The political virus referred to in this article is to achieve a certain political purpose, deliberately distorting or distorting the facts in the coronary virus topic, fictional stories, creating conspiracy theories, or stigmatizing the political phenomenon of others.

No one expected that the crown disease would spread the world quickly, and it also triggered the great popularity of political viruses internationally. As a result, many people were infected by viruses and became viruses.Many of them are politicians and media people.For example, US Secretary of State Pompeo was named the number one patient who spreads political viruses by the Chinese.

In fact, this title is more suitable for President Trump, the owner of Pompeo.After a few months, Trump's treatment of the epidemic was a mess in the words of the former President Obama.But he didn't have any responsibility at all, but he thought that he was the first to be the most capable president in the history of the American history.Therefore, he pushed all the responsibilities of all the inadequate epidemics to others, and pushed it to Democrats in the country.

Pompeo is not the international speaker and amplifier of Trump internationally.What he did was amplify the boss's voice.As the so -called ministers are their own Lord, the ancients said that: the dogs are barking Yao, Yao is not benevolent, and the dog is also the master.Pompeo is nothing more than the owner of his White House, and he just played for him.

When the epidemic is still limited to China, Trump actually praised Beijing's effective management and control of the epidemic, but did not expect that the U.S. epidemic began to start up two months later, and he was out of control.Change his face to attack China, referring to Beijing's concealment of the epidemic, Wuhan's virus research institute leaked virus, etc., and threatened to hold accountable and claim compensation.At the same time, he also cut off donations to the World Health Organization, accusing WHD of favoring China.Recently, he also alleged that Beijing was trying to make a way to make him unable to re -election in the November presidential election.

Two and Peng Jun and Chen are obviously infected with political viruses, and at the same time, the virus is continuously spread in China and internationally.As a result, the political division of the Republican and Democratic Party has exacerbated the political division of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. It is not possible for each other's shortage of epidemic prevention supplies and the issues of distribution, and then the opinions should be unblocked.The timing of the White House delaying the control of the epidemic has also led to the number one in the world in the world.

Internationally, the consequences of the spread of political viruses are more aspects: First, the United States further escapes, suspend funding to fund the WHO, oppose various UN resolutions related to the WHO -related names, destroying the world's epidemic prevention prevention in epidemic prevention.The multilateral cooperation mechanism in the world, so countries around the world cannot stand on the same anti -epidemic.Second, the fight against China is also exacerbated, further damaging the bilateral relations between China and the United States.

Third, stir up the nationalist emotions and racist hatred of the people of China and the United States.Incidents that discriminate against yellow skin and Asians continue to occur in Europe, America, Australia and other places. Some Chinese have contacted it to the historical scars of Xin Chou Treaty and Gengzi.

Fourth, pull the gangs, pull other countries to launch the water, and ask them to pursue it with China. Organize the independent investigation team to investigate the source of the virus in Wuhan. So many political status is not very stable. Therefore, politicians also dancerelation.

In addition to politicians, American media workers also have some infected political viruses.For example, Walter Russell Mead, the Wall Street Journal columnist Walter Russell MEAD; the New York Times said that China is now in the medieval Europe; media tycoon Murdoch Group Fox NewsIt is also shouting to Trump every day, and of course, it has also become the main media of political viruses.

But what is more powerful than Fox News is social media.Political viruses invading the network and spread by the network should be an unprecedented phenomenon.The Internet is a world of anarchy. Any individual, group, organization, or government is using the online platform to spread a variety of information. There are true, fake, authentic and fake, there are distorted facts.There are those who are provoked, and some are inciting emotions.

What's more terrible is that most people have now formed the habit of only relying on smartphones to obtain information, but they do not know how to distinguish information about the authenticity. Many people have unknowingly infected the political virus from the Internet.Modern people are almost obsessed with the Internet, especially various social media platforms.Therefore, the so -called eye economy (or translated economy).

There is no doubt that the black swan -like crown disease epidemic immediately became the target of the eye -catching economy industry, and the big bang formed the information of the crown disease.Among them, there are many false information containing political viruses.On February 15 this year, Dr. Tan Dezai's speech held at a security meeting held by Dr. Tan Dezai in Munich, Germany described it as an Infodemic.He said: We are not just about epidemic, but we are also fighting rumors.Fake news is faster, easier to spread than this virus, and is equally dangerous.

It should be said to be more dangerous.Because the coronary virus poisons the human body, the political virus is poisonous is human mind and mind.So far, more than 4 million people in the world have been infected with crown disease, and the deceased has exceeded 280,000.These are statistics in various places, and I don't know how much in the statistics.The coronary virus is hurting people's life and destroying the economy.But the epidemic will eventually pass, the vaccine may occur, and most patients will return to health.

However, the political virus is more harmful.Because, first of all, people who are stained with this virus will distort their thinking, the psychology will be unbalanced, prejudice will be solidified, and primitive racial emotions and sensitive religious emotions will look up.This is no medicine.Secondly, it may be much more infected than crown disease, and it may be most of the population of a country.

For example, according to a survey released by the Pew Research Center in the United States recently, the ratio of 1,000 ordinary Americans interviewed accounted for 66%of the negative views on China, some of which each of which was negative and very negative, reaching the historical highEssenceThe existence of this psychological mustard shows that it is difficult for the two major economies of China and the United States to rebuild the old good, and the prospect of peace cooperation in the world has become even more dim.

No society in the world is immune to political viruses, and Singapore is no exception.After the emergence of crown diseases in my country, the political virus also followed, and various exclusive remarks and racist remarks have also appeared in social media.Political viruses flood into the mobile phone circle group in the mobile phone circle. How many people have been infected and unknown. It can be seen that it is more difficult to remove this virus than crown disease.

(The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress)