Ming Pao News Agency

The epidemic seems to be in the ascendant world. The European and American countries have launched plans to stimulate the economy at all. The amount involved in the amount of astronomical numbers. At present, it seems that it is a last resort.The problem that affects the changes in the world's pattern must be planned around the world to prepare for the big problems that have been spawned by the epidemic.

The epidemic caused the global economic activity to be almost completely stopped. The planes were on the ground, and the people were at home. The machines of the factory no longer made a sound.The heads of major developed countries, on the one hand, think about raising medical instruments against epidemics, on the other hand, and on the other hand, they put forward countermeasures to cope with the coming economic depression.The aid epidemic plan proposed by the United Kingdom covers the salary of workers, subsidies for small and medium -sized enterprises, and commercial loan guarantees. The design amount is 350 billion pounds (about 435.8 billion US dollars). Similar plans in Germany involve US $ 821 billion, Japan nearly $ 1 trillionHowever, compared to the US solution, it is a small witch.

All industries in the United States have been severely hit. Taking the aviation industry alone as an example, it is difficult to imagine that the Boeing aircraft company and several large airlines in the United States apply for bankruptcy at the same time, bringing a psychological and substantial impact on the overall economy.Less than two weeks after the outbreak of the epidemic, the number of newly applied unemployed relief in the United States reached 7 million people, and the numbers were still rising.

US President Trump has long begun to plan for this. On February 24, he proposed a $ 2.5 billion market rescue plan, which became an emergency plan of $ 8.3 billion on March 6.By mid -March, after the layer, it has reached an unprecedented US $ 2 trillion. This set of solutions is all available, and the simplest is that 90 % of the people will receive a check within a few weeks.$ 1200 per person.Whether a plan that stimulates the economy can work, you may wish to wait and see.

In order to solve the problem in front of the United States

2 trillion to rescue the city of the city and the opposition

Trump's proposal quickly got the consensus of the court and the field, and finally passed the Senate with 96 votes at ○ votes.The unanimous view of the United States is that the economic crisis in front of it cannot stand by. As for who to repay debts and how to repay debts, it is future things.For the upcoming U.S. parties that are about to be elected, no one will obtain objections to the advice of emergency help. The Americans have a low savings rate, workers are stopped, and life is unsustainable.However, the far -reaching impact on the US and even global economies will not be ignored.

What is the concept of $ 2 trillion?It is 12 zero behind 2 words.U.S. Treasury bonds have reached $ 2 trillion, and more than 2 trillion yuan does not seem to be excessive, but economists estimate that according to this trend, in 2030, the U.S. Treasury bonds will reach 31.5 trillion, which is equivalent to 98%of its annual GDP.It is generally believed that more than 90%will bring economic recession. As the leader of the world economy, the United States is 15.11%of the global GDP in 2019. The United States is downturn and the world will not be better.

How will the United States pay for $ 2 trillion?Some people are whimsically that as long as the coinage bureau casts two coins of 1 trillion yuan, it can be placed in the Federal Reserve Bank.The actual approach is that the United States will distribute bonds to banks. Banks that do not have enough funds to purchase bonds can borrow from federal reserve banks, and banks can sell bonds globally, which is still favorable.

US Treasury bonds are used by foreign countries by buying bonds. It is an effective method for the United States. As of January this year, US foreign bonds have a total of US $ 685 trillion., Brazil and Ireland account for nearly half of the total amount of US bonds.The question is whether this approach is sustainable?If the old debt is not clear, will these countries still support these countries as always?What's more, the economy of each country has been hit by the epidemic, and has it been able to bear new debt for the United States?In recent months, China has continuously reduced its holdings of US bonds and has brought shadows to relations between the two countries. It is not difficult to predict whether the contradictions in the future will exacerbate.

American itself and international issues

It is no longer possible to deal with it alone

Any country to solve the debt problem is nothing more than two methods. One is to reduce expenses, one is to increase taxes, and the United States is no exception.However, the US fiscal policy has long been accustomed to eating food. Are these two methods that do it in the United States?Leaving aside political parties, it is greatly restricted to the voting, and US debt has reached the point where TOO BIG to Fail cannot be overturned. Increasing taxes will lead to inflation and reduce expenses.The emergence requires a new round of economic stimulus solutions. This vicious circle has reached an endless level.

If the economic and fiscal conditions of any country in the world have an unsustainable situation, financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank will give it a set of rescue plans, but what institutions in the world today can give the United States a suggestion to the United States.Woolen cloth?If there are international organizations to make suggestions to the United States, the United States will use the suspension of paid fees or even withdraw from the international agency as a threat; if any country makes suggestions to the United States, will the United States use aircraft carriers to propose counter -suggestion?

The blow to the global economy is unprecedented. There must be an instant response method. However, as the anti -epidemic can not see international cooperation, it is difficult to share the financial and economic crisis, and it is even more difficult to imagine the room for cooperation.It is understandable, but the global governance after the epidemic is inseparable from cooperation. The question is how to establish a new set of international order so that more people in the world have a reasonable right to speak, instead of continuing to regard the words of the United States as a god, and moreIt is necessary to have a spirit of coexistence to guide. The question is whether the United States is willing to accept new international order.