Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Wangbao Society Review

On the eve of the "Victory Day" of Russia, the Kremlin was attacked by drones. Russia accused Ukraine of launching terrorist attacks. Ukraine denied that there were western intelligence units suspected that Russia was directed and performed.At the drone attack, Ukraine was then attacked by the Russian drone and missiles.Coincidentally, the Air Force Air Force of the Eastern Conference of the Eastern Mainland dispatched the TB-001 drone on April 27. It entered the East China Sea by the southwest of Taiwan via the Basilica, Taiwan, and the northeast maritime air defense identification zone.BZK-005 UAV reverse around the platform.The drone is two times around the Taiwan time, which is similar to the 25 US military fire merchants come to Taiwan. The PLA may use this to express its position against the development of cooperative development of American merchants and Taiwan.

Mainland drones around the platform twice

In recent years, drone technology and use have developed rapidly. From early as a gift of player, to air performance and military aerial photography reconnaissance, U.S. companies have regarded drones as takeaway transportation tools.The development of robots is also different in the same age. If both are developing in the direction of the benefit of the country, they must be a great gospel of human beings.Unfortunately, the use of the two as a tool for war is becoming more and more common, and humans accelerate the era of "inhumia" war.

Taking the U.S. military as an example, in recent years, he has invested a lot of resources to develop drone technology, trying to play a greater role in high -threatening battlefields in the future, and has achieved considerable achievements.According to the characteristics of combat and urgent needs, the U.S. military also proposes drone and robot development plans for the definition of the future battlefield and threats, and combines advanced technologies such as networks, artificial intelligence, solar power supply.Main weapons.

The development of the PLA is also very rapid. A huge and increasingly excellent drone force has been established. It is not only used to perform the "gray zone" operation, but also can be used directly or indirectly various military tasks during wartime.The drone exported to the mainland, in the Middle East and North Africa regions, was used by local countries to deal with the tasks of rebels and guerrillas. Although its precision and combat power are not as good as the advanced drone made in the United States, it is cheap because of its cheap prices.Obtain a large number of third -world countries.

Taiwan's drone development is rushing to catch up.The Ministry of Economic Affairs established the UAV national team in Chiayi last September. The Ministry of National Defense released 3,000 and 50 billion yuan orders at the same time, so that enterprises have sufficient funds to invest in R & D and production.Preparation.On the other hand, the 4 MQ-9B "Death Drum" ordered by the Taiwan Army to the United States are expected to receive the first shelf early next year. It is expected to return to Taiwan in the second half of the year. All equipment is expected to be completed in 116.Age era.

From the perspective of the development of drones, the use of war tools should be the main purpose. Otherwise, 25 military firemen in the United States will not have to come to Taiwan to find cooperative business opportunities.However, if the drone is widely used to the battlefield, the result of the unmanned battlefield increases the possibility of war?This is a problem that Taiwan needs to think deeply.Take the attack on drones as an example, both Ukraine and the United States have denied the launch of the attack, and even suspected that it was Russia's self -directed and self -directed performance, trying to intensify the morale of Russian soldiers on the "Victory Day" and prepare for the launch of a new offensive.

Be careful to use interference elections

Regardless of whether it is Luo Shengmen, Russian Foreign Minister Rafrov claimed that this was a hostile behavior.He also responded that "whether the drone attack the Kremlin incident would be regarded as a reason to declare war." He said: "We will not just discuss the reason for declaration of war, but will take specific actions to respond."In other words, Russia is a combat behavior that must be responded to drone attacks.

The Kremlin was attacked by the drone. The truth is unknown to this day. Both parties in the war may also be done by terrorist organizations or radical groups, in an attempt to expand the conflict between Russia, Utah or the United States and Russia.Obviously, drones have become cheap weapons or individuals who want to create war.The Taiwan Strait is in a state of high confrontation crisis. In the upcoming presidential election, if the radical party believes that it may not be able to win the election campaign, whether the drone may be used to attack military facilities, and then marry the disaster to the mainland.It may interrupt the election.

The "two bullets" occasionally occasionally can change the situation of the election campaign. Whether it is a war between the two sides of the strait, or the election campaign between blue and green, if anyone is targeted at a cheap and easy -to -operate droneSensitive places, such as the site of political parties, the presidential palace, the party's central party department, the presidential candidate campaign headquarters, and even the military facilities launch an attack.If it involves military facilities or military activities, the consequences are more serious.Especially under the tight cross -strait relations, radical groups may use drones to manufacture and provoke war.