Source: Taiwan Newspaper

Author: 阙 <

A few weeks after the results of the US presidential election were announced in 2020, the host of Fox News (Fox News) and his guests repeatedly accused the Dominion Voting Systems of the Dominion Voting Systems.During the election, the voting counting equipment was used to transfer President Trump's votes to President Bayeng.One year after the election, Domininian officially complained that Fox and his parent company publicly slandered and wounded his goodwill and asked to apologize compensation.Last month, when the defamation lawsuit was about to enter the court to attack and defense, the two creations reached a settlement. Fox agreed to compensate Domininian $ 787 million (about S $ 1.047 billion), but did not need to confess or apologize.

This compensation is the largest compensation paid by the news media for defamation lawsuits.This result is surprisingly inferred by common sense, but it is entirely expected to refer to the actual evolution of the case in accordance with the situation of the case.In order to protect the space of government agencies and politicians in order to protect news media criticizing government agencies and politicians, the establishment of defamation must prove the existence of slander and slander.This maliciousness refers to the statement of the defamator knowing that the statement in the slander is wrong, or it does not verify it at all to identify the authenticity.If the general US media complies with the positive rules of the news report, it is unlikely to make such a true malicious mistake, so there are few cases of successful prosecution of the crime of defamation of the news media in the past, let alone huge compensation.

Although Fox News is the leading news channel of the US ratings, its Opinion Department (OPINION) departments in 2020 to improve the ratings of the President of Biden's victory in advance.Even if there is no evidence that Domininne manipulates his voting equipment, it still has repeatedly echoed and spreads President Trump and his party feathers about Domininn's cheating in elections.Dominin has repeatedly raised errors to correct the requirements and ignore it.Not only that, the internal communication record of Fox News shows that the host of several of the comments programs does not believe that Dumininin has a handling of equipment, but in order to maintain the ratings, he dare not offend Trump TrumpThe presidential supporters are the existing audiences of the community, so they have to make a bad scalp and make mistakes, and make unprooped rumors as reviewing news.Furthermore, these communication records also show that Fox News and his parent company, including the big boss Murdoch, are clear about the conflict between the truth and the preferences of the audience.Essence

In the evidence collection court, based on the content and communication records of the program, the judge in this case first determined that the defamation behavior had been established, so the focus of the official court offense and defense only proves whether Fox News is really malicious.Because the host of the Fox News show knows that the evidence of its accident is conclusive, it is necessary to prove that Fox is not very malicious. In addition, the plaintiff in this case is a private enterprise.It is easy to win social sympathy. Therefore, Fox decided to reconcile at the last moment before the trial, and paid about the daily price compensation of more than seven times the annual revenue of Domininian.

Investigating, the main reason why Fox News has planted such a big fight this time is that its comment department does not adhere to the specifications of news reports, blindly cater to the taste of existing audiences, and even eventually holds the audience.This behavior originated from the Fox News that conservative audiences voiced their voices for the market when they were founded. Later, the behavior tendency to cater to the audience was more intensified with the radicals of President Trump's supporters.So, will Fox News change its intention to meet the incident?It is proved that it is a report on Domininian's compensation case only as a dragonfly, and it is lightly reported to avoid the weight, and it has not issued any statement of withdrawal of related news. On the wholeSexual business costs.

Easy to say, as long as the price of $ 787 million is paid, Fox News does not need to officially admit the mistakes, and exempts the host and executives of popular programs and executives in court defense.The echo of the same temperature layer established by the audience, and then the recovery followed by as much as $ 14 billion in revenue each year.Therefore, in business talks, it can pay for the short -term price compensation to be able to surpass Zhao Jianwei in the short term.As for whether Fox News itself can be reborn, or whether the American society can get rid of the poison of extremeization from then on, it seems that there is little hope!

Like Fox News, some media in Taiwan lack central thoughts and cannot adhere to news report ethics. They regard the news of the news as business operations and treat the audience as customers. In order to maximize the business interests, they will fully meet the tastes of customers. Sometimes they know the report on the report.It is obviously violated with news morality.Some media bosses focus on political interests, and they are even willing to act as politicians.Therefore, for these media, can Fox's sky -high compensation incident play a vigilant effect of deafening?Unfortunately, it seems unlikely!