In 1952, Queen Elizabeth II, who has been in the throne, has been reigned for 70 years. He is the longest monarch in British history.She died last year at the age of 96.Because of his mother's long -lived, as the eldest son, Charles III, the three -year -old prince, waited until the age of 74 before he crowned the throne, becoming the oldest monarch at the time of succession.

The same age as our founding generation, Charles, has a longevity gene of his mother, is unknown, but at the current age, it should be regarded as a porch.The British monarchy can be traced back to the 10th century, so it should be regarded as an ancient system.Pharaoh plus the old system. In the 21st century, what else does it have to remember in the past?

The news agency reported that a number of polls showed that the British's support for the monarchy fell to a new low, and the British people were not interested in the coronation ceremony.The polls made by the National Social Research Center of the United Kingdom (NAT CEN) showed a week ago that the British people's support for the monarchy was only 29%, which was the lowest point since the same polls began in 1983.In addition, 45%of the British believe that the monarchy is not important, and it should even abolish. Last year, the number was 35%.

After the United States has escaped British colonial rule, the United States has abandoned the monarchy and changed to the presidential system.The American system has been implemented for more than 200 years, and even if it is not old, it is a bit old.Strangely, the United States, who has always advocated youth and vitality, now not only holds the old system, but also elected an elderly president.Biden was nearly 81 years old. He announced last month that he would seek re -election in the election in November 2024. If he was as expected, he was 86 years old when he stepped down.This will make him the oldest president in American history.Biden's opponent Trump is also an old man.

It was once the world's largest colonial empire and the most powerful former British colonies today. Nowadays, they are old -fashioned. From a political point of view, this is a problem.The old system plus the old politician, it is difficult to embark on the necessary innovation path.

Let's talk about Britain first.The above polls clearly stated that the progress of the old monarchy and the times is getting farther and farther.Charles could not talk about Elizabeth II's extraordinary charm.Coupled with his unsatisfactory family history, he has left trauma memories for many British people.On the other hand, Brexit leaves a bad impression on other Europeans.Therefore, it is difficult for this old and new king to play in the inside or outside.

Secondly, the two -party system derived from the unique political politics of the UK has been talked about in the past, and it has changed from positive to negative.White in the Conservative and Labor Party seems to have lost the ability to autonomy.The current British Prime Minister, 42 -year -old Sunak is a descendant of Indian immigrants and Hindus.Humza Yousaf, the 37 -year -old chief minister of Scotland, is a Pakistani Muslim.

The fundamental reason is that both traditional parties have been corrupted, and they cannot keep up with the times. They have already lost their original mass foundation.According to statistics, the Conservative Party estimated that there were 2.8 million party members in 1953, and the Labor Party had more than 1 million.Today, there are only about 43,200 people left in the Labor Party, while the Conservative Party has only 17,200 people.There are about 104,000 members of the National Party of Scotland, and the Liberal Democratic Party has about 74,000 party members.The total number of party members of these political parties accounts for 1.1%of the population.

The so -called objects are gathered, and the result of the natural development of political parties is the same. In the end, it has become a tool for a few elites to fight for power. Unless the party leadership can consciously break the rules and absorb new blood outside the party, they will inevitably move towards decaying and society.Development.Therefore, most people no longer trust political parties and politicians.At the same time, the society is gradually differentiated, wealth and capital concentrate to a few people, the wealth of the rich and the poor expands, and the contradiction between capital (bourgeoisie) and workers is increasingly sharp.Traditional political parties were spurred because they did not do it.

The United States without a monarch also has problems with political and social differentiation.The evolution of the US democratic system is nearly 250 years, and it is also impossible to avoid decay.The Republican Party is said to have 36 million party members, and the Democratic Party has 47 million.The two parties have certain representativeness, but the potential is like water and fire, causing the tearing of the society to reach consensus at all.They each represent different groups and interest groups, conservative and "progress".But in general, it is the power group that controls politics, so some people call today's US politics as Plutocracy.Secondly, seeing that Biden and Trump's two old politicians pushed each other on the stage. People can't help asking, is there no general in Shu in the United States?Of course not, it is just that the reputation of politics is too bad, and there are many talented young people who are unwilling to go to muddy water.

Americans advocate so -called free competition.As a result of the free competition of capitalist free markets, various interest groups have been formed.Capital gradually concentrates to a small number of capitalists, so they have the ability to control politics with resources.For example, the US military composite is the main interest group that can control the budget of defense expenditure in the United States and even military strategies.Many retired political elites and generals have been absorbed into these groups.They also use the influence of money to control the candidates and the candidates of the general elections.

After the Soviet Union disintegrated and China implemented the reform and opening up, the US interest groups saw business opportunities, vigorously promoted globalization, and used the cheap labor of China and other places to expand overseas markets quickly, so it was a lot of money.However, the domestic working class has lost work or long -term salary stagnation due to a large number of factories and outsourcing.The wealthy grooves have also further expanded, so there is a "occupying Wall Street" action.The United States and other Western Crocodiles have now begun to feel the strong competition from China and technology from China, so it also gathers its strength to suppress China.

However, doing so is just to protect the interests of capitalists. Other words are fake.Create a tense atmosphere around the world, fighting wedges, and separation, it is just to open up the market for the arms dealers.The old American system urgently needs to be renovated, but in the face of vested interests, it can be described as difficult to do with politics, especially Congress, and it is even more difficult to modify the constitution.The founders of the United States pay attention to the separation of three powers, but even the courts are now controlled by different forces.The restrictions on each other are more hinders.

The current system in Singapore has also been more than 60 years. It will become old as other systems, and some places will be outdated.For example, the only way to be regarded as a Guiyu is the system. Now it is found that there are bad consequences and must try to correct it.Otherwise, the vested interests will also accumulate resources, which will hinder the upward flow of the bottom of society. The relatively weak groups in the society will always be in a losing position and it is difficult to turn over.Any system must keep pace with the times. Because it is adaptable, British and American TV's own system is a model of the world. Even if it has become a broom, it has enjoyed a lot of money.Therefore, it is now in the dilemma of the old system plus veteran politicians.Some people say that the democratic system can self -correct itself, is it?

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress