Source: Ming Pao

A number of media in Europe and the United States reported on Tuesday (21st) that internal strategic documents leaked by the Russian Presidential Administrative Office showed that Russia plans to gradually take over Berlos in 2030 or before.According to this document, Russia attempts to use the Russian voice in Belarus, increase the Russian army in Belarus, simplify the introduction of the Russian passport procedures to Belarus, and establish a "alliance" led by Russia in 2030 in 2030.(Union State).Once it is planned to be true, Russia's "homeland" will directly borders the two NATO and EU member states, Lithuania and Poland, and not only limited to "Flying" Kalinenrad.

Page 17 File Column Infiltration Belarus Short and Long -term goals

The United States Yahoo News, Sweden Express, German South Germany will, and Ukrainian Kiev Independence Daily and other media have obtained 17 pages of "Russian Federation's Strategic Objectives in Belarus".This document published in 2021 sets out the plan to infiltrate Belarus from politics, economy, and military.Plan related risks.

Russia's goals can be divided into three major areas: political and military integration, trade and economy, and humanitarianism.In the category of politics and forces, Russia hopes to cultivate Belarus's pro -Russian sentiment, including military and political elites in 2022 or before, and will hope to control Belarus diplomacy, national defense policy, and Belarus border by 2030.Economically, the goal of Russia is to annex the Belarus market. The goal includes giving Russian companies in Belarus unlimited trade opportunities in Belarus in 2022 or before, allowing Belarus to pass Russia instead of Poland and Baltic countries transport cargo, 2030 or previous single tax systems and beforeUnified export control program.

A pro -Russian person takes over Belarus official media to control the media "advanced progress"

In the "humanitarian" section, the document proposes to control Belarus's civic society, education, science and culture.According to the documents, Russia must ensure "control Belarus information space" in 2030 or before, and establish a "single cultural space" and "consistent interpretation historical method".Kiev independent reports stated that during the 2020 anti -government demonstration, a large number of state -owned television media people resigned during the 2020 anti -government demonstrations, allowing those who promoted Russia to take over. Since then, Belarus's propaganda is in line with Russian discussions, so it can be called "advanced progress."

Russia and Belarus have signed the establishment of the "Alliance" treaty in 1999 to laid a legal foundation for the integration of the two countries.In the end, the 28 projects signed by the Belarusian government in November did not include political category.The new document continues to be named "Alliance", but the Voice of Germany describes more tracely annexation.

Western officials pointed out that the discharge documents were written by the "Transnational Cooperation Bureau", which was established in October 2018 and the Russian Presidential Administrative Office.Strategic objectives.Western intelligence officials said that Russian intelligence agencies and the military also planned to make suggestions.

Exile Belarus opposition leader: threatening the status of the people's country

Craig, deputy director of the Stockholm Eastern European Research Center, said that the content of the document has been roughly consistent with the political goals of Belarus since the 1990s known that Russia has never needed to take over Belarus.The Belarusian opposition leader of Belarusia, who has been elected in the 2020 Presidential Election of Belarusia, said to Yahoo News that the "Alliance" threatened to the status of the Belarus and Belarus by the "Alliance". "This is not an equal alliance.. This is Russia's merger of Belarus. "

Moldova has recently worried that it will become Russia's next control target. Putin overthrew a law of sovereignty over Moldova to resolve the "Deystan River" sovereignty in the region of the Russian separation region in the region of the Russian -separated region on Tuesday.Ke Palace claims that it aims to protect Russian interests.When the US President Biden met with President Moldova on Tuesday, he reiterated his support for the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity.