Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Hu Yong

Ma Ying -jeou's historic first mainland trip smoothly draws.For the interview with the half -reputable "Mr. Ma", the mainland public opinion was mixed.Some people reprimanded their descendants, some referred to their danger, and of course, some people adhered to the middle way, calling for the correct view of Ma Ying -jeou to land.Mainland officials have made positive reports on Ma Ying -jeou's historical contribution and their feelings of their family.As for horses to highlight the political differences between the two sides in public, the reaction of the mainland is also worthy of play.Ma Ying -jeou's own complexity and the subtlety of cross -strait relations are evident.

In a public account article with a readings of 100,000+, the author even criticized Ma Ying -jeou "when he had the right, and did not want to return the treasure island to return."Your Kuomintang not only does not save China, but also uses imperialism to curb China's development? In front of the founding father in your mouth, do you guilty? Can you be worthy of him?"

Compared with the emotional venting above, an article signed "Peng Shengyu" talks about conspiracy theory.In the author's opinion, Ma Ying -jeou's trip was to disintegrate the public opinion of the mainland, affecting the mainland leaders' determination.The reason is that some people in the United States want to use the Kuomintang to stabilize the mainland and let Beijing lose the reason and timing of promoting unity."Ma Ying -jeou wanted to visit the mainland after he stepped down. The DPP has not been approved. The Democratic Progressive Party suddenly approved Ma Ying -jeou's battle to visit the mainland.After getting some of the netizens from mainland China, some people accused Ma Ying -jeou who pursued the "rejection of rejection" and once again used the goodwill of the mainland.

Ma Ying -jeou is not a person, and the cross -strait policy within his tenure is also well -known, but it is not necessary to spend his words and even the outline.Hu Xijin, who has retired, directly pointed out, "Public opinion evaluating the island's politicians on the mainland should refer to the local coordinates, and we cannot just apply the value judgment on the mainland ...Heroes, have unrealistic expectations for him, and must not blame him more insidious than the DPP. He believes that what he does is to drag cross -strait unification and confuse mainland society. This kind of evaluation is too extreme. " Song Tao, the director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China, met Ma Ying -jeou, on behalf of Xi Jinping fully affirmed Ma Ying -jeou's important contribution to the development of cross -strait relations.Although some mainland netizens have been blame Ma Ying -jeou, it can be seen through the lens that there are still many people welcoming wherever they go, and the amount of network sound is high.Shen Xiaoming, Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, even said with a smile that Ma Ying -jeou was "Internet celebrity".On the eve of Ma Ying -jeou's end of the trip, the "China Taiwan Network" under the Taiwan Affairs Office praised his family feelings. "When Ma Ying -jeou leaving tears on this land, tears blended, and the Chinese on both sides of the strait resonated in their hearts."

As for Ma Ying -jeou publicly explained the "1992 Consensus" of the Republic of China version of the Republic of China at Hunan University. Although some foreign media described the host to be embarrassed, and the mainland media did not report or comment on it, the general "one middle school" did not affect the influence of the "one middle school" did not affect the impactMa Ying -jeou's follow -up itinerary.Shenzhen Satellite TV's "Straight News" euphemistically pointed out in a special manuscript that the mainland's remarks on Ma Ying -jeou's "respective expressions" have adopted the attitude of "although disagreed but respected".Above the basic consensus and generous statement of the same one -sides of the strait. "For the mainland, the banner insists that both sides of the strait are all Chinese. No matter how short of Ma Ying -jeou, who is determined to revitalize China, is the family.

The author is a university professor