Cultural perspective

The ranks and portals of openness and expansion of ethnic culture, break the habit of retreating self -defense, and encourage alien people to participate in different racial cultural activities. It is another effective way to shape local culture, such as Chinese martial arts, Hua Le, and Dragon Lion performances, IndiaThe jumping celebration of the tribe, the Malay dance.If cultural activities have the active participation of alien compatriots, the atmosphere and effect will be unusual, and they will inevitably be welcomed by the people.

In recent days, the professional and amateur cultural groups of many Chinese agencies have performed very active.Even if the subjective and objective environment is very bad, everyone still works together and adhere to the post.The Chinese society strives for traditional culture, fully express the toughness of self -reliance, and also shows the determination of concentricity and power to turn the tide.

Why did the Chinese Singaporeans be so perseverance to defend the traditional Chinese culture?Is it Chinese Saudiism?Will maintaining national cultural characteristics lead to racial barriers and division, and to conflict with Singapore's modernization and national harmony?These views and doubts have long been explained thoroughly because the people of insight have been thoroughly interpreted because the Chinese people maintain the traditional culture of the nation as passive self -defense, so as to be self -reliant, and they are incompatible with the compulsory and invading storms of Shawenism.Essence

For countries that implement a single language system, the people may not be united. For example, the British all use in English almost in English. How can Scotland be independent every day?It can be seen that multi -language or single language is not the element of national solidarity or not. Whether ideological consciousness is consistent is the key.

Lianhe Morning Post recently published the editorial about the inheritance of traditional Chinese culture, stating that "the descendants are inclined to accept the values of individual ethnic groups because they do not have a solid local cultural identity.Chinese people "combined with the existing old and new history and culture, and developed a local culture that is different from the single culture of the major ethnic groups" (deeply cultivating local Chinese culture to condense people's hearts, January 31).Essence

Personally, a multi -ethnic and multi -language society must build a new native culture that crosses ethnic cultural barriers and includes cultural characteristics of various ethnic groups, and it seems that it is also difficult to climb the sky with a new national nation that shapes a cross -race.Even if the United States, known as the world's cultural melting furnace, promotes freedom, democracy, openness and tolerance, it has been unable to get rid of the vanguard of white first more than 200 years, and the subjectivity of the high and high western culture, so that the black and white ethnic groups have separated.The furnace is just an empty shell that cannot obtain the consensus.

Singapore is a country with a multi -ethnic and multi -culture.Each race has inherent cultural characteristics.Harmony is an important creed of society. Tolerance, understanding, respect, and courtesy are the foundation of harmonious communication, and obtain consensus from different in harmony to shape national identity.For all ethnic groups to abandon traditional customs and religious beliefs, or to shape a new nation, I think there is no precedent for success in history.

In maintaining the practical work of Chinese traditional cultural practice, I want to add some suggestions.

1. Improve and create a good environmental environment.With the marginalization and weakening of dialects and Chinese, the overall performance of Chinese culture is also affected. To avoid further emptiness, and improving the current Chinese language -oriented environment is the primary work, such as family, workplace, and shopping malls.If Chinese can maintain a certain status, Chinese communication is commonly used between Chinese, and the social structure of multi -language and culture can continue to be retained without deterioration.

2. The preservation of excellent traditional culture and the combination of modern civilization.To inherit traditional culture in Singapore, inheritance of traditional culture should be selected according to the daily etiquette, celebration customs, lives, literary and artistic and artistic categories related to the Chinese community group.Reserved and maintaining excellent traditional culture should not be with the concept of modern civilization, such as freedom, democracy, science, equality, fairness, etc., there are any contradictions.On the contrary, the two should be combined with each other to tolerate and help each other. Modern and traditions advance with the times, making Singapore into a country with advanced, enlightened and compatible, and rich cultural heritage.There is an advanced concept of governing the country and a rich traditional cultural heritage. This is the best benchmark for the self -confidence of Chinese people.

Three, improve the training of bilingual elites.The changing worldwide pattern will change the trend of human beings.The Greater China Cultural Circle will have a stunning development in the next 10 years. Singapore's bilingual policy will just meet the trend of the world and give full play to their unique advantages.Therefore, our educational policy must also vigorously improve the training of bilingual elites due to timely system.From elementary school to university, set up scholarships, so that bilingual elites can stand out, go to college or study abroad, and become future national leadership teams.If the training of bilingual elites is in place, the protection of Singapore talent construction and traditional culture will be obtained.

Fourth, cheer for cultural inheritance workers.Cultural inheritance work is widely facing the organization and structure of cultural heritage work, and there are also severity.In general, cultural workers are frontline soldiers, facing difficult and tricky issues such as training, performances, funds, and manpower every day.In the past 20 years, they have been struggling to survive due to bad objective environment.Many soldiers' spiritual strength is almost flat, but they do not give up lightly, and insist on fighting to the last breath.Their struggle spirit is respectful.

Is there any specific way to cheer for cultural workers?

First of all, the cultural department, that is the regulatory agency of cultural activities. The performance allowance regulations should be relaxed so that all non -profit cultural performances are funded and allowed.Although the Singapore Art Council issues a auxiliary plan every year, the Major Company and seed funds are awarded to some of the large or active art groups, but the number is limited.Although other groups can apply for exhibition assistance, the salary of water is often stretched out for most cultural groups.

Followed by community institutions, such as the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Zongxiang Federation, Tongxiang Club, Asian Civilization Museum, Iehexuan Club, etc., all of them are strong.Dinglie to fund cultural groups with difficulty in funding, sponsor and organize various meaningful traditional cultural activities, history will record their valuable contributions.

Furthermore, research institutions and newspaper industry publishing, film and television medium should not be after being lost.The Asian Society, the Confucian Society, the Chinese Cultural Center, the Chinese Education and Research Center, the Chinese Education Society, the promotion of the Chinese Council, the Singapore Art Council, etc. are all the organizations of the ears of the Cultural Cultural World, and shoulder the major responsibilities of the dimension and revitalizing the traditional culture.Publishing special issues, lectures and competitions on Chinese and Chinese, coordinated commemorative sessions, all year round or regular seminars related to Chinese language and culture are believed to drive and revitalize the context and atmosphere of traditional culture.

Makeup art parade is eligible for legacy

Five, the choice and tolerance of the advantages and disadvantages.Each racial culture inevitably has a certain degree of advantages and disadvantages. In historical ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, ancient Persian, and Indian and Chinese culture that is still healthy, there is a brilliant side in the development process.But it is also mixed with many pedantic and backward factors.The excellent component of traditional culture is the focus of inheritance and maintenance.Under the impact of modern civilization, all pedantic and backward components will naturally be abandoned. Everyone will choose an excellent cultural ingredients suitable for Singapore's special national conditions.Of course, while inheriting an excellent culture, it is more icing on the cake.

It is worth mentioning that the annual makeup art parade is an original cultural program that presents Singapore's diversified color, which shows the tolerance and uniqueness of cross -ethnic groups. It is worth the pride of the people.Heritage project.In addition, the ranks and portals of openness and expansion of ethnic culture, breaking the habit of retreating self -defense, and encouraging alien people to participate in different racial cultural activities are another effective way to shape local culture, such as Chinese martial arts, Hua Le, and Dragon and Lion performances, Indians, IndiansThe jumping fire celebration, the Malay people'sWelcome.If cultural activities have the active participation of alien compatriots, the atmosphere and effect will be unusual, and they will inevitably be welcomed by the people.

In short, cultural heritage must be selected and tolerant, but also open and innovative.

The author is a retired language culture worker