At the U.S. House of Representatives hearing, dozens of parliamentarians were besieged to torture five hours of Singaporeans, and they became heroes overnight.

I saw this Fenghua TIKTOK president Yu Fan Lun scarf, the tongue battle group "Lu", calm and free, not humble, and formed a strong comparison with the strong words and blue and red soaps of members of the parliament.In the live broadcast, the netizens who won thousands of eyes applauded in unison, and also loved the house and Wu, praised his motherland, and the young talent who could have such a big red dot was surprising.Everything is interested.

While Zhou was well received by the media, the ignorance, arrogance and meanings reflected by the wonderful problems of members, and their aggressive and unreasonable attitude attracted scolding.The live broadcast that has nothing to do allows the world to clearly see the level and face of the American ages, and open the eyes, especially the audience who saw their similar performance on the screen for the first time.Essence

Among the many abuse and criticism, I think that another Singaporean is the most in place through comics, but it does not seem to have attracted much attention.The hearing was held on March 23. At the end, it was already in the early morning of the 24th of Singapore time. The joint comics Wang Jinsong, a special cartoonist of the Morning Post, immediately painted a comic that was very ironic and published in time on the 25th.The painting shows that Zhou's capital with Tiktok's briefcase was tied to a tree with dry firewood under his feet.Gasoline.

Ah, isn't this a typical scene of "Witch Hunt"?Witch hunting, how much appropriate film, seeing blood!

Wang Jinsong is an internationally renowned political cartoonist and has moved from the Morning Post to overseas more than 30 years ago.He has a broad international perspective and rich knowledge. He has superb painting skills. He has a wonderful and unique brush strokes. With a refined and sharp comment, he can draw the finishing touch.Zhou's capital was tortured by this is a good example, which fully showed his keen observation of the United States.

Each of his comics has a Chinese and English version. Through the arrangement of "Syndicate" to provide manuscripts and pictures to newspapers and periodicals of various countries), in the golden period, many famous international and national newspapers and periodical synchronization was obtained.Published, the New York Times Los Angeles Times Times News Weekly Asahi News Central Daily (South Korea) Asian Weekly Daily Monthly and Beijing Youth Weekly AIRTIME, including the New York Times Times, and so on.

Hearing, he also provides an English version. Perhaps the subject is mainly the object of American readers. The English version also adds an explanation -one of the Sams said to the Zhou Yin capital tied to the tree: "IT'sNot a witch hunt ... "(This is not a witch hunt ...).The word "not" also strengthened his tone. The desire of "there is no silver here without silver here", it is unbearable, and the case is called!

This is a "painting criterion" that Singaporeans who were bullied and spoken by Singaporeans who were bullied in the U.S. Congress, and entered the wooden three -pointer to the American political illness.The main US newspapers are adopted.

The witch hunting incident filled by this comic can be traced back to the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 to 1693. It can be said to be the most famous collective hysteria in the history of the United States.During the occlusion of social occlusion and unsatisfactory people's wisdom, a terrible injustice caused a terrible unjust prison, causing many people to die, and became a state memory that has not been scattered so far.

The Casem trial case was about a strange thing happened at the time of Selham Town (now in Massachusetts in the United States) at the time.The niece and daughter of a pastor in the town have symptoms such as convulsions, screaming, distortions, and white foam.So people began to be suspicious, and the results of divination and speculation were pointing to someone to exercise witchcraft. For a while, rumors were rumored. People were disturbed. People suspected each other, accused each other, and the panic spread quickly, causing collective hysteria.A huge witch hunting operation immediately began, and many innocent people were suspected, accused, and trial ... Finally, 20 people were sentenced to death (14 of them were women), and five of them died in prison (of which of them (of which of them (of which of them (of which of them (of which of whichThe two are young children).In the re -examination afterwards, none of the people who died were "wizards", and most of them (he) were the edge people who were excluded in the community.

On November 26, 2019, the New York Times, entitled what the witch hunting is like (What A Witch Hunt Really Looks Like), saying that the second president of the United States John Adams called the Selham trial caseThe "The Foul Stain Upon this Country" will never disappear.This article published on the occasion of the Republican and Democratic parties borrowed from ancient times to point out that sometimes, some respectable and well -educated people have been confirmed to be a blind and unreasonable group in the end.


Witch Hunting Action can be said to be a terrorist behavior of moral loss, social panic, populism, and lack of justice to find SCAPEGOATING, which has spread from a social level to political level.

In the 1950s, a sensational political witch hunting incident occurred in the United States -Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy claimed that the Communist Party had infiltrated some of the US government departments and other agencies. In order to prevent the country from being "subverted", he wasUse the power of power to render, launch a series of investigations and hearing, and make many unnecessary accusations and allegations without evidence, which has led many innocent people to be charged or slandered, blacklisted or lost work, causing people's heartbroken, and the entire society is shrouded in horror with horror.atmosphere of.This is the well -known "McCarthyism".This large -scale witch hunting operation did not gradually stabbish until the mid -1950s.

The famous drama writer Arthur Miller does not do what the toothed Macaton does. In 1953, based on historical records, a classic drama The Crucible was created.The witch hunting operations are compared with the ancient sarcasm, which deeply satirizes the persecution of the American society against the left -wing and proudly lashing McCarthyism.

However, the witch hunting operation is still staged in the United States from different ways from time to time. Whenever the imagination of the "enemy" appears at society or the country, it will reproduce it.

In 2018, the U.S. administrative and judicial department launched the "China Initiative" on the grounds of "comprehensively eliminating Chinese spies and preventing American science and technology from being theft of Chinese".American scientists who have cooperated with China are considered a national behavior with witch hunting.An article in August 2021, the "The Chronicle of Higher Education), has" HAS The Hunt for ChINESESES BECOME A Witch Hunt?)For theme, comment on the bad impact caused by this action.Article Deputy Title "University Scientis WORK in ‘An Atmosphere of Fear’.). It is a portrayal of the university “witch hunt” scene.

The "China Action Plan" has hit the morale of many Chinese Chinese scholars.The Wall Street Journal reported on September 22, 2022 that in the current hostile politics and ethnic environment, more than more and more Chinese scientists and engineers have given up their lifetime positions in the top universities in the United States and return to China, leading to "talent return."The Hong Kong South China Morning Post also reported on October 20 of the same year that according to a survey report jointly submitted to Harvard University, Princeton University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology based on the "Asian American Scholars Forum".1,400 Chinese scientists left the US university and switched to Chinese college universities.

This can't help but remind people of Qian Xuesen, who was forced to leave the United States in the McCarthy witch hunting operation and later became China's "two -star, one star Yuanxun". The Americans later regretted it.A Qian Xuesen has been able to make such a huge contribution to China. What collective impact can thousands of outstanding scholars and engineers exert it, it is not difficult to imagine.Maybe after decades, someone will feel distressed about the plan. In the beginning, it was just like the Cylim trial case for hundreds of years, and some people were constantly reflecting on the "lesson".

But "lessons" have been remembered?Isn't history repeating?Whether it is in the struggle that you died in the interior, or when the muzzle is unanimously aimed at the "rising power", you can often see the witch hunter's teeth and dancing claws.A few years ago, it was an obvious example of the killing of Huawei and the current murderousness of Tiktok.

Of course, the United States has the right to safeguard its own security interests, or reject foreign competition to protect domestic enterprises."The facade had to appear on the legislation and judicial department.However, the poor way to expose to the world: guilty is concluded, first judged without trial, no interpretation opportunities, cannot be convinced, and "evidence" of the Taoist hearing is not allowed to bite and pursue it.In the "red panic" of dog barking, the collective hysteria ... Isn't it the reappearance of the witch ghost?How to convince people?Those "wizards" more than 300 years ago were convicted and executed in this case, but what era is this!

If the Americans are just "hunting witch" in their own country, the most worrying thing is to "globalization", pull the gangs or forced other countries to participate, and collectively in the inexplicable panic collective collective collectives.Covered internationally, caught the wind in the world, created the evidence of selflessness, the hat was deducted, and it also exercised its "long-arm jurisdiction" in the world, extending the judicial power of witch hunting to foreign countries.

The case of the Selham hunting, but more than 20 people died of injustice. If the international political witch hunting actions are continuing to be in full swing, the outline is online, causing serious decoupling of the global economy, or causing world turmoil or even war, it will endanger harm.How much innocent people, how much precious property is damaged, and what are the terrible consequences?

The author is the former editor -in -chief of Lianhe Morning Post