The transformation of the Singapore Book Fair with a history of 37 years, in the form of urban reading festivals, cooperates with many partners such as the National Library and Binhai Art Center to focus on lectures and activities.At the same time, the common purpose is to expand and extend the annual activities of the promotion of Chinese reading, extend and extend to more occasions, create a carnival atmosphere, and attract more attention of people.

As Chinese school students gradually grow and disappear, the topics of Chinese education and learning are becoming more worrying locally.As the mother tongue of the Chinese nationality, the ability to use the following generations today is more popular than in the past, but the reading ability is considered to be increasingly regressed. Even more people do not care whether they can master the ability of this mother tongue.

The reason is not only about education, the characteristics of mobile communication tools are becoming more and more developed, information explosive, SMS, shallow reading and other characteristics, all of which have impacted the reading environment, and the affected readings include various Chinese books.However, the impact of technology on Chinese may not be completely unfavorable. To a certain extent, it can even expand people's interest in reading. The key is how deeply reading operators can exert creativity and guide people to increase reading time and spending.

The Ministry of Education and Library have always been active in promoting reading activities, and also invested many resources in the four major languages, especially in cultivating children's reading habits.However, under the local special Chinese reality, many students have lowered both reading and mother tongue and texts after leaving school. Therefore, it is more important to promote the promotion and promotion of adult reading.

In terms of Chinese language reading and the shape of the environment, for many years, new immigrants from Malaysia and the three sides of the strait have undoubtedly played a considerable role in the continuation of local Chinese language and culture.They integrate into the local area and form a background of the local Chinese language environment with the young generation; how to continue the vitality and vitality of Chinese culture in Singapore on this basis is the increasingly severe topic of local Chinese language related groups.

From the perspective of the continuation of ethnic culture, this is not a single or few enterprises and institutions that can achieve the goals. It is necessary to have a good benefit of people who are interested in continuing Chinese and cultural life.Under the special conditions of Singapore, the Chinese culture faces international language and cultural competition, and the creation of a major environment for the survival of the ethnic culture is crucial. There is a long -term environment for living water.The incentives are enthusiastic.

But in the process of creating a major environment, financial resources and willpower are equally important.The Southeast Asian past Yin Pae Chinese businessmen are keen to contribute to national culture and education. These measures have always been ethnic talks, and they have also shaped part of the national spirit.

Recently, some of the smaller local Zongxiang groups, such as the Pavilion and the Li Federation, have actively invested in lectures and activities in Chinese language.Event, such efforts are worthy of recognition.The Zongxiang Federation of Zongxiang and the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, which brings together the various halls, is not only the historical pillar of the Chinese society, the national commercial pillar, but also the role of cultural pioneer.Waiting for activities that are conducive to deep cultivation of the Chinese cultural soil, it will be more effective.The best example is the spring to the river that has continued for 36 years. With the efforts of the Zongxiang Federation, the General Chamber of Commerce, and the Chinese newspapers, it has become the annual cultural event of the local Chinese and even the key project of tourism.Imagine that the Chinese lacked the scene and news of this cultural activity during the Chinese New Year. The cultural factors of the Lunar New Year must be weakened a lot, and it is even more unfavorable to the inheritance of culture.

The vitality of mother tongue lies in social visibility. The scale of activities such as reading festivals and book shows can increase visibility, and the content of the activity and book items determine the enthusiasm and gains of the people's participation.Annual events such as the Chinese Language Competition and the New Ballad Art Festival in the past have helped highlight the sense of presence of Chinese language and inspire people of different generations to further contact the mother tongue. From the perspective of reactions, there are many people who agree with these activities.Prove that society needs.

Different groups of Chinese Society need to establish consensus and concepts as soon as possible, support each other, so that large -scale activities such as urban reading festivals and book shows become the norm, and even become international brands.Only by expanding the scale can the cost, the price of the book fair can attract readers and create a virtuous circle.Reading activities have a brilliant causal relationship with book sales. If the carnival Chinese -style activities can stimulate Chinese people to actively participate and spend money reading, it will achieve the purpose of promoting the spread of mother tongue.

The local Chinese environment is becoming increasingly difficult. Whether relevant groups can actively open up new space and create more engines for the next generation to create more mother tongue, determine the significance of these groups in the future, must encourage each other.