Source: Taiwan United Daily

Author: Wang Jingyan

Gu Lixiong, Secretary -General of the National Security Council, and Foreign Minister Wu Zhaozheng, on the 21st, the US Deputy Secretary of State Sherman and the White House Indo -Pacific Affairs Coordination Officer of the White House Indo -Palace in the United States, such as the United States, in the United States, on the 21st, on the 21st.Hold talks.

The Taiwan -US security talks have been in the past, but compared to the heights of the past, the talks do not avoid the media shooting.The British Financial Times had relevant reports before the talks. Although the officials of the United States and Taiwan were not confirmed, they did not deny it, indicating that the United States intends to make the Taiwan -US dialogue.

The United States arranged for this meeting at this time: First, to appease the DPP government; second, trying to eliminate the "suspicion theory" and show the United States' commitment to Taiwan's security.

Xia Liyan, vice chairman of the Kuomintang, led a delegation to visit the mainland 8 on the 8th. Beijing not only arranged Song Tao to meet the delegation, but also Wang Huining, member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo, also responded positively to the Kuomintang's request.Try to solve the problem of selling agricultural and fishing products in Taiwan.

The Kuomintang's visit to Lu successfully highlights the incompetence of the DPP government in cross -strait relations.Although the MAC and the Democratic Progressive Party have vilified the Kuomintang's trip to this trip, referring to the Kuomintang selling Taiwan and singing with mainland China, in fact, the Kuomintang can improve cross -strait relations and promote cross -strait peace.At this time, the United States arranged the US security talks in a timely manner, which helped the DPP government to return a city.

Secondly, the host of the US radio show, Jialanniksen, tweeted that the White House revealed that President Biden had a "destroying Taiwan plan".Although the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Taiwan Department said that this department intentionally enlarged suspicion and anti -American theory; the AIT spokesman also emphasized that the United States' commitment to Taiwan has not officially denied it so far.

According to Taiwanese scholars, the U.S. Think Tank "Pacific Forum" held the second "US -Taiwan Anti -Defense and Defense Dialogue" in Hawaii last August.plan.This shows that the United States is predicting the possible predictions of the military attack on Taiwan in mainland China.

Last year Bloomberg reported that the United States carried out various troops, including if the mainland's force attacked Taiwan, considering the bombing of TSMC to prevent mainland China from obtaining chip manufacturing technology, and even sent special planes to evacuate TSMC engineers; then proved that the United States did strong pressure on the United States.TSMC is required to set up a factory in the United States, and it is afraid that the acupuncture points are afraid of the wind.

The actions of the United States around the world are for their own interests. The DPP government follows the United States, and it is better to seize the opportunity of peaceful opportunities for the Kuomintang to visit land, actively improve cross -strait relations, restore official direct communication, and try to establish cross -strait security dialogueIn this way, it can bring more reliable security guarantee to Taiwan.