
The Russian and Ukraine War entered a long -lasting war in Eastern Europe. There was also a terrible armed conflict in a region in Africa, which was the Sudan (or North Sudan) that has recently swept the international media layout.Speaking of Sudan, it has always been a country with a good destiny. It is the third largest in Africa after Algeria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Before the independence of South Sudan in 2011, Sudan was the largest country in Africa.However, the vast number of rich land has never bred peace. Since the afternoon of World War II, there have been independent struggles with the former colonial clan country and the dispute with the neighboring power Egypt.Until 1956, independence was officially announced, and the establishment of the Sudan Republic is just like most African independent countries, facing the military coup or dictators, until the recent armed conflict.

For the local people, this is the first few war.At the end of April, the Sudan government forces and armed groups "Fast Support Force" (RSF) had a fierce fire in the capital Khatoumoum, which caused most of the infrastructure of the entire city to destroy.Rising, thousands of people flock to neighboring areas.The UN Secretary -General Gutres personally leads the work with African Alliance, the United States, Arabia and other countries, but even if it is barely promoted to the consensus of short -term ceasefire, to solve the long -term internal problems or avoid conflicts, it may not be possibleEasy.

Because of this unexpected civil war, the United Nations Refugee Department is worried that more than 800,000 refugees may fled to neighboring countries, causing pressure on neighboring countries to increase the pressure, generate another humanitarian crisis, and make the original very fragile area.Well worse.

In 2017, the author was dispatched to the Dharma area southern in 2017 to assist in the execution of the backup business of peacekeeping forces.It is really shocking to come to the scene. Even if the vast majority of time is based on the United Nations security norms and security measures, we cannot leave the designated camp at will, but the transport vehicles escorted by the peacekeeping troops from the airport are connected to the work location and do our best along the way.It is full of sores, and it is not difficult to imagine how bad the people's survival will be after experiencing the baptism of war.

Among the 12 difficult task areas of the United Nations peacekeeping forces (the latest information in 2023), there are two military stabilization regiments in this area, namely the ABYE area in southern Sudan, the Corps code -named Unisfa, and the South in charge of the SouthSudan and the team of stability naming UNMISS.In addition, in order to promote the development of democratic society, a huge United Nations Sudan Comprehensive Assistance Team (codenamed Unitams) was also organized.This has not been counted as other units, such as the refugee agency, the Women's Department, the Agricultural and Food Department, the World Health Organization, the Children's Foundation, and hundreds of thousands of non -profit institutions, where the resources and hard work are betting.

But obviously these did not prevent the outbreak of conflict. Even when the two sides were fierce, many international organizations and even embassy staff evacuated to avoid being involved in the crisis.This is also criticized by some media, accusing these diplomats of humanitarian workers, and the cake will only be icing on the cake when it is okay. At the time of really critical juncture, the first batch of escape.

Even before the war, the Sudan region's demand for humanity and rescue is already the highest level in history. More than one -third of the total population (about 15.8 million people) in the country urgently need basic rescue. Since April, since AprilThe outbreak of civil war also made the food, medical products, water and fuel shortage, and most people's livelihood or could not be transported into the country due to armed conflicts, or the price of two -thirds without receiving assistance.Unable to afford it.

The initiator of this conflict is the two generals of the country Burhan and Hamdan. The former is a military strong man and has mastered armed forces.The militia organizations in the Buddha area advanced to the core of the military all the way.After the two collaborated on October 2021, after overthrowing the literati Prime Minister Bahill and his cabinet, they briefly became the actual leaders of Sudan, and served as Zheng and Vice President.However, on April 15 this year, the two became vengeance, and publicly mobilized their camps to hand in the country throughout the country, especially for the important strongholds for the capital Khamoum.The artillery fire was almost destroyed.

In December last year, the warlord brothers also signed an agreement under the "persuasion" of the United Nations to agree to continue to deliver the regime to the literati government, and strive to establish a trusted democratic system.This is also the goal that peacekeeping forces and international special regiments have been able to achieve for a long time. However, as the war caught fire, the hope of peace became more slim.

On the surface, this may be related to the two generals from being unwilling to decentralize to the power to compete with each other.But people who are familiar with the history of modern African conflict are probably not difficult to guess. Even if it is not a direct agent war, it will definitely not be related to several specific international power.Obviously, the United States and Russia play a certain role behind them.

Looking at the private security and mercenaries of many Russian private security and mercenaries, it is not difficult to see the influence of Russia from the Soviet Union to the Africa continent from the Soviet Union in Africa (especially the Sudan region).Furthermore, as early as 2018, Putin faced the question of reporters asking export weapons in 2018, he realized that Russia "has the right to promote its business interests to anywhere in the world."In addition, important raw materials such as manganese, aluminum ore and chromium that Russia lacks is just the production of Africa. It is self -evident to build a sphere of influence and support the minds of pro -Russian regime.

Let's take a look at the United States again.Not to mention the various incidents of the United States in Africa in history. In March of this year, the Secretary of State Broskere's visit to China Africa and East Africa and Vice President Harris visited West Africa, the Deputy Secretary of Secretary of Democracy and Democratic Uzra· Uzra Zeya is a visit to Gambia and Senegal, assistant Secretary of State Lee Satterfield, who is responsible for education and cultural affairs.It is also possible to visit Africa this year, and obviously have the intention of winning the African allies.

Sure enough, the internal problems of Sudan are intricate, and the unknown fighting of overseas forces is afraid that no matter how much effort and betting with the United Nations, no matter how much effort and betting, it is necessary to bring real sustainable peaceful development to the local people.A difficult road is going to go.

The author is the United Nations Advisor of the Information Technology Department