Social Theory April 11, 2020

The preliminary election of the presidential candidate of the US Democratic Party, as Sanders, who claims to be a democratic socialist, announced on April 8th that the campaign was suspended, the situation gradually became clear.The party's intentional candidates and former vice president Biden, with the huge advantage of more than 1,200 votes and more than 300 ahead of Sanders, will definitely represent the Democratic Party to compete for the presidential election in November this year.However, whether it is observed from the history of the United States or the current situation, Bayeng is replaced by the current President Trump, and it must overcome multiple obstacles.Whether Biden can defeat Trump will also affect the global geopolitical pattern in the future.

Sanders, who was leading in the primary election, seemed to be repeating his Waterloo selected in 2016.At that time, he was also optimistic about public opinion, but in the end he lost to the former President's wife and Senator Hillary, the city of New York.Sanders supporters were extremely angry about the unfair suppression of the Democratic parties during the primary election, so they refused to support Hillary as one of the reasons for Trump to win the presidential election.Therefore, how the Democratic Party avoids historical repeats this year has become the focus of attention from all parties.

In the announcement of suspending the election, Sanders said that he had previously passed the phone with his former President Barack Obama and his opponent Biden.He also pointed out that the main content of his democratic socialist political platform has become a consensus within the party and has been adopted by Biden; but he did not explicitly express support for Biden.

Sanders's support for most from young people and working class.The situation of these people was either without improvement or worse during the eight years of Obama's Obama's eight -year main administration.Many young people carry huge debt due to borrowing tuition in order to study in universities; because the labor -salary class actively supports economic globalization, the working -class government has lost its bargaining ability in the employment market.EssenceThey support Sanders because of dissatisfaction with the vested interests and policies of Democrats represented by Biden.It is quite difficult for them to change to Biden under Biden.

In addition to the Democratic Party's own difficulties, the advantage of opponent Trump is also a challenge that is not easy to overcome by Biden.Democratic politics has always been the saying that the governance advantages have always been said that the governors can master administrative resources and can make decisions that can gain the favors of voters, and gain profit at the election.

In addition, when the state suffers from major crisis, voters will instinctively support the current government.The coronary virus epidemic is now raging in the United States. Although Trump's response and words and deeds are worthy of criticism, many polls have been discovered one after another. Although Biden's national support surpassed Trump, after one, it came.The support of the people's opinion has always been stable, and the national support is not the same as the electoral votes of the states.Bynden in the wild lacks a stage at the time of the national disaster, it is unable to perform, and it is undoubtedly not good for its election.

Trump's victory in 2016 was to a certain extent was the anti -globalization population he represented, and the political platform that emphasized the priority of the United States, which was resonated with voters.This political position is a correction of policies such as Obama actively promoting globalization during the administration of Obama, letting capital outflows and immigrants flow into the United States.As Obama's deputy, Bynden could not fully clarify the dry department.At the same time, in order to attract Sanders's basic disk, Biden further leaned left in political stance, and may be questioned and even spurred by middle voters.

Although the US presidential election has not yet officially entered Trump and Biden's duel, some major campaign issues have emerged on the surface; the most important thing is the United States' policies to China.Trump, who holds the banner of anti -globalization, has repeatedly carried out political operations that have benefited from the process of globalization.In addition, China's own rise and the increasingly proactive of diplomatic attitude have also triggered concerns about the United States.As a result, the consensus of the two major parties in the United States has changed fundamentally, from the original competition and cooperation to confrontation.The trade war and scientific and technological warfare launched by Trump may wish to be regarded as the pioneer of China as the main topic of the US presidential election this year.

The outbreak and the global spread of the crown disease have greatly facilitated the operation of the American folk to China, which has greatly facilitated the operation of this topic.From the United States on the name of the virus, the birthplace of the epidemic, the responsibility of the Chinese government's concealment of the truth of the virus, and accusing China of controlling the supply of global epidemic prevention supplies.article.The international community, which is trapped in the epidemic and facing the economic recession, is obviously not happy about this trend, but after all, it is helpless.