Liu Jincai

A few days ago, the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office of the Ministry of Education of Mainland China announced that considering the prevention and control of the crown disease and the cross -strait situation, it was decided to suspend graduates from various levels of academic qualifications in mainland China to Taiwan to be promoted;The competent education department resolves the problem of being obstructed from the study of Lu Sheng's return to Taiwan to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Lu Sheng.

However, the Taiwan authorities stated that in order to avoid the spread of the epidemic in order to avoid personnel movement, the various management measures of Lu Sheng are based on the preferential consideration of epidemic prevention.Criticizing the mainland authorities when the epidemic has not yet stabilized, that is, it is very contradictory, unreasonable, and very irresponsible approach.

Cross -strait authorities have accused each other criticizing each other and exacerbated cross -strait relations that had been severely deteriorated after the 2020 presidential election of Taiwan.There is no doubt that Tsai Ing -wen has been elected as the highest votes since the president of Taiwan's election. It has benefited from the anti -mid -line line that opposes the one country, two systems and the 1992 consensus, and is also related to the outbreak of the Hong Kong movement.

From the timely suspension of Luke's free tour of the visit, Lu Sheng may be suspended after the selection. The mainland authorities have their strategic adjustments and policy adjustments to Taiwan.Cross -strait authorities have failed to make good use of disaster politics and epidemic prevention politics to jointly resist epidemic.Conflict and storm.

First of all, cross -strait authorities lack the 92 consensus, and the relationship has fallen into deterioration and hostility.The DPP authorities opposed the 1992 Consensus and the first system of the country. The principle of labeling first was the 1992 consensus.The mainland authorities proposed that the 1992 consensus was the need for the sea god needles for the development of cross -strait development. In addition to the discontinuation of cross -strait negotiation dialogue, military intimidation and diplomatic suppression, it also strengthened the unidirectional fusion strategy to produce magnetic suction effects;Copy control.

From August 2019, the mainland authorities announced the suspension of the policies of the freedom of Luke, and by April 2020, it was announced that the suspension of Lu Sheng came to Taiwan to study. It has gradually shown that the exchanges of the mainland's exchanges in Taiwan have tightened, and from the original two -way communication to one -way absorption.

After Tsai Ing -wen was elected as the president, Taiwan society generally permeated against the two systems of Taiwan and anti -Chinese political atmosphere.Subsequently, the global strategic competition trend of the two major countries in the United States and China changed. The United States regards China as a competitor. The two sides not only play in the trade war, information war, scientific and technological warfare to intelligence war, and diplomatic warfare.Controversy and opposition.

In the two major countries of the United States, the United States, the United States will still use Taiwan to try to restrict and soften China.As the Democratic League of the United States and Indo -Pacific Strategy, Taiwan has also strengthened each other's confrontation and countermeasures because of the strategic thinking of United States and China.

Secondly, the cross -strait authorities lacked mutual trust without negotiating dialogue, and they each adopted unilaterally one -sided claims.The two sides counter -tooth to return to teeth, reducing Lu Sheng and Hong Kong and Macao students to come to Taiwan to study policy benefits.On January 25th, the Taiwan authorities announced that it was temporarily relieved that Lu Sheng, Hubei Province came to Taiwan to enter the country, and announced on February 3 that all Lu Sheng was suspended from Taiwan, including Lu Sheng, trainee and exchange students who were studying;Including students) come to Taiwan.On March 19th, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China Council criticized that under the normal start of Taiwan universities, it was obviously unreasonable that Lu Sheng's return to the school was not allowed, claiming that this would cause more than 8,300 mainland students to be registered in Taiwan to damage the rights and interests of mainland students.

On April 7th, the Ministry of Education of the mainland criticized Taiwan ’s approach, which has seriously damaged the legitimate rights and interests of mainland students to study in Taiwan. It urges to immediately change unreasonable restrictions on Lu Sheng.Essence

According to preliminary statistics from Taiwan, there are currently more than 8,000 people studying in Taiwan, about 800 people in Taiwan, and more than 7,000 people in the mainland.However, there are also unofficial statistics pointed out that from February 3, Lu Sheng has been suspended from February 11th, and Hong Kong and Macau students have been slowly slowed from February 11 to study in Taiwan, which has affected Lu, Hong Kong and Macao's exchanges and learning rights.Those who have been deducted in Taiwan have 8,240 mainland degrees and 7,660 researchers, totaling about 15,900 Lu Shengsheng; 7,972 those who deduct Hong Kong and Macao students will also affect 23,872 people.

In other words, the mainland has suspended Lu Sheng to study in Taiwan. If it is expanded from the degree student to the trainee, from the restriction of Lu Sheng to Hong Kong and Macao students, they generally sign sisters 'schools with mainland universities in Taiwan, and will interrupt students' exchange and academic exchanges and cooperation.

Finally, the Taiwan authorities have a three -limit discrimination policy for Lu Sheng measures.Since the rotation of political parties, Lu Sheng, including the number of trainees, has decreased, but maintaining two -way exchanges has always been the basic policy of cross -strait authorities.Although Taiwanese society is full of anti -mid -to -medium atmosphere, universities actively recruit Lu Sheng, which is helpful whether it is increasing the source of students, promoting learning, enhancing understanding and recognition.

In terms of Lu Shenglai to Taiwan, including trainers and degree students in 2011, 12,155, and the party rotation in 2016 increased to 4,975; then gradually declined from 2017 to 2019, which were 35,286 people, respectively, respectively, 35,286 people, respectively, 9603, 25049.Although the three -limit policy hinders Lu Sheng to study in Taiwan, it is also the main factor from the mainland government policy as a fear.

The Taiwan authorities have paused Lu Sheng, Hong Kong and Macao students to return to school based on the epidemic prevention, but stirred up the policy interaction of the mainland authorities to suspend Lu Sheng to study in Taiwan.Therefore, the mainland authorities have tightened cross -strait exchanges as a punishment to punish the Taiwan authorities at the cost of trying to break away from the principles of the 1992 consensus.

Cross -strait college students exchanged and played a role in promoting the understanding of the two sides to understand and creating a good and good relationship, and became a positive force and constructing a peaceful buffer zone for the development of cross -strait relations.

Based on this, the purpose of communication between cross -strait students should be equivalent to mutual benefit and benign interaction, to exchange cooperation to resolve the hostility between the two sides, enhance mutual understanding, release goodwill, respect tolerance and recognition, and promote the normal interaction and exchanges between the two sides of the strait.

If any party gives the student's exchanges to the instrumentality of the cultural united front, or explains the consciousness of the main body of Taiwan, the principles of the double adoption of me as the main and favorable to me will only allow simple students to communicate with complex political tools.The establishment of a substantive understanding and the establishment of the framework of peace and stability.

The author is Taiwan Foguang University

Assistant professor of the Department of Public Affairs