Source: Taiwan United Daily

United Daily Black and White Collection

Faced with the crisis of cross -strait conflicts, Lai Qingde prepared for the presidential election and planned to focus on the "anti -communist" on both sides of the strait.For many years, it is a big question mark to sign a lot of credibility for this hairpin.

Lai Qingde's past issues on both sides of the strait have always been "not amazingly dead."It is said that the risk of "Trojan Trojan" on both sides of the strait is what he said when he served as legislators.However, after being elected as the mayor of Tainan, in order to fight for cross -strait airlines, he strongly argued that he did not oppose direct flights, and even proposed the saying of "pro -China love".The swaying big is amazing.

In 2019, Lai Qingde wanted to challenge Tsai Ing -wen for nomination of the Democratic Progressive Party. "Kissing Zhongaitai" was questioned by the green camp, and he turned at a high speed and said that "the timing of the new constitution has arrived."One of the reasons is that this constitution is "formulated in China, with great Chinese thoughts, affecting Taiwan's unity and progress."To say that this is not "anti -China", who can believe it?

Lai Qingde once claimed to be "pragmatic Taiwan independence workers", and the statement also repeatedly moved, it was really "pragmatic."Whether he is "resistance" or "instead of resistance"; or "not resist", or "both resistance and anti", the more vague, the more blurred.The only certainty is that "anti -Communist Party does not fight" will not be the ultimate version, and it will be unsurprising someday again.

The President of the Democratic Progressive Party is nominated for one, but it is still unknown to what level of "Cai Lai Sui" and which will "follow".The most troublesome, not how to integrate the internal claims of the DPP, but how Lai Qingde integrates himself, so as not to be self -conflict!