Author: Chen Guoxiang

The crown disease epidemic spreads rapidly, and some countries have proper response to control the epidemic; some countries do not know how to take off guard and deal with messy.It turns out that only a strong and powerful government can defeat the enemy.Facts have also proved that the capital of the capital is rampant. If the country in an unmanned state is seriously weakened, it is easily defeated by the virus.After this virus, the new liberalism that has prevailed in the United States and the European December shows obvious flaws and evokes people to re -examine its right and wrong.

Western society has risen the revival of classical liberalism since the late 1970s. It is regarded as the source of the government as the source of all evils. It is believed that the less government intervention is, and the marketization, privatization, and liberalization are the spirit of development.As a result, the market has become an economic helm, and everything is in profit.Under the Law of the Jungle of the market economy, large enterprises have broken away from the restraint of regulations and borders, and they have become popular, accumulated a lot of wealth, and formed an oligopoly monopoly.Liberalism enhances the big driving force.

The U.S., Italy, Britain, France, and Spain, which have a heavy epidemic, are all countries with poor public health and insurance systems.This is not related to the new liberal performance.President Trump is the practitioner of neo -liberalism.When Obama was president, he pushed Health Insurance. Trump overturned after coming to power, and he could not form a thick -scale public health system.Wherever the new liberalism goes, a height or completely privatized medical system is not enough to cope with the surge in medical needs, and it is not enough to provide basic medical services for the poor.Under the strong intervention of conservative forces, the US health insurance loopholes could not be fully filled. After Trump's ruling, the vulnerability was even greater. Therefore, after the outbreak of the epidemic, medical resources could not be made.One sentence in the United States: The more sick we are, the more they make.They are related industries related to medical and medical insurance systems.This system is drawn from the profit, and lacks the ultimate care about the people's life value.

Under the glorious coat of advanced, freedom, democracy, and equal, European and American countries have made their original shape this time.Due to the disability of the medical and health insurance system, the test and treatment pressure caused by the virus attack cannot be carried at all; the heads of the government who are mostly selected through democratic procedures still calculate their own votes in the face of the virus threat, and lack a basic sense of responsibility.The most serious is the United States. The average cost of spending medical insurance for medical insurance is doubled on diagnosis and treatment costs and drug costs. Under the deformed medical insurance system, nationals must be squeezed by medical insurance and pharmaceutical companies for a long time.s consequence.Now people have seen these disadvantages. This global disease will push new liberalism to a trial desk.

Since the U.S. government, each president has continuously reduced public financial expenditures. A few months before the outbreak of the epidemic, Trump still plans to cut the human scale of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.However, when the government exits, how can the enterprises in profit be undertaken by government functions?Because the system of neo -liberalism cannot cope with disasters, European and American countries have been re -created this time in terms of economy, ideology and international influence.Walter, a professor at the Kennedadi Government College of Harvard University, pointed out that the new crown epidemic will accelerate power and influence from the west to the east.In 2020 or the global authority of Western countries began to disintegrate.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1989, the United States hegemony carried the banner of globalization and promoted new free capitalism worldwide.In the era of the single system, the global division of labor production model is complete and complete. The evolution of the consumer style and value concept driven by it has led to the homogeneous development of the non -far -end.At the same time, the objection continued to emerge, especially after the financial tsunami swept the world in 2008, demanding that the voice of the financial capital world lighted, and called for the establishment of a new and sustainable development system.The spread of globalization has also been questioned, and the increasingly increasing consumption dependence has caused reflection, and the government has become dissatisfied with the interests of the interests and well -being of a certain minority.

New crown virus rings alarm to neo -liberalism.Profit -oriented capitalist logic must be curbed in the public domain; the country's illumination of disadvantages must be ensured in the field of social security.This is a new topic of neo -liberalism. If it cannot be greatly adjusted, it will eventually enter the end of the way.

The author is a senior media person