Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

The reorganization plan of the Hong Kong District Council, in addition to the significant reduction of direct election, the role and power of the civil affairs commissioner (DO), also caused a lot of discussion.The government emphasizes that the civil affairs commissioner as the chairman of the district council can reflect the administrative leadership and ensure that the district council focuses on discussing regional affairs and achieve de -politicalization.Regional work performance.The Council of the New District no longer has political power and returns to the "Regional Consultation Organization" attribute. The district councilor must reflect the regional public opinion, and on the other side to assist the government to do things and cooperate with governance.The process must be balanced and cannot be discarded.Government and civil affairs commissioners must respect the consultation functions of the District Council, listen to regional public opinion carefully, and cannot just regard it as the government's execution tools.

Evidence threshold should be adjusted

I allow people to nominate the CPPCC

Many Division Director explained the regional council reorganization plan for a few days. Some groups set up street stations to collect citizen signatures to launch political mobilization for the support plan.Article 97 of the Basic Law mentioned that the SAR can set up non -political regional organizations to accept consultations from the SAR government on regional management and other affairs, or be responsible for providing services such as culture, recreation, environmental hygiene.The new district council will no longer have the power of elected legislators and administrative chiefs, and no longer have the power to approve funds. The government emphasizes that it returns to its original positioning.The Director of the Law of the Law stated that Article 97 of the Basic Law belongs to the provisions of the authority. The establishment of the district council is not a constitutional responsibility. The district council does not have any political power, including the supervision of the government's power;The function is for consultation. For the service area, district councilors must cooperate with the government to do regional consultation work to truthfully reflect the opinions of citizens.

In the past 40 years, the function of the district council has continued to expand. Although the reorganization plan now is to "return to basic", the composition and function of the New District Council is indeed different from the district council familiar to the people in the past. Among them, the most obvious one is the most obvious.It is the "regional three meeting" (partition meeting, fire prevention meeting, crime meeting) and civil affairs commissioner's power.At present, many members of the "Three Meetings" appointed by the government have the background of the political parties.With the members of the "Three Meeting" have the right to nominate the nomination of the district council, even if the traditional democratic party candidates meet the requirements of patriotism and love Hong Kong, they may not be nominated from the regional "enemy".If the government hopes that the direct election of the District Council is more open to reflect the different voices of the society, the threshold for nominations should be adjusted. Except for allowing each member of the "Three Meetings" to nominate more than one person, thereby encouraging competition, and you should also consider expanding the right to nomination.For example, they are nominated by members of the National People's Congress and CPPCC.In 2021, the Legislative Council area was directly selected. Some non -establishmentists obtained the nominations of the National People's Political Consultative Conference and the CPPCC nominations, indicating that this is at least a practical arrangement.

The expansion of the power of civil affairs commissioners is reflected in the chairman of the district council. It has the right to determine the agenda, the rules of the discussion, and the performance of the behavior of the follow -up of members. If necessary, the punishment procedure can be initiated.According to government ideas, civil affairs commissioners will bear the heavy responsibility of coordinating regional governance, coordinate the work of the district council, the "three meetings" and the care team. Some people describe the power of the commissioner's power, such as "regional chief executive".In the past, the District Council's seats were dominated by direct election. The system design contained the elements of power checks and balances and the government's elements. The new plan is quite meaningful to the government's regional governance and enforcement instruments.Government.The current Legislative Council of the District Council is concerned that whether the district councilor will become a "half civil servant" and may be punished without fulfilling the requirements of civil affairs commissioners, and it will not dare to express objections.Regarding concerns, it is not targeted.

The director of the government affairs emphasized that the civil affairs commissioner is the chairman of the district council, aiming to reflect the administrative leadership, ensure that the district council will not deviate from the goal of citizens in the service area, and become a platform for political issues."Chief Executive"; Director of the Minqing said that the official did not require district councilors to collect some kinds of opinions. Regardless of the positive and anti -public opinion, the government had to master it.Under the new plan, how the district Council reflects public opinion on the one hand, and on the one hand, cooperate with the government's administration, and must take good care of the balance, strive to balance, and implement the situation, depending on the government's attitude, and how civil affairs commissioner is how civil affairs commissionerExercise power.

There are many committees with consulting functions in Hong Kong. The Environmental Consulting Committee and the Urban Planning Council are examples. They have no election members.As a consulting organization, the government emphasizes that the appointed parliamentarians are also representative. If the logic is infinitely extended. Theoretically, the official can change all the members of the District Council to the appointment;It can play a different role in appointment.It is inevitable that the appointed Councilor is responsible for the appointed person, but the elected members must be responsible for voters.It is this link that gives the public the opportunity to participate and regional public conditions.

Balanced consultation and assistance to governance

Prec not only in the only culture

The district council should not return to the state of generalization and the government of the government every few years ago, nor should they be reduced to the government's "cheerleading team", but it is more than real.Foreign helper service employers are metaphors, which is equivalent to emphasizing that district councilors and government are lower -level relationships, one of the command and one command. If such power relationship becomes a reality, it may lead to the formation of the only Nuo Nuo culture in the district council.It must be avoided.In the future, the civil affairs commissioner will serve as the chairman of the district council. He needs to use power with caution, respect the consultation function of the district council, listen carefully to the opinions of the members of the parliament, and encourage the affection. On the other side, members must dare to express different opinions and play a constructive role.You should actively participate in the direct election of the District Council to ensure that the New District Council has achieved a reasonable balance in reflecting the people's conditions and cooperating with governance, and will not be abolished.