On May 8, Gillian's divorce news rushed on the hot search.

In 2018, Gillian was proposed on her birthday, and then exposed her wedding ring on social media.Before that, Gillian expressed his expectations for marriage many times in the interview show.But this stop only stayed for 14 months, and 39 -year -old Gillian took the initiative to divorce.

In response to Qian Yanshu, the marriage was like a siege. People outside the city wanted to come in, and the people in the city wanted to go out.

Everyone has a failed marriage, but it does not prevent them from entering the siege.Is this because human beings are too strong, or are they too crazy?

Anthropologist Helen Middot; Fisher studied the marriage and divorce in 58 society. From the perspective of human behavior and biological evolution, it is found that marriage is the product of the survival of human ancestors jungle, and with the economic status of women's economic statusAscension, women are increasingly occupying the initiative in divorce.

Marriage, the product of jungle survival

Although the divorce rate of various countries is high, most humans still choose to enter the marriage, in the final analysis, it may be a biological instinct.

In the ancient times when our ancestors walked with their limbs, newborns rely on grabbing their mother's abdomen or lying on the back of their mother.

Later, the apes advanced to walk upright with both feet, and the child became a female burden Mdash; mdash; mothers need to always hold the cubs in their arms to ensure that the child is not taken away by other beasts.

In this way, it is difficult for adult females to take into account the collection of stones, digging wild vegetables, and chasing prey at the same time as parenting.Therefore, forming an alliance with a male orangutan for a long time to accompany him to drive predators and provide food, which becomes a necessary operation for female nurturing offspring.On the other hand, in order to successfully reproduce the descendants and complete the transmission of genes, the male orangutans who voluntarily guard the estrus are also voluntarily stolen by other male in the jungle.In the forest with weak meat and strong food, the prototype of a monogamous marriage was formed.

The survival of things, the survival of the fittest, and the marriage is the product of the survival of the human ancestor jungle.When we evolve adults and enjoy the order of modern civilization, marriage is packaged into the crystallization of love.However, its essence is consistent with the alliance in the jungle, and it is inseparable from the internal division of labor, looking at children, and protecting common property.

Although not marriage and late marriage have formed a trend, marriage is still a choice for most people in the world as early or late.

The great screenshot of Mrs. Meshel's first season.

The United Nations has calculated the marriage data of 97 society since 1940. The results showed that from 2000 to 2011, nearly 90%of people around the world registered to get married before the age of 49.In the United States, which is popular in singleism, 85%to 90%of Americans eventually enter their marriage.Marriage seems to be an instinctual choice engraved in human genes and a phenomenon of cross -culture.

Short -term itching than seven years

The cruel thing is that divorce is also a common phenomenon of cross -cultural.Even on the upper reaches of the Amazon River, the Pacific Coral Island and the Arctic Frozen Land River, which is far from the lamps and the temptation of fame and fortune, the couple will still choose to end a bad marriage.

According to the United Nations ’s population statistical yearbook as of 2012, there has been a common law of divorce in global divorce in the past 60 years: three to four years after marriage is a high stage of divorce, and the divorce rate will gradually decrease as the marriage period increases.

After World War II, the economic and culture of many countries has undergone tremendous changes, but the time points for the divorce of couples in various countries have not changed significantly.Anthropologist Fisher Research pointed out that frequent crises from three to four years after marriage may be related to human breeding cycle.

In ancient times, the Yamana Malaysians in the Amazon River Basin, the Knightsirikinnite and the Rebutan of the Amazhirik, and the Sikkim's Rebuta were hunting and collecting tribes. Women's childbirth interval is usually three to four years.

Why did Fisher get married in her new book, why is it not a coincidence that the interval between fertility and divorce time is not a coincidence.Taking the Yamarima of Venezuela as an example, after the Yamomuma who lived in the jungle all year round, the couple would accompany their children to four years old, and then the husband and wife lived together.In other words, when newborn spend the most dangerous period, gradually learn the skills such as walking, eating, and call for help, and the parents' connection will no longer become close.

Fisher found that such a separation law also occurred in the animal world.Knowing that Bird chose to mate in spring, breeding a nest of chicks, female and male birds are like a marriage life, and they are busy before the bird's nest.Safety.Until August, the chicks completed the first fly, and the female and male birds will decisively end the breeding cohabitation and return to the group life.

Fisherway infer that the relationship between the relationship between the spouses such as the fox and the Zhihuang Bird has only continued to the end of the breeding period. The maximum matching of human beings can only be maintained to the first three to four years after the first child is from the infantile period.

More and more active divorce women

Different countries' views on divorce can largely reflect the social status of women in the country.

In the 1980s, anthropologists Laura Middot; Beziegia studied the divorce fate of more than 100 countries around the world and found that the derailment of the woman was the most common reason for the divorce between the two sides.Infertility and domestic violence followed, it became the second and third major reasons for divorce.

It is worth noting that after marriage, it is often men who propose divorce because of women's derailment and infertility.For a long time, the divorce is active by men who have the power of fiscal power.

But the situation in the maternity society or women occupying a higher social status is the opposite.

In the African Kunli tribe, women are an important labor force in the family. They go out every two or three days to find ingredients. Wild vegetables, honey, and bird eggs brought back are the main dinner for the family.They are also good at collecting hunting information for their husbands and judging when the animals pass by by observing the ground form.

More importantly, in the Kun tribe, located in the desert, the scarce water belongs to women, and older women often play the role of leaders in the community.These gender and power have virtually increased the value of women in the tribe, so that they have the confidence of leaving when they are unhappy.In the 1970s, sociologists Nangxi Middot; Hoville visited the Kun tribe and found that more than 40%of the couples in the 331 marriage involved in the investigation chose to divorce.

Before the industrial revolution, European farm families were often clearly divided into division of labor. Men were responsible for felting physical work such as felting trees and plowing ground. Women were responsible for sowing, picking, and weeding.At that time, the party that took the initiative to propose to be cleaned out of the house was needed, but the abandonment of land in the era of self -sufficiency was tantamount to losing the source of life. Therefore, the two parties in the marriage were tied up by the field.The divorce rate in Europe was very low at that time.

When history entered the 18th century, the farmer gradually liberated from the land to the middle class, and women gradually joined the labor army of various industries. Their disposable property and labor resources were no longer subject to gender constraints, and the divorce rate gradually increased.

From the end of the 20th century to today, the age of divorce has been further expanded.When children work in adulthood, they move out of their native families. Many elderly couples who have spent 20 or three decades have determined to end their unsuccessful marriage.To a certain extent, this is the same as that the Birds of the Birds see the pornographic birds fly out of the bird's nest and end the cohabitation life.

First, there was a wave of silver hair divorce in Europe and the United States. After entering the 21st century, many Chinese elderly couples also took the initiative to ask for separation.According to the sixth census statistics of China, as of 2010, the divorce ratio of elderly people over the age of 60 or over China is compared with the previous century 80The age has been nearly doubled.In the same year, research on the impact of divorce issues issued by the Institute of Sociology of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences showed that two -thirds of lawsuit divorce was proceeded by women.

In 2019, women in all countries around the world participated in 48.5%, and women participating in China accounted for more than 70%of women's total population, ranking first in the world.In contrast, the participation rate of Chinese men's housework is the fourth in the world, second only to Japan, South Korea and India.In terms of two data comparison, it is not surprising that Chinese women have initiated divorce.

U.S. Census Bureau Ross Middot; Crader observed that most people will remarry after the first marriage is broken.British writer Samuel Middot; Johnson once said that the second marriage was hoping to defeat experience.Although each three couples in the United States and Japan ended with divorce, marriage is still a life option that most young people are seriously considered.Romantick will not die, and the marriage system will still last.

Picture source: screenshot

Reference book: Why do we divorce and why are we inaccurate, Helen Middot; Fisher, CITIC Publishing House, March 2020

Lloyd.p., 1968, device among the yoruba. American Anthropology 70: 67-81

Cherlin. A.j., 1981, Marriege, Devorce, Remarriage, Cambridge, MA: Havard Univ.press

Cherlin. A.j., 2009, The Marriage Go-Round: The state of the Marriage and the Family in American,: New York: KNOPF