Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Qin Yubai

Ma Ying -jeou led a group to land on his ancestors and exchanges. Since the beginning, it has been full of strong political taste. It should be a good performance before the line, and it has also been angry with mainland China.This political taste focuses on the positioning of cross -strait relations.

In the exchange with students of Hunan University on April 2, Ma Ying -jeou said a paragraph: "When the Constitution of the Republic of China was added, China was two parts;It is called Taiwan, what is called the mainland region. The former is Taiwan, Peng, Jin, and Horse. The mainland region is a territory other than Taiwan Peng Jinma.It is Taiwan, you are the mainland. I know that in the 1982 constitutional preface in the mainland, it is also stated that Taiwan is an indispensable part of China, so this fact is clear. "

Ma Ying -jeou used the Constitution on both sides of the strait to demonstrate "the fact that the two sides of the strait belong to the same China". Since both sides of the constitution are the basis of demonstration, there is no "one Chinese and each table", but the "one continental government" or "one" or "one""The same table", the Kuomintang's "one middle table" is obviously only part of the "one continental government table" or "one -China same table". Obviously, the horse is also clear.Those who have no penetrating power are ants to shake trees.This also reflects that the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China are just regimes, which does not mean the fact that China.I wonder if the horse notice the differences and problems in the middle?

Ma Ying -jeou once said that "do not recognize sovereignty, do not deny each other's power" and "the Republic of China is my country, and Taiwan is our puppet".difference.

If "cross -strait belongs to the same China" is a fact, the dispute between the two sides of the strait should not be the dispute between sovereignty, but the dispute of the representative rights of Chinese sovereignty, and there should be a topic of "not recognizing sovereignty".The two sides of the Strait "belong to a China in the Constitution of the Republic of China", that is, there is still a dispute over the legitimacy of rule, a national development model, and a dispute over the people's lifestyle and worldview.The subject that is solved is contradictory with the "non -denying power" equivalent to admitting that the other person's legitimacy is contradictory.I wonder if Ma Ying -jeou noticed this contradiction?

The Kuomintang has lost the correct understanding and positioning of the essence of cross -strait issues since Lee Teng -hui. The main key is the misuse of the concept of "sovereignty".Lost lost, and made a big mistake of cross -strait discussion; "Republic of China is my country and Taiwan is our puppet", or "the Republic of China in Taiwan", which has become the Democratic Progressive Party.The Ma Qian daughter -in -law and the sedan of the sovereign country are trapped in the dilemma of the Democratic Progressive Party.

The concept of sovereignty comes from Peace of WestPhalia. It is the supreme, exclusive political, legislative, judicial, and administrative power of the people and territories of a country in its jurisdiction.There are constitutional scholars to cut this power into two parts: "external high power" and "internal high power". As far as the essence and historical source flow, "high power" is the first meaning.In terms of interference.

"Internal high power" does not matter the exclusive problem within the unified country. Only in the divided country will there be exclusive governance between different regimes and regional jurisdictions, but the objects of his exclusions are within the scope of the national sovereignty and are not outside.Different from the essence and layers of the exclusiveness of external power.If the state returns to reunification, the exclusiveness of this internal regime will disappear.However, the scope of the country's sovereignty has always existed tall.

For the reason, it is not possible to use "each other" for different regimes when the state split.In other words, taking "high power to internal high" (in fact is different dominance rights, not the only internal in the country, it cannot be said to be the highest, it is not possible to be national sovereignty) is equivalent to national sovereigntyThe fundamental fundamentals must be discussed in a big mistake.

The trip of Ma Ying -jeou's landing exposed the only contradiction slogan in the cross -strait relations, and there is no dilemma described by the theory. In the face of the 2024 election, the Kuomintang should quickly return to the facts of the facts, step up the internal route debate, and the reconstruction of offense and defense is good.Cross -strait discussions, otherwise the prospects will be at a loss.

The author writes freelance