Source: Ming Pao

A U.S. Food and Pharmaceutical Administration (FDA) approved for the use of "Mifidone", which has been approved for more than 20 years, and two rulings that have completely opposed to the position on Friday (7th).Stimulate another political storm around abortion rights.In the Republican Party, a federal judge overthrew the regulatory agency's approved approved by the regulatory agency on the grounds that FDA ignored a mid -risk.In Washington, a Democratic Party, another federal judge ordered the FDA to maintain the "status quo".The incident highlights the polar concept of abortion rights in the United States. Under the current situation, it is likely to be submitted to the Supreme Court that is currently accounted for by conservative judges, and its ruling has once again detonated the political turmoil again.

"MifePristone" or US 培 ketone is one of the common compound oral contraceptives for women in the early days of the United States, Canada, and Hong Kong.use.A group of American religious groups and anti -abortion people entered the state in November last year. They questioned that the safety of Mi buttone was not fully verified and did not fully consider the risk of the drug to end pregnancy at the age of 18 or below.Quickly approved in 2000.Maintenance of aborted rights condemn the "because of political motivation rather than science."

and from last Friday, Trump's devout Christian Christian Matthew Kacsmaryk, who was appointed judge of the Federal District Court, made a decision to support the prosecution's argument. In view of the side effects of Methel, it overturned the public interestThe FDA approves the drug as a "safe and effective drug" decision, but the judgment has been suspended for a week to take effect.The Ministry of Justice and Danco Laboratories of Mifeius were unreasonable, that is, they appealed to their superior's fifth -examination appeal court later, but the latter has always been regarded as the most conservative court in the United States.

Cage Marik's 67 -page judgment states that the FDA has made a series of legal errors in the approval process.Responsibilities.Cage Marci said that many women who served mi buttone were severe psychological trauma and stress due to excessive blood loss and witnessing the residues of the fetal tissue.However, some legal scholars have questioned that he selectively adopts the conclusion of the conclusion that he supports his "unsafe abortion and an abort".

The two pole strength is the Supreme Court Ruling

However, about 1 hour after the above ruling was made, Thomas Rice, the Federal Regional Court of Washington, appointed by Obama, was ruling in another lawsuit in another case to strive for FDA to relax the restrictions of Micharone.Safe and effective, and ordered the FDA to maintain the "status quo" of the drug circulation.This verdict is completely opposite to the Dazhou court, bringing a legal crisis.Professor Steve Vladeck of Law School of Dezhou University admits that if there is no new ruling on Friday (14th), we will be "chaotic" this Saturday.

The incident will trigger another political wrestling of democracy and Republican parties, especially the right to abortion will definitely become a political issue for the US election next year.Related cases may eventually appear in the Supreme Court, but the ROE V. Wade ruling, which has overthrew the key to abortion right last year last year.

The Democratic Party bombarded the state ruling. President Biden pointed out that "depriving women of basic freedom" and criticized the court of Vietnam, instead of the FDA of the approved drug expert institution.Prescriptions can avoid such political and ideological attacks. "

abortion clinic refers to the not yet affected by the state ruling

Rexnek, chairman of the American Medical Association, warns that the judge allows the judge to interfere with the FDA's scientific review and establish a sound drug approval procedure, which is "reckless and dangerous."The abortion clinic pointed out that it has not been affected by the ruling of the state. Even if the ruling is effective, the prescription can be continued before the FDA ordered. When it is forced to stop, it will be changed to the front glycol tablets of the pure Meso.

Disputes of abortion medicines become "Next Front" next year's election

The issue of abortion rights in the United States has attracted attention because of the two opposite rulings on abortion medicine last Friday.Some public opinion believes that the abortion drug problem will be the "next front" of the next election next year.

The Supreme Court of the United States overturned the historic ruling of the 1973 Constitution to protect abortion in 1973. The Bayeng government subsequently significantly expanded abortion channels and set off a new confrontation.Drug abortion has become the most common method of abortion in the United States.The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced in January that the pharmacy was allowed to sell abortion medicines, resulting in a lawsuit in multiple states and anti -abortion organizations.

Bloomberg pointed out yesterday that the two rulings will undoubtedly further improve the abortion problem to one of the major political issues of the presidential election next year.The senior editor of the American Atlantic Magazine Ronald BrownStein was warned in January, and the abortion drugs were "the next battlefield."

Democratic Party believes that highlighting abortion issues are beneficial

Atlantic articles mentioned that the Republican Party is expected to be more actively restricted to the use of abortion drugs than in the term of office of George Bush or President Trump.The advocate of abortion rights is promoting the Bayeng government to further relax the restrictions on the use of abortion drugs.

The article pointed out that on the issue of abortion drugs, President Biden or other Democratic candidates, there are huge differences between the Republican presidential candidate, and the Democratic Party generally believes that the abortion issues and the Republican Party's position during the campaign periodComparison will be beneficial to them.