When you shopping in Urida Road shopping malls and take out your mobile phone to open the membership application scan code points, you can have thought of optimizing applications in the back end and improving your shopping experience. In fact, sitting in the industrial area of Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamIntersection

Last month, I went to Vietnam with the Singapore Chinese General Chamber of Commerce to visit Vietnam and visited FPT, which is one of the number of local scale.The company established in 1999, originally engaged in food processing, then transformed into a software company, and even set up a news website.Today FPT has more than 40,000 people in 26 countries and regions.

FPT is full of young people in the modern office building of the Ho Chi Minh City Industrial Zone, and concentrate on studying a string of codes in the computer. There is a sign on the top of the head to indicate which project to "serve" for which projects.EssenceIn one of the rooms, looking at it is a brand of well -known Singapore companies, including shopping malls, real estate developers, consulting companies, transportation companies, etc.

Every time I talk about foreign programmers hired by Singapore, stereotypes are Indians, Chinese and Philippines.However, according to the owner of Singapore, the owner of the Singaporean company who went to the same group, the ability of Vietnamese programmers was catching up, second only to India and China in this area.

Unfortunately, because of limited understanding of Vietnam and local talents, many Singapore companies were initially unwilling to hire Vietnamese programmers.The owner of a venture capital company said that he spent a lot of energy a few years ago and failed to persuade business partners to hire Vietnamese programmers.Today, the other party asked him to help recruit in Vietnam, but he was not invited because of fierce competition.

The Singapore's "heads" in the same group said that Vietnamese employees' salaries have been doubled in the past five years.The survey report released by the insurance company Yi'an (AON) predicts that the average salary of Vietnam in various fields will increase by 7.9%this year, which is the largest increase among Southeast Asian countries.

Although the current overall salary of Vietnam is still competitive compared with other countries in the region, because "admission" is late, Singapore companies may miss the best golden period for establishing their own advantages.

Singapore is the second largest foreign -invested country in Vietnam, with a cumulative investment of US $ 71.85 billion (about S $ 95.6 billion).According to the latest data from Vietnam's plan and investment department, up to 31.6 % of Vietnam's foreign direct investment in the first two months of this year, from Singapore, making Singapore the largest investor in the first two months.

The Vietnamese bank industry responsible for corporate customers in private analysis said that most of the investment from Singapore is not a Singaporean enterprise, but a European and American and Chinese enterprises in Singapore to set up regional headquarters.Obviously, we have successfully built Singapore as the "Southeast Asia's portal" to help international companies enter the Southeast Asian market, but Singaporean companies have not made full use of this door.

The owner of the same group, whether it is engaged in food processing, venture capital, game development, consultant consulting or construction industry, it is also difficult to find Singaporean employees who are willing to go to Southeast Asian countries.In addition to the gap between language and living environment and work culture and Singapore, Singapore employees are generally not so interested in Southeast Asia, and believe that regional countries are backward and "unimportant."

It is undeniable that Southeast Asia does not have enough international influence in Southeast Asia compared with the global economic and political turmoil in China and the United States.But based on Southeast Asia, neighbors stretch their laziness casually, even if they cannot shake world order, it is enough to hurt us; the neighbor's business is bigger and the spillover effect can be felt as soon as possible.

At present, competition between China and the United States has intensified, and the supply chain is chaotic. All countries are busy decentralizing investment risks, relocating important industries back to China, or making "Youkan Outsourcing".It has more than 660 million people, and its economic aggregate ranks fifth in the world, and the relatively neutral Asians will inevitably become the "friend shore" for the development of great powers.Southeast Asian countries should also grasp this trend.

Southeast Asian countries have always been low in investment and economic and trade exchanges, and countries are more focused on doing business with foreign countries.According to data from Yajia'an in 2021, the trade volume between member states accounted for only 21.3%of the total trade volume of 10 countries, which was lower than the 24.4%in 2012.The proportion of the total investment of the mutual investment in the members of the Asian'an member states has also fallen by 7.3 percentage points in the past 10 years.

The President of this year's Asian Terry Value President Guo Indns Indohisia has stated that promoting the trade growth between the Asia -safe countries is one of the programs in the term of office.Over the years, countless rounds have listed this as a priority, but the results have not been obvious.In the current environment, Southeast Asia urgently needs to face this issue.Increased investment in foreign countries must continue, but if it can promote trade in the region at the same time, it will give Singaporean enterprises and the economy an extra road and more guarantee.While looking at the world, don't forget the opportunities before you follow, can you move towards the future steadily.

(The author is [email protected])