01 Viewpoint

Last year, the Democratic Democratic President Marathon nomination battle finally came to an end.Federal Senator Sanders, Vermont, announced the suspension of the campaign on March (8th), and will fully support the opponent and former vice president Biden to challenge the current President Trump at the end of the year.Biden and Trump's two battles have become a foregone conclusion. It seems that everything is exactly the same as prediction more than a year ago.Sanders, once connected to the two states of New Hampshire and Nevada, is only one step away from the right to nomination, but because of the sudden changes in the party's establishment camp, many candidates have retired from the concentrated votes to Biden, so that the election situation was once.The critical Biden carp turned over, Sanders was caught by surprise, and eventually defeated on Tuesday. The situation gradually lag behind and could not recover.

Before 2016, the Secretary of State Hillary was almost clicked by the party's establishment. Sanders resolutely challenged the challenge at the time. At that time, he was still a well -known small state senator for most Americans.However, its strong Brooklyn's accent, the arms that continue to wave in the air, fluffy hairstyles and anger, and many claims such as national medical insurance, exemption of college tuition and learning debt, minimum wages of $ 15, actively responding to climate change, Xiang Wall Street and Wall StreetBillionaires levy new taxes, etc., and are very popular. It created a whirlwind in the country and once went hand in hand with political stars Hillary.Although Sanders eventually drank hatred, emerging left -wing grassroots movement in the country.In the mid-2018 election, four ethnic women, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for the first time, were promoted to the House of Representatives for the first time, becoming the star of tomorrow in the United States.The Wing of the Democratic Party gradually became abundant, and Sanders had a great job in 2016 that he could not do it.

There are as many as 29 major candidates for this year's preliminary selection of the Democrats.(Pete Buttigieg), Tulsi Gabbard, Charity of Hawaii, businessman Andrew Yang and Tom Steyer, former Texas MP, ORourke, New York Mayor BillDE Blasio), Jay Inslee, Governor of Washington, all supports Sanders's political outlines such as medical insurance, green politics, and minimum wages, so that the entire Democratic Party will quickly lean left for a while.However, with the campaign, many candidates have revised their positions and abandoned medical insurance for the whole people. For a while, many progressives of competition with Sanders have become middle schools.This phenomenon just reflects the huge influence that Sanders has been targeted at the U.S. chaebol in the election.

40 years have always been like one

The reason why Sanders was strongly supported was because they bluntly criticized the Ruling elites in Washington and Wall Street, and the tens of millions of American workers' classes were consistent in the past 40 years.He did not swing because of money politics or to please voters, so he became one of the most trusted politicians in the United States.However, it is also because they do not follow the flow and maverick, which makes them deal with the people in the system.When Budgig and Golden Master touched the bottom of the wine glass in the wine cellar, Volon tried to win Colos, Bynden secretly sought the Democratic party -level, and Jim Clyburn, a federal member of the South Carolina,In the end, the victory of the South Carolina's preliminary election made his election, and Sanders sneered at this kind of tea -drinking and irrigation backdoor politics.When Obama launched the party -made machine air group in the South Card prefecture to set out the platform for Biden, and persuaded Amy Klobuchar and Budiigg, the creation of the stars of the stars and the moon are like a rainbow.The isolated Sanders was quickly squeezed to the edge.

Sanders' political cleanliness, such as the political makeup and dislike of the mud wrestling election campaign, also caught it in a disadvantage.For example, the mainstream media took out its former praise of Cuban dictator Castro's dedication to eliminate illiterate. Sanders insisted on standing that although Cuba was a dictatorship, it did not mean that its educational policy was unsuccessful, and that Obama also praised Cuba also praised CubaAs a result, Cuban voters were extremely disgusted with this remark, and Sanders was as expected to be defeated in Florida as expected.Trump threatened early in 2016 at the beginning of the election. If the Republican Party did not nominate the party, he would run out of the party, which has caused the Republican party system to be held his nose.Although Sanders said that to challenge the Democratic Party's system and was accused of split the Democratic Party by the opponent, they said early that no matter whoever live, it will be fully supported, and he has repeatedly said that Biden was a good person and believed that he could defeat Trump.How can people persuade voters not to vote for Biden?

Compared to the 2008 Obama decisive battle Hillary and the dark arrows of the Trownic enemy group in 2016, the knife and knife pushed the other party's key.Like it, the anti -building radicals of the jade should be burned.Adhere to the principle of not compromising because of the political situation, making Sanders a clear spring in Washington politics full of power and hypocritical mask., Political wrist and conspiracy are equally important.In particular, it is necessary to overthrow the power of political and economic power for decades and its own systems, and it is difficult to rival with noble ideals and enthusiasm alone.This is why Trump, a madman who is obedient and unscrupulous, can defeat the Democratic Republican parties in one fell swoop and enter the White House.

Not me. US.

After the Democratic School was sent to South Carolina, it quickly assembled in just 72 hours before Super Tuesday, which made Sanders the original situation of the original situation rushed.However, even if Sanders was defeated, the ticket station survey showed that most voters still supported their national medical insurance solutions, but they just believed that Biden was more capable of defeating Trump.And Sanders has been accused of inconsistent radical propositions and gradually entering the mainstream of politics. If its national medical insurance plan is questioned by opponents and mainstream media every time, such a question is suddenly launched under the government under the new crown pneumonia.It disappears when it is covered by the native remedy for the remedy of trillion yuan in the nation's money and virus testing.Sanders continued to bombard due to the label of socialism, but when the government increased public expenses, and even used national defense production Fales to order enterprises to produce medical supplies, no one called this for socialism.Instead, after its abandonment, the mainstream media said that Sanders was right.

If this major epidemic will have a black swan -style revelation to US politics, it will be the company's industrial movement out of the country to reduce production costs to make huge profits. Domestic workers become victims under the system.The doctrine system is no longer successful.The United States urgently needs a major change in the structure of political and economic power to respond to new problems brought about by the rapid international situation of this century.Sanders's hissing and repeated warnings in the past decades finally woke up in mainland the United States, but he could not become the helmsman of the change.Perhaps Sanders is a preacher rather than the Messiah, but who needs the savior?As Sanders's campaign slogan said, not me. US. Sanders created a global campaign to inspire the global people, and his beliefs must always be inherited by a individual.There is no personal destiny again, only the collective fate consisting of the plague and the emotions of all kinds of common enjoyment. If the plague of the Camus said, whether it is facing a devastating and urgent global epidemic, or the corrosive life is slow and the life is slow and the life is slow and the life is slow.The long -term system should be the case.