This nervous, sensitive ethical view of ethics and all -round, non -dead corners of the Cultural Revolution, are similar to the outline of the Cultural Revolution, and criticize the streets.The existence of a slight mistake in society is the ultimate ethics of "killing a stick", which is no longer appropriate; a more free and tolerant social ethics view.

Recently, the popular scanning theme TV series, the actor Zhong Asi, was found to be poisoned in 2009, and the crew immediately cut the fragments of Zhong Asi.I watched the drama swallowing jujube. If it wasn't for the news, who would have thought that Zhong A Si, who was a little waste in the play, would cause a stir.

There have been too many artists who have collapsed houses in China (referring to the image) in recent years. They have evaded taxes, pornography, derailment, fraud, and drugs.Copy the artist who suddenly collapsed, and the film and television production team has formed a mature work specification -AI changing face, mosaic, and cutting directly, and even the classic old dramas 20 years ago did not let go.In 2018, the Chinese Film and Television Drama Regulatory Commission released the "Four Resolutely Useless" for artists. In the current period, the variety show hurriedly dyed the guests' hair and tattoos to mosaic. All kinds of operations were like the magical art of postmodernism, which made people laugh and even a little absurd.

Some artists have been blocked for illegal crimes, and some are blocked for political sensitivity.This allows some Hong Kong and Taiwan artists to be forced to choose a team. It is necessary to consider not to say something wrong in the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan, but also consider the products that they bring in their own goods.It is particularly difficult to do.

Zhao Min's "earthquake" (Lianhe Zaobao February 14th Edition Edition) I have experienced in China mentioned in the cultural revolutionary past, which made me particularly kind.This nervous, sensitive ethical concept of ethics and a comprehensive, non -dead corner blocking, with the outline of the Cultural Revolution and the streets of the streets, are quite similar.

Each society has a taboo that is politically correct and cannot be touched.Illegal and criminals are inconsistent, and private virtues are inconsistent.Due to the spread of the performing arts industry, the return of employees must be distinguished from other industries.The ethical argument involved in right or wrong must be controversial, but it should be able to achieve a consensus in three sentences: if there is, if there is no change, it can be improved;A line).

Last year, Zhao Dongling, a representative of the National People's Congress of China, submitted a motion, emphasizing the establishment of the system of saving the "inferior artist" and believed that "punishment should be able to follow";"Tolerance".From this point of view, the existence of a little mistake in the society is the ultimate ethical view of "killing a stick", which is no longer suitable, and a more free and inclusive social ethics.

Extreme ethics gives people back with ideological burdens

Not only the entertainment industry, this ultimate "concept of chastity" runs through all fields of Chinese society.

In the field of government affairs, the mainland government has not stopped fighting for flies since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. As of June 2022, China has 4.439,000 public officials.The judgment became a criminal -for this calculation, there were millions of giant in the case of the case in Chinese society.

The people who carry "bad traces" have since had a heavy burden of thought.According to media reports, some public officials were deeply affected after being punished. Since then, they have been over and negatively worked. The integration of torture and interpretation has become a social issue worthy of concern. They have encountered widespread unfair in the society.With the case at the bottom of the case, not only is they uncomfortable, they are also organized and socially rejected, and they have become "Dalit" (the irreversible person under the Indian surname system). They are part of the influence of the ultimate ethical concept.

For more widely Chinese ordinary people, they are also afraid that they will "inferiority" and lose all.In daily life, people have been threatened to be "not passed", archives "remembers", and children are "affected" because of some cross -track behavior. This is a common life experience of Chinese people.

The epidemic has enlarged the darkness of society, and the ethical concepts in people's subconsciousness are almost blurted out in the process of epidemic prevention.During the Shanghai seal in Shanghai last year, the public officials went to the door of the resident's house to threaten "after the punishment, it will affect your three generations!"; In August, Chengde posted "concealing the trip to the three generations and the mother" -This so -called "cross -rail" is just that the residents are in theThe legal framework was loud to the authority of the grassroots level.

Under the shadow of the ultimate ethics contemporary view of contemporary Chinese, to a certain extent, like a low -surname of ancient Chinese society, like the low surnames of ancient Indian society, some identity labels are inherent.The heavy ideological burden on the back.

All walks of life are looking forward to good artists and good workers in Double Xinxin, but in the face of less perfect personality and humanity, what needs to be tolerant is not to be compressed.The drama is like life, and the double -sided artist on the stage is actually the moral status of every ordinary person.Yuan Zhong in LT; Man Jianghong GT; and the character's removal article mentioned the character's timidity (the remarks edition of February 14), the ultimate ethical view of modern China should also be eager to charm.

China's ethics concept is urgent to change

With the changes in society, people's ethical and moral concepts have been changing.Forty or fifty years ago, Chinese men and women were hugged on the street. Passers -by seemed to be ashamed when they saw it.China's ethical concept should also adapt to the society of the new era.

A few days ago, I visited the former residence of the Ming Dynasty thinker Li Yan outside the south gate of Quanzhou.Quanzhou is the forefront of the convergence of the Chinese and world cultural convergence of the Song and Yuan Dynasties. The open and inclusive social and cultural environment not only creates a "heresy" thinker like Li Yan, but also creates the outward tension in many fields of Quanzhou.In modern times, southern Fujian people centered on Quanzhou and Zhangzhou dare to fight into Nanyang. Today, about 40 % of the ancestors in Singapore are southern Fujian.Since the reform and opening up, Quanzhou has produced the "Jinjiang experience" of the legendary private economy.

If China ’s economic and social development, we want to go to the next level, which is inseparable from an open and inclusive ideological environment.Just like the Chinese scholars in the Song Dynasty kept abiding by the asceticism of "cautious independence" and "saving the heavenly manner", contemporary Chinese were also restrained by this incompatible ethical concept.I do not deny ethics and lead to nothing, but I advocate that within the scope of the law, sing and sing, jump if I want to sing, and be a free, open and inclusive society.Li Yan's point of view "Putting and eating is human physics", and today it sounds deafening.

China is becoming more and more prosperous, and it is becoming more and more open. Under the legal framework, some strips and dogma should be less and less, and people should become more and more free and free.If it weren't for the gang of four, wouldn't the Cultural Revolution be a "four types" for a lifetime?Do ordinary people who have been imprisoned by the ultimate ethics, do n’t they have no life on their lives?Obviously this is not the case.Tolerance for others is tolerance for yourself and the future of society.

(the author is a Chinese current affairs commentator)