xiyue and the cadres of the Presidential Palace of South Korea came to the Seoul of the Seoul of the North Korean War and the President of the President of the South Korean President's Palace.He left a message in Fang's list: "I will build a country with freedom and innovation with great citizens, and a country that has contributed to world peace and prosperity."

For Yin Xiyue's keywords in the past year, the people around him have unanimously given "freedom".Yin Xiyue clearly referred to North Korea as "enemies" and put forward China to "oppose the status quo through force to change the status quo", and adopted a restraint.Most importance to maintaining a unified step with liberal countries.

This is reflected in the head of the head.Yin Xiyue's first foreign visit was to go to Spain in June 2022.As a South Korean summit for the first time, he participated in the North Atlantic Convention Organization (NATO, referred to as NATO) summit, and emphasized cooperation with the United States and Europe.

The first year of Yin Xiyue's ruling was to strengthen the United States and South Korea alliances and improve Japan and South Korea relations known as "the worst since the normalization of diplomatic relations".At the UN General Assembly in September and the International Conference in November, he held talks with Japan and the United States many times, and continuously realized the visit to Japan in March 2023 and the United States in April in April.

Comparing it with Wen Zaiyin's first year of diplomacy, you can find the characteristics.Wen Zaiyin put the dialogue between South Korea and North Korea first. First, he had talks with then US President Trump in June 2017 in June 2017.Visiting China in December, at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in February 2018, met with a high -level delegation from North Korea, and promoted the Korean and North Korean summit talks held in Banmen Store in April.

Wen Zaiyin did not visit Japan, and the then Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had no chance to talk at a multilateral meeting with Japan.

Yin Xiyue's government has also shown obviously to the United States from trade statistics.According to statistics from the Ministry of Commerce Resources of the South Korean Industry, from January to April 2023, South Korea ’s exports to the United States increased by 12 % to 36 billion US dollars year -on -year, and the export volume of China (US $ 39 billion, about S $ 51.9 billion), which was approaching a decrease of 25 % year -on -year.

In 2021 during the period of Wen Zaiyin, South Korea's exports to China were 1.8 times the export of US exports, which was very different.Although there is also the impact of the downturn exports to China on the expansion of American automobile exports, the United States may also become South Korea's largest export target country in the future.

South Korean large consortiums have also fell to the United States.Samsung Electronics Investment is US $ 17 billion to build a new cutting -edge semiconductor factory in Texas.Hyundai Motors is also building a pure electric vehicle (EV) special factory in George Asia. Large battery companies such as LG and SK also plan to build new car battery factories in a total of 10 places.

In April 2023, when Yin Xiyue visited the United States, it also announced a newly announced vehicle battery joint venture construction plan for Samsung and the United States GM (GM).Echoing the attitude of the Yin Xiyue government attaches importance to the US -South Korea Union, South Korean companies have also fell to the United States.

South Korean citizens, which deteriorated during the pre -government period of Wen Zaiyin, also improved the feelings of Japan.A significant point is to travel to Japan.The number of people visited from Japan from January to March returned to 1.6 million people, reaching nearly 80 % to March 2019 before the crown disease epidemic.The recovery of low -cost airlines (LCC) routes has also played a promotion role. Among foreigners visiting Japan during the same period, Koreans accounted for 33 %.

However, some people in the industry are also worried that South Korea will fall quickly to the United States.The U.S. government is trying to hinder the rise of China's semiconductor industry through technical restrictions. Korean companies, which have semiconductor factories in China, have also become the object of investment restrictions.Although the industry is also being asked to relax restrictions through the Yin Xiyue government, it has not achieved obvious results.Some people are also worried that China's business will shrink.