In the international community, strengthening its own strength construction and using external forces (that is, alliances with other countries) are the two common ways to enhance their national strength.In the face of the objective reality of relatively weak strength, in order to continue to maintain the world's only dominant status, in the short term of its own strength, the Bayeng government attaches great importance to the United States "unparalleled allies and partnership networks".

At present, the United States has a total of 68 treaty allies around the world, as well as several factors (ie, quasi -allies) such as India and Pakistan.In addition, there are some ordinary partnership countries that have a place to curb China's India -Pacific strategy in the United States, such as Vietnam and Indonesia.


The "US Priority" of the Trump administration and the "extreme pressure" foreign strategy have led to a decline in the relationship between the United States and allies (that is, allies and partnerships).During the first European visit after his inauguration, Biden announced high -profile announcement that "the United States is back."The United States under the leadership of the Biden government returned to almost all the "groups" that the Trump administration withdrew, and also paid more attention to dialogue and communication with the partners.The relationship between the United States and the alliance has improved rapidly.

Bynden government has also upgraded and created a series of allies partnership networks according to actual needs.Bayeng's government's focus on the Indo -Pacific strategy is therefore concentrated in the Indo -Pacific region.After the restarting in 2017, the US -Japan -India -Australian Sifang Security Dialogue (QUAD) is just a security dialogue mechanism.The Biden government regards it as the pillar of the U.S. Indo -Pacific strategy.Two months after the president of Biden, the four countries held the first summit and released the spirit of security dialogue on the first political document, making it a physical political and military alliance.Since then, all the joint statements of the four countries have "opposed unilateral changes to the order of Indo -Pacific region."From then on, the island chain that the United States has plugged in China has increased from three to four.

In September of the same year, the United Kingdom and Australia established the "Aukus" three -sided security partnership mechanism, and the United States and Britain decided to sell nuclear -powered submarines to Australia.The United States tries to curb China's influence in the South Pacific through United British and Australia.When the second summit in the United States was held in the United States in 2023, the Three Kingdoms reiterated the goal again.China is facing new security pressure in the South Pacific region.

In March 2022, the Bayeng government started to build the United States, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan chip alliance (Chip 4).In November of the same year, the chip founding giant TSMC was established in Arizona to produce five -nanometer chips. It is expected to be opened in 2024.It is also planned to expand the latest technology of the three nano factories.In early 2023, the media revealed that the United States United Dutch and Japan reached a secret agreement on chips.Recently, there are media reports that if Micron, the largest memory chip manufacturer in the United States, is banned from selling chips in China, the US government requires the Korean government to urge South Korean chip manufacturers not to fill the gap in the Chinese market.The imports and manufacturing of Chinese chips are facing unprecedented dilemma.

In July 2022, I2U2 established I2U2 in United Israel, India and the UAE to curb China's influence in the Middle East.This is considered to be the Quad of the Middle East version.The U.S. improving its influence in the Middle East has found a new starting point, while China's oil imports in the Middle East are facing new pressure.

U.S. U.S.'s pro -beauty positions of the Korean Yin Xiyue government promoted the harmony of Korean and Japan across historical issues.On the one hand, the United States, Japan, and South Korea ’s joint military exercise mechanisms have reached a new level; on the other hand, the Yin Xiyue government has continuously broke through the China -Korea establishment diplomatic relations, and South Korea’ s position on Taiwan ’s issue has poured oil on the tense Taiwan Strait situation.In addition, the situation of the Korean Peninsula has continued to be tight, and the security of the northeast portal of China faces challenges again.

In order to fight against the increasingly close economic and trade relations between China and the Asia -Pacific countries, the Bayeng government proposed the Indo -Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) in 2022.Seven traditional Asian fine security members outside Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar have participated in the mechanism.US trade representative Daiqi pointed out at a press conference in Tokyo on April 20 that the Indo -Pacific Economic Framework negotiations are expected to achieve results this year.Once so, China's economic advantage in Asia will be weakened.

While actively encouraging the development of allies in the Indo -Pacific region, the government also vigorously promoted cross -regional linkage among allies.The Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) often invites India and other unpretentious countries to attend the meeting with China.South Korea is the official member of the NATO Network Defense Center and is the first Asian country to join the organization.Since then, Japan has followed South Korea's pace and became the second Asian country to join the organization.

At present, the United States is far stronger than China.The biggest diplomatic pressure since opening.However, China ’s diplomacy has appeared frequently since 2023: Sino -Russian relations have taken more levels after Xi Jinping visited Russia in March; French President Macron successfully visited China; Saudi Arabia and Iran achieved reconciliation under the mediation of China.As long as China maintains its strategic determination, does not sprinkle "qi" on neighboring countries, and avoids pushing these countries to the United States and continuing to develop economic and trade relations with neighboring countries.

The author is an associate professor at the University of Sichuan Foreign Studies