Source: Taiwan United Daily News

Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou landed on his ancestors. The leaders also visited the United States and passed the United States. The two returned to Taiwan on the same day.Shuangying visited, one spent peace and one diplomacy. Unfortunately, the two had two parallel lines that lacked intersections, and even before returning to Taiwan, they also handed over the fire for the Constitution.

Ma Ying -jeou landed in the name of ancestors and deliberately reduced its political nature, but pushed the "Republic of China" and "the Constitution of the Republic of China" in the mainland to the highest point.Ma Ying -jeou's ancestor sacrificing naturally explained his fleshy family; he explained the "cross -strait family" through history and cultural traditions; he used practice to prove the existence of the "Republic of China" and let the "Republic of China" re -become an important connection between the two sides of the strait, and even moreUsing the "one of China" with the "Constitution of the Republic of China", the space explained by the two sides of the strait at the same time.

When the MAC criticized Ma Ying -jeou to sing the "one China principle" of the mainland's attempt to swallow Taiwan, why can't Ma Ying -jeou say that Ma Ying -jeou said that Taiwan and the mainland are "the Republic of China"?Maybe you must not blame the MAC's ideology; even Tsai Ing -wen's sour discussion is a discussion in the 1970s, which is a gap with the current environment.However, the constitution and additional amendments are still being implemented. It is Cai Yingwen's "four persistences" to change the day, turning the Constitution 1 into "the two countries" that "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China are not affiliated with each other."No wonder, Tsai Ing -wen also needs President Guatemala to teach her, Taiwan is "the only and true China".

Ma Ying -jeou landed, and the green camp politics followed the way, but the horse still demonstrated the Cai government how to handle cross -strait positioning and related affairs in accordance with the "Constitution of the Republic of China" and the Regulations on Cross -Strait Relations;EssenceIn fact, Ma Ying -jeou was just a conversation with the law, but it completely broke through the limit in the mainland. It not only brought an important revelation to the Kuomintang's cross -strait new discussion, but also provided a golden key for the peaceful and stable development of cross -strait relations.

As for Tsai Ing -wen's visit, the highlight of course is of course a breakthrough in meeting with McCarthon with the Speaker of the US House of Representatives; this is the highest -level political figure that Taiwan meets in the United States.However, the entire transit itinerary looks cautious, low -key and depressed.In particular, when I was in New York, the former Secretary of State Pompeo, who had blends the interviews, did not show up, and even met with the US Congress Members only confirmed four days later.It is difficult to imagine that Taiwan's meeting in the United States will be carried out in a low -key secret?

The White House has the consideration of the two parties in the United States, and there is more pressure from the land.The United States communicated with Beijing and continued to reiterate the routine nature of Cai Yingwen's private non -official and non -accessible transit. It is not seen that US officials are not seen and the policy of one China one is not available. Beijing should not respond to excessive response.Even if McCarthy has the needs of political resistance, Cai Mai will be announced high -profile and invite media interviews, but the conversation is much gentle.McCarthy emphasized that the US Congress's support for cross -party factions in Taiwan, but also said that parliamentarians have not tried to change the practice of maintaining the official relationship with Beijing and maintaining an unofficial relationship with Taiwan; there is no need to retaliate in Beijing. Mainland China should communicate with the United States.In the United States, Tsai Ing -wen is like a rope to cross the border.

Beijing's response, at present, only see sea inspections, and sanctions on the two institutions such as Xiao Meiqin, a representative of Taiwan in the United States, and the Vision Foundation. Generally, it should not be as strong as Perosi when visiting Taiwan.After all, Tsai Ing -wen has persuaded McCarthy to visit Taiwan to meet at the time of transit; the White House is also cautious and low -key, and McCarthy's conversation has not seen anti -communist passion.The mainland is shaping a new image of peace, and is also receiving French President Macron and the Chairman of the European Union Council, Feng Delin, and visiting the land every Ma Ying -jeou.However, Taiwan wants to make the mainland get used to the new normal of the meeting between Taiwan and the US Congress. I am afraid that it will pay some costs.

Cai Wenmei and Ma visit Lu vaguely show a delicate balance.Taiwan needs to deepen Taiwan -US relations, and it should stabilize cross -strait relations.If Shuangying cooperates, it is the biggest interest for Taiwan.Unfortunately, the Cai government would rather take the steel cable in the gaps of the United States and China, and wipes the red cap for Ma Ying -jeou's visit to Lu.The Cai government is narrow and narrow, and the people are used to it, but strategic imbalances are the real crisis.