In the past two weeks, the name of Tiktok's capital, Zhou, has always been a hot topic on the Internet, the media and coffee shops.

I noticed his name from two years ago, until he was invited to attend the US House of Representatives Energy and Commercial Commission hearing, and looked at his "live performance" before he found that he did not use foreign names.From this point of view, he is "not Singapore."

His English name is a combination of Chinese Pinyin and dialects. Shou Zi Chew, like the stuffing of "double -fighting moon cakes", has both lotus roe and bean paste. This is "very Singapore".Chew is obviously the pronunciation of Fujian or Chaozhou dialect, while Shou Zi is undoubtedly Chinese Pinyin.The "post -80s" Singapore Chinese children, such a "very Singapore" name, is very common, and did not cause any discussion among local netizens.

At the hearing, he claimed to be Shou Chew and omitted a Zi. Perhaps it was the name that he used to study and work in Britain and the United States, and it was obviously a more convenient name for Westerners.

He does not use a teaching or foreign name like most younger generations Singaporeans. This pair of Zhou's personal style is another silent explanation, which has not attracted widespread attention.Many netizens are interested in his English accent, just because his English speaks too nicely, too standard.Some Chinese netizens questioned his true identity because his English was not like the accent of Singaporeans, and even thought he was a "mainlander" in China.

His fluent standard English did not surprise me. Just look at his qualifications.He graduated from the University of London in 2006 and obtained a bachelor's degree in economics. He joined Goldman Sachs Bank. Two years later, he went to Harvard University to study the Master of Business Administration.He said that fluent standard English is taken for granted, and there is no need to make a fuss.

Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew spoke a perfect English that is not presented. He opposed imitating American English or Oxford English.When he came back to the legal community from Britain in 1950, his first thing to do was to give up his grandfather Harry he took for him. He also insisted on crown Lee before his name. In front of foreigners, he was always Lee Kuan Yew, Not Kuan Yew Lee.At that time, the local English newspaper also occasionally called him Harry, and he was unhappy.He did not get foreign names for the three children, so the current Prime Minister Li Xianlong did not have a foreign name.

Li Guangyao's successor Wu Zuodong was born in poor. His father died early. His mother was a famous Chinese teacher. He lived in a second -room public housing in the colonial period. It was not surprising that he had no foreign name.Strangely, when he led the Emperor Shipping Company, he ran into an international shopping mall, and he did not use a foreign name for convenience.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncuo successfully take over, Singapore will usher in the first prime minister to use foreign names.

Singapore is a diverse society, an open economy, and leaders must run freely in international diplomacy.Li Guangyao cares more about the communication ability of leaders, and English ability is the key factor.

Lee Kuan Yew once publicly criticized the successor of Wu Zuodong, a successor, and in the interview with the Tall Order, Wu Zuodong recalled this unpleasant experience.The speech on the big occasion was like "wood" and said that he should go to see the words of a psychologist, which caused him to be injured. At the time, the colleagues of Congress also called him.

However, the facts later proved that in Fujian Yongchun, his ancestral novel, Fujian dialect, and a strong Singapore accent English became a favorable condition for him as a successor, because this was closer to his distance from ordinary people, which reduced his distance and reduced it.His image of "pride" in the minds of ordinary people is surprisingly high.

Li Guangyao's interview with American journalists in the 1960s can easily deal with it easily.The TV lens he gave a speech at the masses, and now uses the power of the Internet to often "replay" on the Internet, so that more people who have not passed through that era can also see Lee Kuan Yew's impassioned speech.Even if the people came over at that era, if they were not for worshiping today's smartphone, the past of that year could only be a faint memory.

In the age of Lee Kuan Yew, there were several practical talents who "did not say more for politics" among Congress, such as Wu Qingrui, Lin Jinshan, and Han Ruisheng.

Today, with the developed credit technology, all politicians must have the ability to communicate policies and explain complex thinking. Good words and caution are the requirements of the times.

Zhou's capital, facing a group of American members like a tiger, performed well, and has the style of Li Guangyao relied on fluent English that year.If he comes back to Singapore in politics one day, it is inevitable to communicate with the coffee shops.The coffee shop is not a hearing of the US House of Representatives. Zhou's English will naturally be different. Chinese netizens no longer have to doubt the Singapore ingredients in his body.

Recently, a period of Zhou was circulated on the Internet during the Xiaomi service, using Chinese internal speeches.His Chinese is also very Chinese, because he is facing different audiences.From a young age, when he was a child, he grew up in the era of education environment and Chinese movement in Singapore, and his Chinese could not hear the "rural sound" is a Singapore identity characteristics.

The Chinese language called "Mandarin" in China originally originally originated from the northern officials of the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, which is very different from the dialects in Fujian and Guangdong.Cantonese people learn "official words" the most difficult, so there is a saying that "the sky is not afraid, the most afraid of the Cantonese people's talks".Fu Fujian has no pronunciation of flings and teeth, so the older generation will tell coffee as "coffee ash".

Those who become under bilingual education have trained their tongue flexibly since childhood. When needed, they can adjust the tone. Standard English in front of Americans and tell the "official words" that everyone can understand to the Chinese. This is Singapore.Human advantages; unfortunately, more and more Chinese families do not cherish it now, as if they want to abolish their martial arts.

Speaking, as long as Zhou Yinzheng made a short video, a short Singlish used local supporters, and reported to the local Tiktok user to be safe, and then he could unlock his mystery.