Current affairs perspective

The long -term struggle with the coronal virus epidemic not only affects the personal lifestyle and supply chain, but also has various impacts on the way of governing various countries, and even international order.

The fear of greater popularity in the future will bring a variety of changes. At the same time, geopolitical confrontation will be prominent, and the non -confidate of international coordination that is not delayed will increase.The globalization of leaving the border and coordinating the coexistence of developed countries is at the crossroads.

The international order so far is an important promotion force based on the coordination of developed countries such as the United States and the seven major industrial countries (G7).However, at present, the United States has not played effective leadership. The European Union and other developed countries have not achieved mutual cooperation as scheduled. The current situation is gradually creating the blankness of power.

At this point, some remarks are spreading.For example, China seems to quickly and successfully control the epidemic and start support for countries.As a result, it is believed that the authoritarian system towards international order, which threatens the international order based on the war of liberalism and democracy.However, such remarks are urgent in analysis.China did not accept the support of the United States and other countries. Instead, it was just to keep its face in response to the epidemic in the country, and at the same time, it was just to cover its own misunderstanding.

China is praised in some aspects, relying on its support speed and strength, but it only rely on its hard power such as its economic power and military power.Of course, countries that accept Chinese assistance have not re -examined their political system as a whole.Moreover, I don't think China's soft power (the impact of remarks on others' actions, etc.) is also increasing.If a large -scale debt is cleared on a country with a loan in China, it may be different, but it is unrealistic.

Originally, the United States left, who criticized the Trump regime, and the conservatives of the United States who advocated China's threat theory that China would rewrite international order.The conservative political forces in the United States have taken the occurrence of coronary viruses as a handle, which has strengthened its tough argument with China.Focusing on the origin of the virus, a part of the United States reports (mostly from the hands of columnist), believes that the authoritative rule model spreads in a world of perishes in the world that has suffered from plague.Come and read.

Unfortunately, the populist camp with Trump's re -election discovered the value of cracking down on China; the CCP government that defended itself also launched a publicity event that passed the responsibility to the United States and Europe.The propaganda war includes the civil sector, centered on the United States, China, Russia and other countries, and is being fermented.

The problem is that the United States and China are keen to advocate their own correctness, but they are not concerned about international coordination.The current international order cannot be considered the United States, which is considered to be the leadership of the free democratic system, nor can it be considered by the CCP's authoritativeism. This is the threat to the post -war international order.Needless to say, the example of the World Health Organization, even global governance infrastructure such as international organizations has been involved in the political struggle of the great power.Even if the U.S. regime realizes changes, considering the differentiation of domestic politics and financial constraints, it is impossible to fully recover to the international coordination track so far.

Therefore, looking at the future of the international order, there is no dominant country, whether it is the Seventh Kingdom Group or the Gemkarin Group, through the coordination of some countries, it cannot make effective decisions.The impact of reorganization of international order with the past two wars.In order to let the new international coordination of liberalism sprout, what requires cooperation outside the superpowers and the unity of civic society.

The author is an associate professor at the University of Tokyo