Source: United News Network

Author: Zhao Chunshan

Tsai Ing -wen and Ma Ying -jeou returned to Taiwan on the same day after ending their foreign visits.Ma Ying -jeou positioned his mainland as a "ancestor sacrifice" and "communication", but his every move was put on political colors; in order to consolidate the friendship, Cai Yingwen was engaged in her "Democratic partners are a journey of prosperity, but the focus is considered to be a "transit diplomacy" in the United States.The two of them have the same way, and their follow -up effect will show the current cross -strait relations.

Voice of the United States pointed out that the purpose of Tsai Ing -wen's trip is not to obtain diplomatic breakthroughs, but to consolidate Taiwan's position in the hearts of the United States during the geopolitical turbulence. "The meeting was the finale of her trip; but the Bayeng government seemed to be unintentionally involved in the performance, but deliberately "cold treatment" on her transit; the Tsai government could only be echoed with the sound to maintain a low -key.This move shows that Taiwan -US relations are difficult to get rid of Sino -US relations and the constraints of domestic political factors in the United States.

From the perspective of Sino -US relations, at this moment when the head of state visited Beijing, China and the United States were still trapped in the dilemma of "no reading" due to the balloon incident.In order to break the deadlock and actively seek dialogue with Xi Jinping, he did not want the "Taiwan issue" to be on the stage at this time, so that he would lose his evidence.In addition, in the face of the upcoming US election, the Bayeng government was worried that the Republican Party might use the issue of "anti -China" issues to seize the US speech market and highlight the power of the Democratic Party in dealing with major diplomatic issues.

Although Beijing also faced Ma Ying -jeou's trip, it also gave high courtesy.During his visit to the mainland, Ma repeatedly mentioned his identity as the president, positioned the relationship between the Republic of China and cross -strait relations in accordance with the law, and resolved his doubts about the consensus of 1992.The opposite shore tolerates the publicly talk about these sensitive topics, mainly to feel the "Chinese heart and national feelings" of horse, hoping that it will help the "spiritual fit" on both sides of the strait, creating a favorable atmosphere for the "peace reunification" on both sides of the strait.

Ma Ying -jeou has obviously established a "guardrail" of mainland policies for the Kuomintang, but in addition to the spokesman's statement, the overall performance is "straightforward and not strong"; especially those Kuomintang "places with a public opinion foundation" local party"Princes" seem to be a blind eye to the words and deeds on the other side, and even "avoiding it", which is really puzzling.

On the other hand, although Malaysia's trip retains the space for "avoidance of war and" for the development of cross -strait relations, people of green camps do not appreciate it.The Democratic Progressive Party even denied his "Chinese" identity and criticized the criticism of Ma Ying -jeou from the level of blue -green confrontation to the level of national, ethnic and cultural identity. These have all touched the most sensitive nerves on both sides of the strait.There is almost no room for the people of the people, leaving only a way to "lose fantasy and prepare for the struggle".

For Tsai Ing -wen's transit in the United States, the reaction of the mainland government is still used to "attack and martial arts", but it is relatively restrained compared to last year Perosi when visiting Taiwan.Mao Zedong said: "Strategic contempt for the enemy and attach importance to the enemy in tactics." The mainland government is not to show weakness to the United States, but to learn from it and then make tactical adjustments.

After Tsai Ing -wen and Ma Ying -jeou arrived in Taiwan, they both made a simple conversation at the airport. Both sides were satisfied with this trip, but there was no intersection.The crowd to pick up the aircraft is even more clearly barriers, reflecting Taiwan's political confrontation and social differences.

After judging the presidential election of the Taiwan -US President next year, the mainland government will take positive actions to lead the development of cross -strait relations.The mainland government will increase the strength of "anti -independence" and "anti -external interference".Therefore, 2024 is the turning point of cross -strait relations, and the people of Taiwan will face important choices for war and peace.

In short, Shuangying opened the "Pandora box" on both sides of the strait, but we still can't see the hope of peace.

The author is the honorary professor of the Institute of Mainland China of Tamkang University