Source: Wangbao Society Review

The first anniversary of the Russian and Ukraine War, the United States, Russia, China has a big move, like the Romance of the Three Kingdoms in the 21st century.Who will lead the coquettish?

U.S. President Bynden interviewed Kiev in person, highlighting the firm support of the U.S. and Western allies for the Ukraine's Anti -Russian War; Russian President Putin published a national information advice to declare continues to fight, and decided to temporarily withdraw from the Russian -US strategic military control treaty and deploy new new ones.Strategic weapon systems, depending on the US action decision whether to restore nuclear military tests; China's highest diplomat Wang Yi brought political solutions to Moscow.In the first anniversary of the Russian and Ukraine War, seeing the increasingly urgent nuclear war crisis, Beijing's political solution was the last hope of world peace.

Beijing sincerity promotes

The new strategic weapon reduction treaty signed by the United States and Russia in 2010 is the only last effective military control treaty on both sides, but in recent years, this treaty has gradually disintegrated.Nevertheless, this treaty is still effective in the development of nuclear weapons in a large country. After the guarantee, the Cold War will not be from the cold and explosion as a hot war. Russia's suspension of the nuclear military control treaty is equivalent to pushing human society to the war era again.After talks with the European Union and Ukraine, the Secretary -General of NATO Secretary -General, after talking with the European Union and Ukraine, accused Putin accusing Putin for suspending the martial arts treaty, and wanted to move towards the Third World War. He urged PutinIn the disaster, US Secretary of State Brillin also condemned Russia's irresponsibility.

Facing the risk of the increase in war, China has decided to play the role of "promoting". The highest diplomat Wang Yi announced on the Munich Safety Forum that Beijing will propose a political settlement document to solve the Ukraine crisis.Bloomberg reports that the "Peace Plan" will include calling for ceasefire and stopping weapons to Ukraine.Some countries are opposed to promoting peace, but some countries do not doubt the motivation of Beijing and believe that it is conducive to repairing China's international image, which promotes foreign trade development, attracts more foreign capital, and helps China's economic development.

Regardless of whether Beijing is eager for peace or to develop the economy, at least those who are willing to hold up the Peace Banner at least in the international community are only mainland China.The Western countries and the Taiwan ruling party feel that people are expected to have a large -scale war.For Western countries, the expansion of war can weaken and eliminate totalitarian countries. For Taiwan, it may be the weapon of the DPP 2024 presidential election, but this is a risk play."Insurance" "will only make yourself come back.

It can be seen from the development of the international community that human beings will swing between war and peace. Whether the war between Russia, the United States and the European Union will win, or the peace that China has shines, it is difficult to judge.Although China's peace plan is welcomed by scholars, it has attracted doubts from NATO countries.German Foreign Minister Berbak said that any peace agreement must be based on Russia's withdrawal from Ukraine.

Object of the American War

In fact, in the past, the international community advocated a peace agreement. Without obtaining mutual trust between great powers, the chance of success was not high.In the Kosova War in 1999, Yugoslav was willing to sign a peace agreement with NATO, mainly because the French President Hillary threatened Yugoslav at that time and would be severely hit by NATO again if he did not sign a peace agreement.Now that the Russian and Ukraine War, in addition to China's high -level peace plan, other powers tend to withdraw from Ukraine in Russia. Mainland China is lonely.

The United States thinks about cross -strait issues, and it is also a war.For example, a report released by the US think tank "Pacific Forum" recently pointed out that whether the United States intervenes in the Taiwan Strait conflict, the consequences of the Chinese mainland will be amazing, and it can surpass the strength and influence of the United States in the Indo -Pacific region once and for all.When it comes, Beijing and its allies will pursue their own interests more positive and unscrupulous.The probability of the outbreak of the Third World War may be higher than ever before.

Taking "Taiwan Fall" as a research project has surpassed the imagination of the past, and it also shows that the US government does not believe that China's rise will bring peace to the international community.However, the global security initiative concept document released by the mainland recently explains the core concepts and principles of global security initiative, and clarifies the key cooperation direction and platform mechanism.Mainland Foreign Minister Qin Gang stated more firmly that the document shows that China ’s firm determination to protect the responsibility of maintaining world peace and to protect global security.In August last year, the 20 major documents of the Taiwan Bai Book and the Mainland Government released in August also reiterated that the peaceful unity policy was unchanged, which shows Beijing's sincerity.Recently, a number of polls have shown that pursuing cross -strait peace is the choice of most people. The DPP government should not push Taiwan to the vortex of war for individual interests.