As the basic concept of ethics, trust usually refers to each individual and group of politics, economy and society, and the expectations and vision of the sincerity and loyalty of the other party between the cooperation between the cooperation between the cooperation between each individual of politics, the economy and society.It is the overall expression of the intent, ability, morality and spiritual style of each other.If the above elements are due to the gains and losses of interests, the decline in moral authority in the process of interaction and connection, the destruction of behavior specifications and the irrational of mental literacy, so that the relationship between coordination and harmony is tension or even completely lost, which is the crisis of trust.

The aim of evaluating the Trust of the global people in the world by the global people's trust in governments, media, enterprises and non -governmental organizations in 2022 "Edelman Trust Barometer" shows that the government and the media have accelerated the vicious cycle of vicious crisis in crisis in crisis.EssenceCompared to 2020, 13 percentage points fell.Among them, government trust is 52%, lower than the media (50%), non -governmental organizations (59%) and commercial institutions (61%).As high as 76%of global people are worried that "fake news" will be regarded as weapons, and the lack of leadership will make the inconsistency become the default option.

In the second 10 years of the 21st century, traditional democratic countries have obviously suffered a crisis of trust, and many national political parties have entered the anxiety cycle.The weakening of mild power and the polarization of political forces has made political compromises as the basic advantage of democratic government and accelerate the collapse.Trust is humane and rich in super -class, cross -conscious characteristics, and dynamically evolved in a special historical stage and a given environment.The game theory that has been popular in recent years can help us explain why "inconsistent" is as popular as a virus, which is at a loss.

Take the US election as an example. When asking why voters abandon votes, the response is mostly not trusting the government, lacking confidence and interest in voting, and believes that the voting is not much value and significance.Low voting rate and citizens' indifference to politics and doubts about the government have attracted the attention of the academic community, but did not resonate in essence and generate consensus.According to the latest survey, the US people's trust in the two parties decreased by 14 percentage points compared with 2021.6,000 manufacturers in the United States have recently sued the government in joint prosecution, asking for compensation for billions of dollars, discussing the president's dishonesty, and not canceling the former government tariffs on China.

From Ohio's poisonous gas to the Greek train collision, and then in Taiwan's egg shortage or even water shortage, the governance class and government functions were complained and criticized by the people.A turn of people's lives and property and health and safety, is considered as blasphemy promised by voters and slander of human rights.The crisis of trust has become the main theme of the 21st century, threatening people's right to survive and even traditional moral social trust based on individual relationships, which constitutes a challenge to social development in the new period.

Human disaster reveals various relationships of society's unstable relationship

It seems that the human disasters seem to be exaggerated, but it reveals the unstable and discomfort of various relationships in today's society.At the end of last year, China announced that the epidemic control that had been imprisoned for three years was refreshing. However, at the critical moment of "the whole people", they found that community personnel who shouted speakers from morning to night disappeared.The sudden absence of the volunteer army and the serious scarce of medical devices have caused ordinary residents, especially old, weak and disabled families to be anxious.Honesty, helpless and psychological fear forced people to deeply question the management attitude and emergency ability of grass -roots organizations.

Commercial society is different from farming civilization.With the development of science and technology, economic prosperity, and human progress, the crisis of trust is breeding simultaneously.In addition to accelerating rising fraud, corruption, political scandal, and bureaucratic style, the false information of publicity of machines and social media is constantly coming out.For individual interests, it was burn like a fire.Promote the conversation between the public and experts in a timely manner, comprehensively rectify the self -media and timely realization of experts, scholars, and political and economic interests to ensure neutrality of experts and improve the efficiency of communication scientifically. The necessity is beyond doubt.

The crisis of trust belongs to the category of sociological research, but it has a considerable impact on politics and economic and international relations and will have a negative impact.The popularity of the Internet and the rapid development of transportation, especially the advancement of material civilization, have made academic authority based on social conscience and trust, and even fades.The lethal crisis to the dialogue of different civilizations and the lethality brought by the mutual trade between the economies is not the same as the past.The phenomenon of phenomena includes worsening regional conflicts, decline in government reputation, and lagging democratic politics.

The development of science and technology and human civilization has prompted people to increase the requirements of people's livelihood policies.Do not allow expectations to become extravagant, the relationship between officials and people should be improved.The people have hope, the politics has something to do, enter the grassroots level, take the trust to the people, measure the people's sentiment, and bow and listen to the demands; the "struggle" out of the eyes ignores the internal contradictions and its own problems.EssenceFrom trust to the crisis of trust, or between the beard, once the seeds of doubt are broadcast, the trust will mutate instantly.

The accumulation of abnormal political life and the secondary effect of the market leads to unsafe and doubts.It hindered the development of the market, caused the disorders of economic order, and weakened government prestige and administrative efficiency.The traditional breaks caused by the fundamental changes of the world and the weakness of institutional commitments are the main crisis in the process of modernization.Trust or dislikes between individuals, between officials and people and between countries are derived from individual interaction, cultural exchanges, economic and trade exchanges, and even in long -term struggle.

Reconstruction trust, first of all, we must improve the operation of the system and mechanism.The legal function guarantee transaction is fair, and the elements that inherit and carry out traditional culture are the top priority.Environmental changes have caused the breeding of moral contradictions and the formation of moral difficulties, which not only affects value orientation, blur the concept of good and evil, but also promote utilitarian and pragmatism.If there is no faith, the country is declining without faith.The crisis of trust is the biggest crisis, and the collapse of faith is the ultimate collapse.Authoritative agencies have unbalanced trust and national policy imbalances, leading to increased internal consumption and conflict, endangering productivity and production relations; improving productivity requires harmonious production relations.

Trust is the motivation of cooperation rather than luxury goods

The modernity of the West began as a plan for real life, including the value elements of individualism, rationalism, democratic politics and progressive concepts.Individual free liberation is a modern achievement, but freedom is not to do whatever you want to do, but to teach people not to do whatever.French writer Balzak said: "Observing promise should be like guarding their own honor." The values rooted in different historical and culture and scoffing exotic objections can only lead to misunderstandings and even conflict and confrontation.Through sociological theories, it is explored from the background, ontology, cultural factors, historical and institutional factors, and may be objective to the dynamic cause of the trust crisis, which can be objectively right.

Iran and Saudi Arabia in Shiites and Sunni, Saudi Arabia, said in Beijing not long ago.Although resolving the resentment is far away, the successful resumptions of different faith countries are expected to improve the diplomatic pattern of the Middle East and bring peace opportunities for the global geopolitical in the new era.The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Nasser Canani said Esha's resumes of political relations proved that foreign solution misunderstandings were effective and successful.Although China promotes the reconciliation of Esha, although some scholars interpret Wei Wei to save Zhao, the degree of trust and fairness of the Chinese side to the two is self -evident.

Regardless of individuals, organizations or countries, realizing peace is not to shout slogans by virtual momentum, but to practice.In recent years, whether it is the G20 summit, or the conversation between international organizations and the country, it usually symbolizes greater than the content and has more forms than substance.The snow in front of the door is difficult to consensus.Trust is the motivation of cooperation rather than luxury goods. Everyone needs and needs.Solving the appropriate arrangement of the trust crisis, but the charm of leaders, the wisdom of political parties, and moral appeal seem to be even more unparalleled.

The author is a sociological scholar and a professor of linguistics in Hong Kong

The founder of Cambridge Think Tank