01 Viewpoint

On Tuesday (12th), a US trade adviser Peter Navarro was interviewed by the media, saying that President Trump spent three years to build the most powerful and beautiful economy, but the Communist Party destroyed it on the 60th.Navaro said this statement naturally has its political calculations. The purpose is to cooperate with Republicans to use the strategy of shirking the improper responsibility of the epidemic in China.It is undoubtedly acknowledging that the Trump administration is unable to protect national economic security.After the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, many voices stated that the production line was evacuated from China to avoid risks.Metaphor.

Is the United States so fragile?

Navarro said that the beautiful economy established by the President has been destroyed by China within 60 days. The purpose of political purpose is to cooperate with the Republican Party to shirk and pursue China to transfer the government's poor political strategy to respond to the inadequate epidemic.On the one hand, the major members of the Trump administration have accused the new crown virus from leaking from the Wuhan Laboratory. On the other hand, the Republican Party in the Congress actively promoted the bill that gives the president to punish Chinese power to shift the vision of the United States, but the Trump administration continues to continueThe audience who played the victims of the victims in the whole epidemic was not just the political right wing that supported him.

Navarro's 60th theory of destruction is actually just an example of the victim strategy.But this strategy has serious problems except for those supporters of Trump.Regardless of whether the responsibility is in China, the United States is the world's largest economy, has the most advanced medical resources and technology, and has many years of intelligence network and national security experience. How can it be so easily defeated within 60 days?Isn't this difficult to reflect the Trump administration's unable to defend national security at all?

After the Trump administration moved to power, he was committed to establishing a strong image of a strong man. He took the banner of America FIRST, and launched a series of controversial policies including the US -Mexica fence, tightening immigration policy, and even the Sino -US trade war.EssenceTrump is indeed quite successful in shaping himself into a strong man, but the new crown epidemic Trump administration's various declines and declines, but resentfully returned it to the prototype, so that the world has a glimpse of its ability to deal with a major crisis.EssenceOf course, the US economy has strong strength. Even if the new crown epidemic is serious, it is impossible to really destroy his economy, but how much the ability he has is before the eyes.

Fundless borders

Even if Trump ’s shocking Chinese strategy can really deceive voters and even eventually make them successfully elected, many large international enterprises cannot do so to understand the problem.When the epidemic initially broke out in China. At that time, some enterprises really thought about whether to move the production chain to decentralize the risk of dispersing China, and even believed that Western media discussed that the outbreak of the epidemic was caused by the issue of the Chinese Communist Party.Each survey of Chinese foreign companies in February and March can also be confirmed.

However, the epidemic is constantly developing, and some ideas and assumptions are constantly being knocked down.European and American countries have unscrupulous response, which greatly cracks down on the lecture caused by the outbreak of the epidemic.Although China ’s extremely strict epidemic prevention policies have made many companies dissatisfied at the beginning, when this strict policy proof is required to control the spread, coupled with China’ s successful control of the epidemic and restarting the economy, it also proves that this kind of extreme pain is not as good as short pain.Practice is more efficient.These will affect how the company finally understands the problem of the new crown epidemic.

In the age of this funding without borders, it was ultimately determined how the enterprise chose was not those political words, but the most practical ability and interests.The performance of various countries in response to the new crown epidemic is just like a ability test.Ray Dalio, founder of the famous hedge fund Bridge Water Fund, published a series of world order entitled to the change of world order on the website after the outbreak of the new crown, which is very interesting: the United States and ChinaThe difference in this crisis will affect the transformation of world order, and China is likely to become stronger.