Source: Taiwan United Daily

Lianhe Daily News

The Russian and Ukraine War on the 24th is the first anniversary of the end of the session. On the eve of this, the three of the United States, China and Russia strongly stated, hoping to find their legitimate role between the war.U.S. President Biden visited Ukraine on the 20th and went side by side with Zelezzki on the streets of Kiev, and promised to increase the assistance of $ 500 million.Russian President Putin delivered a speech that Russia was in a difficult period and condemned the peace of the West as "fraud."China tried to propose a mediation plan for the Russian and Ukraine conflict. The director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, Wang Yi, met with Ukraine, and then transferred to Moscow to visit. Xi Jinping will also issue initiatives about the Ukraine Peace Plan tomorrow.


The Russian and Ukraine War fought for a year, Russia could not end the war over months, and it was also fond.In contrast, Western countries have made various sanctions on Russia, and have continued to reinforce Ukrainian military fires. They still cannot let Russia know that it is difficult.But for the Ukrainian people in the war, the life under the fire of missiles is only miserable and cruel.Beijing Litu kept a distance between Russia and Ukraine, and found a plan that made both parties willing to end peace, but because the confrontation between the United States and China may not be supported by Western countries.The misfortune of Ukraine is here.

The "Munich Safety Conference" just held provides a meeting and wrestling of all parties.In particular, U.S. Secretary of U.S. Blint and Wang Yi had the opportunity to talk on the sidelines. After an hour, they met with the US fighter aircraft to exchanges the mainland balloon incident.Regarding this meeting, China said that it was "in response to the United States".Before and after the meeting, Wang Yi changed his gentle style, and strictly criticized the United States to deal with balloons as a political farce, and the fighter aircraft shot down the balloon with missiles as "almost hysteria."Brinken told Wang Yi that the balloon invaded the United States to lead the airspace, and the United States did not apologize to the balloon.

It is worthy of fun that Brinton mentioned what was not mentioned on the countertop in his later tweet. He said, "I warn China that it is not allowed to provide materials to Russia."This may be the real purpose of this meeting: warning that China must not assist Russia.Washington knows that Wang Yi visited Russia on the 20th may prepare for Xi Jinping's visit to Russia in the spring; the United States is worried that China and Russia will reach a cooperation agreement and even form a military alliance, so they must express the warning of the United States as soon as possible.After meeting with Wang Yi, Blint also said that China was seriously considering providing fatal aid to Russia with fatal assistance such as weapons and ammunition, and the United States expressed solemn concerns.

On the occasion of the expiration of the Russian and Ukraine War, it was also the juncture of the decisive battle of Wudong.Russia increased its troops to 300,000 people and was ready to launch a total attack.In Ukraine, three hundred tanks were required to NATO before, and half of them are now in place and are also preparing for counterattacks.The United States is worried that when Wudong's decisive battle, if there is something wrong with the Taiwan Strait, it will inevitably be difficult to take care of it.Therefore, on the one hand, McCarthy, the speaker of the House of Representatives, visited Taiwan. At the same time, Gu Lixiong, the Secretary -General of the Taiwan National Security Council, and Wu Zhaoyi, a foreign minister Wu Zhaozheng, in the Huafu, in order to prevent changes in the Taiwan Straits.

Beijing is obviously unwilling to choose between the United States and Russia, and also hopes to propose a solution to Russia and Ukraine.Wang Yi met the Ukraine Foreign Minister in Munich, and then visited Moscow, in order to understand the intention of Uhwal and Russia.The United States and Ukraine are unhappy to see China's proposal to propose a peaceful plan, lest they weaken the support of the allies for Ukraine. Therefore, Brinken directly criticized Beijing as an attempt to "step on two boats."Biden appeared in Kyanfu, in addition to his re -election layout, of course, he also hoped that Ukraine would not be shaken by the Chinese peace agreement.

Beijing's peaceful proposal is actually not as determined to succeed, but wants to win the favor of European countries.Wang Yi said in his speech: "I hope that friends in Europe can think calmly: what kind of effort can make the war to stop the fire, and what kind of architecture to build to make Europe achieve long -term stability.These words, Europeans can hear it.

In the first anniversary of the expiration of the Russian and Ukraine War, geopolitical changes are even more weird: China and the United States are tensions, China and Russia's interaction strengthens, and the interests of the United States and Europe are even more balanced.In the change of the world, we should calmly think about Taiwan's interests and choices.