The problem of public governance exposed by the coronary virus epidemic is tricky.Many public governances in China and the United States are closely related to the central and local relations.The conflict between the head of the US federal government and the governor is now underway.For example, the steps and measures of the unblocking of the states are inconsistent with the federal government's ideas. Although the management authority is concerned, public health is the authority of the state government.

Earlier, in order to effectively resist the epidemic, some states in the United States imported some masks from other countries, especially China, especially in China. They were worried that the federal government would cut materials. On the one hand, they did not disclose which states purchased.To protect the smooth transportation of the goods.The state and the state also adjust the medical supplies with each other, which is also carried out under the blessing of the federal government.

Of course, in the circumstances between the federal and state, some government procurement and financial use rules have not been effectively observed, such as the transparency principle of government procurement; in extreme cases, some procurement cases fail.Buying medical supplies with taxpayers is caught in a scam. It is incredible if these things happen to usual.

In the crown disease epidemic response, is China's central and local relations performed better?Under the circumstances of emergency mobilization, China's central local relations are indeed worthy of recognition.First, the system adjustment ability in the epidemic.Such as virus detection and public authority.In the early days when the crown disease epidemic occurred, the announcement and treatment of cases were questioned.One of the reasons is that the authority of the virus detection is too centralized.

After sampling at the local disease control center at the local level, it was sent to the National Disease Control Center for testing. It took time to delay the golden period of treatment, and was also criticized by the public.Therefore, in a short time, the Chinese government puts its power to the prefecture -level centers.

Second, collaboration and mobilization in the epidemic.In addition to the central level administrative and expert support, the assistance of the provincial government's medical team is also very important.The intergovernmental relationship between horizontal government has always played a great role in the response to the public crisis in China. For example, after the Sichuan Wenchuan earthquake occurred, at that time, the provinces were listed in Wenchuan's post -disaster recovery reconstruction expenses in the local financial subjects.This time, the medical mutual assistance of the coronary disease is even more effective.Under the arrangement of collaboration between horizontal government, a large number of medical staff entered Hubei.

According to media reports, after some of the Guangdong medical teams who had responded to Shas to the treatment of crown disease in Hubei, they largely improved the operation process and efficiency of local medical institutions to deal with the epidemic, which played a positive role in reducing the mortality rate in the future.On February 17, Xinhua News Agency reported that under the arrangement of the central government, a total of 19 provinces across the country sent a medical team to Hubei to support 16 cities and states (forest areas) in Wuhan City.These include Chongqing, Heilongjiang Province to support Xiaogan City, Shandong Province, Hunan Province to support Huanggang City, Jiangxi Province to support Suizhou, Guangdong Province, Hainan Province, and Jingzhou City.

In response to the crown disease epidemic, this set of horizontal transfer payment mechanism has become more mature.The institutionalized mutual assistance between China's horizontal government is a place where many countries can learn.Of course, the following analysis will be analyzed that the characteristics of horizontal government relations under the current leadership of the central government have also triggered many problems.

At a wider and deeper level, China's central and local relations have reached the point where it is necessary to review it carefully; there are many problems exposed during the response of the crown disease. Unfortunately, there is no systematic reflection and system improvement afterwards.Mao Zedong said: There are two enthusiasm of the central and local governments, which is much better than only one enthusiasm.We cannot concentrate everything to the central government like the Soviet Union, and the local card is stuck, and there is no motor right at all.

In the past few years, the two enthusiasms are mainly manifested in the enthusiasm of the central government. The various innovations and experiments in the local area cannot be said that there is nothing at all, but it is difficult to compare with the past.Especially in the crown disease epidemic, the spirit of local enthusiasm and responsible owner is tested.Local officials feel that since they are blamed, why should they take the initiative?It is better to wait for superiors to order, of course, this also includes concealing the epidemic.At the beginning, many people speculated that Wuhan did not dare to conceal the epidemic, especially after the lessons of Shats in 2003. In fact, concealment has always existed to some extent; if this central local system does not change, it will be difficult to ensure that in the future.

First, from the responsibility of local governments to the central government to jointly unload.At the beginning of the epidemic, the voices of local officials accused the local officials of the same way.At that time, there was a voice that the Wuhan Municipal Government's leadership team should be held accountable as soon as possible.As an observer of central local relations, it is difficult for the author to believe that some chaos in the early stage of the epidemic is the responsibility of local governments.Especially after the 2003 Savas epidemic, the public hygiene epidemic prevention system should be relatively sound.

And with the electronicization of public administration, the central government has more channels to understand local information.Information asymmetric is not the biggest problem in the current central local relationship.Later, in an interview with CCTV on January 27, when Wuhan Mayor Zhou Xianwang talked about the disclosure of disclosure in time, he indirectly disclosed the information about the central government.

He said that the disclosure is not timely. I hope everyone understands that it is infectious diseases, and infectious diseases have infectious disease prevention and treatment law. It is necessary to disclose it according to law. As a local government, after obtaining information, I need to be authorized to disclose. This was not at that time.Understanding.Later, especially on January 20th, the State Council held a executive meeting to determine the disease as a class B infectious disease and conduct the management of class A infectious diseases, and it was required to be responsible. Since then, we think that our work has taken the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative more.Essence

It can be confirmed from the talks of Mayor Wuhan that no matter what the reasons cause the disclosure is not timely, the central and local governments have common responsibilities.In this case, the central and local governments should jointly take responsibility, which will solve the accountability and integrity of some officials, and also improve the government's credibility.When Shats occurred in 2003, officials in the central and local governments held accountable.

Second, collaboration between the government to the conflict between the government.Collaboration between local governments is widely existed.For example, Zhang Dejiang promoted the cooperation between the Pan -Pearl River Delta region (9 + 2) when the main administration of Guangdong, and solved some intergovernmental collaboration problems.Now there are many collaboration between various cities; however, in recent years, the influence has been relatively influential in recent years.After more and more the central government is actively involved in local collaboration, the inherent motivation of collaboration between local governments, especially disputes, has been weakened.

For example, in terms of the movement of the epidemic, the local government has sufficient time and space discussions, but from some sporadic cases, it can be seen that the weakness of self -coordination between horizontal government.Examples that are widely reported by the media are the conflict between police and civilians at the junction of Huangmei County, Hubei and Jiujiang City, Jiangxi.After lifting the ban in Hubei, Hubei Huangmei people needed to cross the bridge into Jiujiang to take the train to the resumption site.The local government and the people of Jiujiang are more worried about whether the Hubei people are in the country with viruses. These misunderstandings have caused a conflict.The final ending was that the superior government was involved, and local officials were removed from office and accountable.

Although at this time, you can also see the wisdom and decisiveness of the central government, many local governments should have been able to promote the establishment of a mechanism for the establishment of disputes before; with the ability of local knowledge and local leadership, I believe that the intergovernmental coordination of local government canThere are dozens of or even hundreds of versions, and the central government can also promote several of them.The current situation is that local governments either wait for the instructions of the central government or let the civil spontaneous resolution (the above -mentioned police -civilian conflicts may occur).

Give full play to the enthusiasm of local governments, and is a key public governance issue in a country with vast and large local economic and cultural differences.Before the reform and opening up, Mao Zedong emphasized that he spoke Beijing dialect and local dialects.Among the 70 years of central relations of the People's Republic of China, it is now relatively centralized.With the improvement of the public's requirements for public services, the wise central government can always solve the local dilemma caused by some local officials, repeatedly circulating, and there is a legitimate reason to speak Beijing dialect.

In addition, more and more central officials are appointed as local members in terms of appointment and removal of cadres.In July 2013, the article of the South China Morning Post observed that the central government in the local officialsMore and more work backgrounds.This is the case in recent years.I observed a recent article that compared to officials sent by the central government, local members of the local growth (mainly referring to the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor) attach more importance to public services such as education;An indicator that is easy to be noticed by the outside world.

I have previously promoted the reform of the financial and taxation system in Lianhe Zaobao to promote the progress of Chinese -style progress?It proposes that China should learn from the advanced experience of central local management (such as Germany, Canada and other countries), and introduce a central relations committee at the central level.

At present, in the most ideal situation, the Central Relations Committee, as a permanent institution under the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, is prepared and discussed in the construction of the central land system; some discussions can be opened to the media and the public.In the long run, only the system construction of some fundamental intergovernmental relations will help promote the two enthusiasm of the central and local governments, which will also provide experience in intergovernmental management of various countries.

(The author is an associate professor at the School of Public Policy, the National University of Singapore)