Source: United News Network

Author: Zhou Yangshan

Taiwan Tsai Ing -wen met with McCarthy, President of the House of Representatives McCarthy in the Library Library of Ragon, California on April 5th to hold historic closed -door talks. More than a dozen cross -party members participated.After the meeting, Tsai Ing -wen issued a statement, thanks to the warm reception and friendship of Speaker McCarthy, and thanks to all the friends of the United States Congress to stand with Taiwan. "Taiwan is not isolated, and it is not alone!"

This talk has attracted the attention of international media. More than 200 people in the United States and foreign media attended interviews, and Taiwanese overseas Chinese who supported the "Taiwan refueling" outside the scene.However, this time Cai Mai talks is different from the visit of Taiwan's visit to Taiwan last year. Due to the early warning and joint control of China and the United States, the Taiwan Strait crisis has been limited to the controlled range.The threat of fierce war.

According to media reports, early US National Security Consultant Sha Liwen has contacted Chinese officers, hoping that the mainland will fully understand that the White House faces the actual dilemma of the Republican Parliament.The US President and Government continue to adhere to the "one China" policy; keep as low -key as possible when Tsai Ing -wen visits New York, and maintain an unofficial "private transit" nature.As for the talks that the Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy insisted on, the non -administrative department can control it.Therefore, the White House hopes that the mainland will experience the different positions of the US administration and legislature, and do not react excessively.

So far, the mainland's response has shifted from the military warning and military sanctions to the maritime department's law enforcement inspections, that is, the "special operation of the northern part of the Taiwan Strait" turned the Taiwan Strait into the actual control of the inland sea.EssenceThe purpose is to warn Taiwan. In the future, if there is something to do with the Taiwan Strait or Taiwan independence, the mainland will block the Taiwan Strait through maritime law enforcement, resulting in major losses in Taiwan's foreign trade, maritime transportation and energy imports.This is also the "sovereign declaration" in law enforcement from the "force intimidation" of the past as a "Governing Power" in law enforcement.

Why does China and the United States take such a joint control operation?This is because the Democratic government is facing severe tests on trade, US debt control, and financial crisis in China, and is eager to talk to China and seek understanding and cooperation. OtherwiseEssenceThis is also the challenge of the responsibility of democracy in reality.

As for the international positioning of China, because of the "big country diplomacy" action with the "peace mediation" role since the beginning of this year, it has attracted the attention and affirmation of the international community.External alternative options.Therefore, whether it is the historic reconciliation of Iran and Saudi Arabia, the sought support and the Austrian of the Asians, and even the French President Macron expects China to mediate Russia and Ukraine's conflict, and the Australian Prime Minister's announcement is waiting in line to visit Beijing, which reflect the Chinese culture.The new era of "the rule of the king" instead of "domineering" is gradually carrying out.

Under this premise, Ma Ying -jeou visited the mainland to activate the "1992 Consensus" and "One Middle School" with specific actions, which is not surprising.This is not only strategically "soft, softer, hard and harder", but also the general trend. The diplomatic pattern has changed from quantitative to qualitative change.

The author is a political scholar.