Source: Taiwan United Daily

Author: Yang Yingchao

In the Taiwan election, Shuangying visited, and the people of the opponents tried their best to praise their "historical achievements".On the incident alone, there are some candidates in the promotional highlights, but if you calmly look at the subsequent overall situation, the current method of dealing with the opposition and field is probably questionable.In short, the ruling party has the responsibility of shouldered the interests of the "state". The Cai government's statement is conflict, so that Beijing will continue to put pressure on it.Pills, or just condensed firm supporters?The opinions of leaders should be integrated and cautious moves.

First of all, the Democratic Progressive Party, which is contradictory.Even if the outside world does not investigate the meeting with the leaders of Congress, how much substance can be replaced, just look at the ruling party to blow up.Pay attention to the importance of Cai Yingwen's meeting with McCarthy is a very important key to democratic journey, or Cai Chuang's first record in the United States and American politics No. 3 in the United States, which is regarded as a major breakthrough in Taiwan and the United States.

However, Cai and the leader of the United States meet. If they can maintain the current situation of peace, the Taiwan National Defense Minister and the United States will not have to be so nervous.When Qiu Guo was answering inquiries, the mainland warship was "training, but the timing was quite sensitive, so we are still studying its intention." At the same time, "American aircraft carriers are currently about 400 nautical miles east of Taiwan in Taiwan."Traveling".

Secondly, Cai's other speeches also lowered the influence of Cai Mai.The media asked Cai's evaluation of the meeting. Cai's answer to the United States has been doing it for years. It is often a common thing to meet with American friends during transit. She calls on the mainland to restrain herself without excessive reaction.

So is Cai's trip very or unusual?Such contradictions are mainly due to the pressure of elections and the mainland.The question of this statement is that they should not think that two words can be said, and the inside of the mainland can be shouted, and the internal publicity will only be launched prematurely, which will only make the low -key effect in front lose effect.

This may not be blame the Tsai government, because major Western media also underestimated Beijing's possible response.They mostly call the mainland that the peace image, the European Union and French visitors, and even the economic prosperity, etc., are similar to the scholars of the mainland.It is said that the mainland currently launch a special patrol inspection in Taiwan to make a statement of Cai Maihui without a significant increase in military tensions.It seems that Beijing's response is quite limited.

But the outside world must note that the mainland currently has strong protests at the same time.Why are these departments in their early years?We can know that the pressure on the mainland may not be limited to the current Strait cruise inspections and special actions, but also impose sanctions on the representatives of the representative of Xiao Meiqin, the Vision Foundation, and the Asian Liberty Democratic Alliance.The outside world may continue to observe the follow -up action of Beijing.

As for the opposition party, it seems to be too optimistic about Ma Ying -jeou's visits.This can be seen in the first time that Malaysia returned to Taiwan to share his own experience at the airport.In addition to mentioning the film of Lu Media to play his ancestors, 120 million people watched in just one day, and said: The most important thing for this trip is to prove that "the 1992 consensus is alive."If the consensus should be deeply rooted in the past, he should not make such a sigh.

It should be noted that even if the government machines were in hand, most Taiwanese people still have no sense of exchanges on cross -strait exchanges, not to mention that under the propaganda of the Cai government, Lai Qingde's polls in pragmatic Taiwan independent workers are even the lead.Is the influence of Malaysia's trip to consolidate the Blue Camp Basic Display, or is it arousing the expectations of more people on peaceful exchanges between the two sides of the strait?It is worthy of follow -up observation.

The above is the problem of talking from the perspective of political parties.Back to the corner of Shengdou Xiaomin, Taiwanese people may think. After democratization, it is said that the people can be their own masters, but looking at the current government operation, the actual five powers are returned.The influence of Taiwan is deeper.The advantages and disadvantages brought by the presidential direct election are probably difficult to count.

(the author is an associate professor in Taiwan Ming Chuan University)