Source: Voice of Germany

A research analysis released by the Think Tank Institution European Foreign Relations Association (ECFR) shows that the mainstream views of the western countries on the Ukrainian war are significantly different from other countries in the world.

For example, for the expectations of the end of the war, 38%of the European Union respondents believe that Ukraine should recover all the occupation territories, although this means that the war will last longer and more casualties; in the UK and the United States, hold the same oneThe proportion of people with views is 44%and 34%, respectively.Among the British and American interviewees, a slightly higher than 20 % want to end the war as soon as possible, although this will cause Ukraine to lose territory.In EU countries, this ratio is 30%.

However, in China, 42%of interviewees believe that the sooner the war ended, the better, and Ukraine could pay the cost of territoriality, as much as 54%and 48%in India and Turkey.Only 23%of Chinese interviewees believe that Ukraine should recover all lost land. In India and Turkey, this ratio is 30%and 27%, respectively.

Russia is still a "partner"

The results of the

questionnaire also showed that the aggression war launched by Putin and Russia's defeat on the battlefield did not seem to cause a negative view of the country's public in the country.

On the issue of Russia's position, 35%of Chinese people believe that Russia is an ally with similar interests and values, and 44%believe that Russia is a strategic partner that must cooperate with it.Among Indian interviewees, the relevant proportion was 51%and 29%, respectively.

In Europe and the United States, the proportion of Russia as allies is less than 5%. Obviously more than half of the respondents believe that Russia is the hostile to the country in conflict.At the same time, about 15%of interviewees in China, India and the United States believe that Russia is an opponent who needs to compete with it.

Facing the question of "From the perspective of conflict, do you think Russia is stronger or weaker than you previously imagined?" 77%of Chinese interviewees chose "stronger" or "still quite strong", in India and in India and in India and in India and in India and in India and in India and in IndiaTurkey, the proportion of these two items was 77%and 73%, respectively.In Britain and the United States, more than half of the respondents believed that Russia was "weaker" or "weaker", and the proportion of European countries was 46%.

Where is the world order?

The author believes that this shows that on the occasion of the Ukrainian war to the first anniversary, "the United States and its European allies have recovered firm unity, but their views and other parts of the world are getting bigger and bigger."Essence

Asked "Why do you think the United States supports Ukraine?" 45%of Chinese interviewees believe that the United States is to "maintain the leading position of the West", and 20%of people think that the United States is to defend its own safety and in TurkeyThe relevant proportion is 30%and 35%, respectively.

As for why Europe supports Ukraine, 40%of Chinese interviewees believe that it is to "maintain the dominant position in the West". 24%believe that Europe is to defend its own safety. In Turkey, the relevant proportion is 27%and 27%and the relevant proportion, respectively.40%.In European countries, 45%of people think that assisting Ukraine is to defend themselves.

EU countries included in the questionnaire include Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Estonia, Romania.The transfer was cooperated with the European Foreign Relations Association (ECFR) and Oxford University to conduct questionnaires in a total of 20,000 respondents in 15 countries.

Another conclusion that most of the public believes that in the West or non -Western countries, most public believes that the United States -led liberal order is declining.

In the United States and Europe, many people think that the world will return to the polar pattern. This time, it is the competition and confrontation between the United States and China.And countries outside the West, such as China, India, and Russia, people think that the future world order is polarized, and the West may still be the strongest, but it will no longer maintain the dominant hegemony, but only the polarity in the